Central Authors

Central Authors is an annual series of 12 half-hour programs produced for Connecticut's cable television stations and online viewing. The format allows our faculty and staff the familiar comfort of the classroom lecture... but in the Campus Bookstore. It also provides them the luxury to wax over their work for the full 30 minutes without interruption. Essentially the full span of scholarship defines the topical domain with presenters ranging from seasoned veteran authors to 'first-book' pens. View Central Authors episodes here.

Past Episodes


Dr. Barry Leeds

The Enduring Vision of Norman Mailer


Dr. Gilbert Gigliotti

A Storied Singer: Frank Sinatra as Literary Conceit


Dr. Moises Salinas

The Politics of Stereotype: Affirmative Action and Psychology


Dr. Michael Park

Introducing Anthropology: An Integrated Approach


Dr. Felton Best

Crossing the Color Line: A Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1872-1906


Dr. Gloria Emeagwali

Women Pay The Price: Structural Adjustment in Africa and the Caribbean


Dr. Christine Doyle

Louisa May Alcott and Charlotte Brontë: Transatlantic Translations


Dr. Steven Cavaleri & Dr. David Fearon (non-appear)

Managing in Organizations that Learn


Dr. Warren Perry

Landscape Transformation and the Archaeology of Impact: Social Disruption and State Formation in Southern Africa


Peter Kilduff

Talking with the Red Baron


Dr. Miecyslaw B. Biskupski

The History of Poland


Dr. George Muirhead

Images of America: Central


Dr. Elizabeth Aaronsohn & Dr. Ernie Panscofar

The Exceptional Teacher


Dr. Louise Blakeney Williams

Modernism and the Ideology of History: Literature, Politics, and the Past,


Dr. Carole B. Shmurak



Dr. David Cappella

A Surge of Language: Teaching Poetry Day by Day


Dr. Kenneth Feder

Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology


Mr. Nicholas Tomaiuolo

The Web Library: Building a World Class Personal Library with Free Web Resources


Dr. Heather Munro Prescott

Children and Youth in Sickness and in Health: A Historical Handbook and Guide


Dr. Candace Barrington

The Letter of the Law: Legal Practice and Literary Production in Medieval England


Dr. David Spector & Dr. Sylvia Halkin

Bird Finding Guide to Western Massachusetts and “The Yellow Warbler” (The Birds of North America series)


Mr. Ken Harvil

Kill Whitey


Dr. Jackie Geller

Here Comes the Bride: Women, Weddings, and the Marriage Mystique


Raymond "Chip" Tafrate

Anger Management


Dr. Carlotta Parr

Arts Together: Steps Toward Transformative Teacher Education


Bob Emiliani

Better Thinking, Better Results: Using the Power of Lean as a Total Business Solution


Dr. Maria Passaro

The Collected Writings of Girolamo Savonarola: Religion and Politics 1490-1498


Ms. Geri Radasci

Trapped in Amber


Robert Dunne

A New Book of the Grotesques: Contemporary Approaches to Sherwood Anderson's Early Fiction


Glenn Sunshine

The Armchair Theologian's Guide to the Reformation


David Fearon/Steven Cavaleri

Inside Knowledge (Fearon/Cavaleri) and Knowledge Leadership: The Art and Science of the Knowledge-based Organization


Dr. Mary Erdmans

The Grasinski Girls: The Choices They Had and the Choices They Made


Dr. Kristine Larsen

Stephen Hawking: A Biography


Dr. Jack Heitner

Songs of the Spirit


Dennis David, Alumn

A History of the DeSoto


Pablo Iannone

The Room with Closets: Tales of a Life Divided


Steven Ostrowski

In Late Fields


Judith Faryniarz, Anthony Rigazio-Digilio & Jim Aseltine

Supervision for Learning: A Performance-Based Approach to Teacher Development and School Improvement


Jill Weinberger

Vienna Voices: A Traveler Listens to the City of Dreams


J. Hayes Hurley

Hotel di Roma


C.J. Jones & Tom Hazuka

A Method to March Madness


Daniel Wiener

Interactive and improvisational drama: Varieties of applied theatre and performance


David Cappella



Carole Shmurak

Death by Committee


Jan Bishop

Fitness Through Aerobics


Jason B. Jones

Charles Dickens


Ronald Fernandez

America Beyond Black and White: How Immigrants and Fusions are Helping Us Overcome the Racial Divide


Candace Barrington

American Chaucers


Tom Hazuka

Last Chance for First


Timothy Reagan

Leading Dynamic Schools: How to Create and Implement Ethical Policies


Jason B. Jones

Lost Causes: Historical Consciousness in Victorian Literature


Matthew Warshauer

Andrew Jackson and the Politics of Martial Law: Nationalism, Civil Liberties, and Partisanship


Robert M. Dowling

Slumming in New York: From the Waterfront to Mythic Harlem


Matthew H. Ciscel

The Language of the Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and Identity in an Ex-Soviet Republic


Kristine Larsen

Cosmology 101


Gilbert Gigliotti

Sinatra: But Buddy I’m a Kind of Poem


Stephen Cohen

Shakespeare and Historical Formalism


Moises F. Salinas

Planting Hatred, Sowing Pain: The Psychology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Brian Sommers

The Geography of Wine: How Landscapes, Cultures, Terror, and the Weather Make a Good Drop


Beth Frankel Merenstein

Immigrants and Modern Racism: Reproducing Inequality


Adam Golaski

Worse Than Myself


Daniel Mulcahy

The Educated Person: Toward a New Paradigm of Liberal Education


Emily Chasse

Telling Tales: A Guidebook


Ravindra Thamma

Fluid Power Technology


Cynthia Pope

HIV/AIDS: Frontiers in Global Prevention/Intervention


David A. Kideckel

Getting By in Postsocialist Romania: Labor, the Body, and Working Class Culture


Mike Voight

Mental Toughness Training for Soccer: Maximizing Technical & Mental Mechanics


Carol Austad

Psychotherapy and Counseling


Ravi Shankar

Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond


Heather Munro Prescott

Student Bodies: the Influence of Student Health Services in American Society and Medicine


Mary Collins

New Models for News


Judy Mandel (Alumna)

Replacement Child


Karen Ritzenhoff & Katherine Hermes

Sex and Sexuality in a Feminist World


Peter Kilduff

Red Baron: Life and Death of an Ace


Heather Urbanski

Plague, Apocalypses, and Bug-Eyed Monsters: How Speculative Fiction Shows Us Our Nightmares


Jay Bergman

Meeting the Demands of Reason: The Life and Thought of Andrei Sakharov


Roger Bilisoly

Practical Text Mining with Perl


Leah Glaser

Electrifying the Rural American West: Stories of Power, People, and Place


Mary Collins

American Idle: A Journey Through Our Sedentary Culture


Katherine Sugg

Gender and Allegory in Transamerican Fiction and Performance


Paloma Lapuerta

A Talk about Writing Textbooks: Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language, Identidades: Exploraciones e Interconexiones, and La escritura paso a paso.


Peter Kilduff

Black Fokker Leader


Michael Bertolini (Alumnus)

The Dark Heritage Saga


Donald Rogers

Making Capitalism Safe: Work Safety and Health Regulation in America, 1880-1940


Mary Lou Sullivan (Alumna)

Raisin’ Cain: The Wild and Raucous Story of Johnny Winter


Parker English

What We Say, Who We Are


Elizabeth Rose

The Promise of Preschool: From Head Start to Universal Pre-Kindergarten


Robert Prescott-Ezickson

The Day Jesus Returns


Matthew Specter

Habermas: An Intellectual Biography


Raymond Chip Tafrate

Anger Management for Everyone: Seven Proven Ways to Control Anger and Live a Happier Life


John Day Tully

Ireland and Irish Americans, 1932-1945: The Search for Identity


Laura Levine

Child Development: An Active Learning Approach


Karen Ritzenhoff

Screen Nightmares: Video, Television and Violence 


Heather Urbanski

Writing and the Digital Age: Essays on New Media Rhetoric

AUTH 1201

Peter Kilduff

55+ Unite! Welcome All Wise Working Women

Drawing on thirty-five years of experience in Fortune 100 insurance companies, Georgian Lussier is the author of two e-books on developing talent. Since 1994 she has provided independent consulting services to over fifty companies. She earned an M.S. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Hartford and a B.S. in English from Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1202

Edward Iglesias

Business Intelligence Applied: Building Effective Information and Communication technology Infrastructure

Dr. Michael Gendron is a Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at Central Connecticut State University. He has over 30 years of industry and academic experience in information systems, having served as CIO for a large health maintenance organization and as a research analyst for a state health department. He is also the author of Business Driven Data Communications.

AUTH 1203

Aram Ayalon

Roth and Trauma

Dr. Aimee Pozorski is Associate Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, USA, where she teaches contemporary literature and trauma theory. She is the editor of Roth and Celebrity and is working on Falling After 9-11: American Art and Literature in Crisis. Her essays have appeared in such journals as The Hemingway Review, Philip Roth , MELUS, and Post Modern Culture. She is the current President of The Philip Roth Society.

AUTH 1204

David Horan & Mary Collins

Business Driven Data Communications

Dr. Michael Gendron is a Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at Central Connecticut State University. He has over 30 years of industry and academic experience in information systems, having held positions such as CIO for a large health maintenance organization and as a research analyst for a state health department. He is also the author of Business Intelligence Applied: Building Effective Information and Communication technology Infrastructure.

AUTH 1205

Delia Sanders

The American League in Transition, 1965-1975:How Competition Thrived When the Yankees Didn't

Paul Hensler, an alumnus of Central Connecticut State University, is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) and the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society. He also has authored several essays on baseball published by SABR and lectures on baseball in the 1960s.

AUTH 1206

Felton Best

The Significance of the Black Church in America: From Bishop Richard Allen to President Obama

Dr. Felton Best is a CSU Professor of Philosophy at Central Connecticut State University. He is the author of Black Women and Religion in the Diaspora,Black Religious Leadership from the Slave Community to the Million Man March, and Black Resistance Movements in the United States and Africa, 1800-1993, among others.

AUTH 1207

Jane Fried

Andy Squared

Jennifer Lavoie earned her bachelor’s degree in secondary English education at Central Connecticut State University and teaches middle school in her hometown. Along with another teacher and a handful of students, Jennifer started the first Gay-Straight Alliance at the school. She is also active in other student clubs and enjoys pairing students with books that make them love to read.

AUTH 1208

Gilbert Gigliotti

The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse

Shelly Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Central. Her research interests include effective strategies in teacher preparation to develop pedagogical content knowledge and using cultural aspects of math to increase the motivation and learning of minority students.

AUTH 1209

Darius Dziuda

The Morning After: The History of Emergency Contraception in the U.S.

Dr. Heather Munro Prescott is a CSU Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. She is the author of Student Bodies: The Impact of Student Health on American Society and Medicine and the award-winning A Doctor of Their Own: The History of Adolescent Medicine.

AUTH 1210

Matthew Warshauer

Deepening Grooves

Ravi Shankar is an associate professor of English and Poet in Residence at Central Connecticut State University. He is the founding editor and Executive Director of Drunken Boat, one of the world's oldest electronic journals of the
arts. He has published or edited seven books and chapbooks of poetry, including the 2011 National Poetry Review Prize winner, Deepening Groove. He co-edited Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from Asia, the Middle East & Beyond. He has won a Pushcart Prize, been featured in The New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education, and on the BBC and NPR.

AUTH 1211

Kristine Larsen

Shortly Thereafter

After serving with the US Army in Afghanistan, Colin Halloran earned his BA in English and French at Central and then an MFA from Fairfield University. He now travels the country leading workshops on understanding war through poetry. He is based in Boston where he continues to be an advocate for veterans and civilian education on veterans’ issues.

AUTH 1212

Steve Ostrowski

Junkie Love

Joe Clifford, an alumnus of Central, is acquisitions editor for Gutter Books and managing editor of The Flash Fiction Offensive. He also produces Lip Service West, a "gritty, real, raw" reading series in Oakland, California. Joe is also the author of Choice Cuts and Wake the Undertaker.

AUTH 1301

Georgian Lussier

55+ Unite! Welcome All Wise Working Women

Drawing on thirty-five years of experience in Fortune 100 insurance companies, Georgian Lussier is the author of two e-books on developing talent. Since 1994 she has provided independent consulting services to over fifty companies. She earned an M.S. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Hartford and a B.S. in English from Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1302

Michael Gendron

Business Intelligence Applied: Building Effective Information and Communication technology Infrastructure

Dr. Michael Gendron is a Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at Central Connecticut State University. He has over 30 years of industry and academic experience in information systems, having served as CIO for a large health maintenance organization and as a research analyst for a state health department. He is also the author of Business Driven Data Communications.

AUTH 1303

Aimee Pozorski

Roth and Trauma

Dr. Aimee Pozorski is Associate Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, USA, where she teaches contemporary literature and trauma theory. She is the editor of Roth and Celebrity and is working on Falling After 9-11: American Art and Literature in Crisis. Her essays have appeared in such journals as The Hemingway Review, Philip Roth Studies, MELUS, and Post Modern Culture. She is the current President of The Philip Roth Society.

AUTH 1304

Michael Gendron

Business Driven Data Communications

Dr. Michael Gendron is a Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at Central Connecticut State University. He has over 30 years of industry and academic experience in information systems, having held positions such as CIO for a large health maintenance organization and as a research analyst for a state health department. He is also the author of Business Intelligence Applied: Building Effective Information and Communication technology Infrastructure.

AUTH 1305

Paul Hensler

The American League in Transition, 1965-1975:How Competition Thrived When the Yankees Didn't

Paul Hensler, an alumnus of Central Connecticut State University, is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) and the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society. He also has authored several essays on baseball published by SABR and lectures on baseball in the 1960s.

AUTH 1306

Felton Best

The Significance of the Black Church in America: From Bishop Richard Allen to President Obama

Dr. Felton Best is a CSU Professor of Philosophy at Central Connecticut State University. He is the author of Black Women and Religion in the Diaspora, Black Religious Leadership from the Slave Community to the Million Man March, and Black Resistance Movements in the United States and Africa, 1800-1993, among others.

AUTH 1307

Jennifer Lavoie

Andy Squared

Jennifer Lavoie earned her bachelor’s degree in secondary English education at Central Connecticut State University and teaches middle school in her hometown. Along with another teacher and a handful of students, Jennifer started the first Gay-Straight Alliance at the school. She is also active in other student clubs and enjoys pairing students with books that make them love to read.

AUTH 1308

Shelly Jones

The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse

Shelly Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Central. Her research interests include effective strategies in teacher preparation to develop pedagogical content knowledge and using cultural aspects of math to increase the motivation and learning of minority students.

AUTH 1309

Heather Munro Prescott

The Morning After: The History of Emergency Contraception in the U.S.

Dr. Heather Munro Prescott is a CSU Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. She is the author of Student Bodies: The Impact of Student Health on American Society and Medicine and the award-winning A Doctor of Their Own: The History of Adolescent Medicine.

AUTH 1310

Ravi Shankar

Deepening Grooves

Ravi Shankar is an associate professor of English and Poet in Residence at Central Connecticut State University. He is the founding editor and Executive Director of Drunken Boat, one of the world's oldest electronic journals of the arts. He has published or edited seven books and chapbooks of poetry, including the 2011 National Poetry Review Prize winner, Deepening Groove. He co-edited Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from Asia, the Middle East & Beyond. He has won a Pushcart Prize, been featured in The New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education, and on the BBC and NPR.

AUTH 1311

Colin Halloran

Shortly Thereafter

After serving with the US Army in Afghanistan, Colin Halloran earned his BA in English and French at Central and then an MFA from Fairfield University. He now travels the country leading workshops on understanding war through poetry. He is based in Boston where he continues to be an advocate for veterans and civilian education on veterans’ issues.

AUTH 1312

Joe Clifford

Junkie Love

Joe Clifford, an alumnus of Central, is acquisitions editor for Gutter Books and managing editor of The Flash Fiction Offensive. He also produces Lip Service West, a "gritty, real, raw" reading series in Oakland, California. Joe is also the author of Choice Cuts and Wake the Undertaker.

AUTH 1401

Aimee Pozorski
Roth and Celebrity

Dr. Aimee Pozorski is Associate Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, USA, where she teaches contemporary literature and trauma theory. She is the editor of Roth and Celebrity and is working on Falling After 9-11: American Art and Literature in Crisis. Her essays have appeared in such journals as The Hemingway Review, Philip Roth Studies, MELUS, and Post Modern Culture. She is the current President of The Philip Roth Society.

AUTH 1402

Edward Verlander
The Practice of Professional Consulting

Edward Verlander, an alumnus of Central, is chairman of Verlander, Wang, and Company, LLC, an international management consulting firm. Clients include Fortune 500 and European technology companies, and most recently the public and private sectors in China.

AUTH 1403

Daniel Mulcahy, Cara Mulcahy and Jacob Werblow
Transforming Schools: Alternative Perspectives on School Reform
D. G. Mulcahy is Connecticut State University Professor in the School of Education. His research and teaching interests center on curriculum and policy in education.

Cara Mulcahy is an associate professor in the Department of Reading and Language Arts. She is the author of Marginalized Literacies and several articles and book chapters in a variety of scholarly publications.

Jacob Werblow is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education. His areas of research include school equity and effectiveness, the achievement gap, parent engagement, and educational measurement. He rides a bicycle to work.

AUTH 1404

Daniel Mulcahy, Jesse Turner and Kurt Flood
Transforming Schools: Alternative Perspectives on School Reform
D. G. Mulcahy is Connecticut State University Professor in the School of Education. His research and teaching interests center on curriculum and policy in education.

Kurt Love is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education. He also provides support and professional development for teachers at the Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary M. Hooker in Hartford and teaches courses at the Sustainable farm School of Connecticut in West Simsbury.

Jesse Turner is a professor in the Department of Reading and Language Arts. He is widely known for his activism in support of school improvements. He is cohost of Central Educator, a television series produced at the University.

AUTH 1405

Karen Ritzenhoff
Border Visions

Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Central Connecticut State University and also a member of the Program for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). She teaches courses on women and film, mass media, film history, visual communication, American cinema and television production.

AUTH 1406

Edward Iglesias
Robotics In Academic Libraries

Edward Iglesias, a Systems Librarian at Elihu Burritt Library, received his MLIS at the University of Texas and is the author of An Overview of the Changing Role of the Systems Librarian and Robots in Academic Libraries.

AUTH 1407

Kristine Larsen
The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman

Dr. Kristine Larsen is a Professor in the Geological Sciences Department at Central Connecticut State University. Her research and teaching are interdisciplinary in scope and audience, focusing not only on such standard disciplinary topics as astrophysics and general earth science, but issues of science and society and science pedagogy. Two of her main areas of interest are women in the history of science and the impact of science on popular culture. She is the author of Stephen Hawking: A Biography (which has been translated into four other languages) and Cosmology 101, and the co-editor of The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman and The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who. She has contributed chapters to thirty edited volumes and published 50 journal articles, in addition to over 150 other publications.

AUTH 1408

Karen Ritzenhoff
Screening The Dark Side of Love

Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Central Connecticut State University and also a member of the Program for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She teaches courses on women and film, mass media, film history, visual communication, American cinema and television production.

AUTH 1409

Penny Lisi
Becoming A Multicultural Educator

Penelope Lisi, a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, teaches courses at the masters, 6th year certification, and doctoral levels in leadership for teaching and learning. Her research interests focus on leadership for school improvement and building learning environments that value diverse learner needs. She has served as editor of Multicultural Perspectives, the official scholarly publication of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), since 1998.

AUTH 1410

Richard Benfield
Garden Tourism

Richard W. Benfield is a professor at Central Connecticut State University. He is also the author of New Directions In Garden Tourism.

AUTH 1411

John Tully
Understanding and Teaching: The Vietnam War

John Tully is an Associate Professor of History and the Secondary Social Studies Coordinator at Central. Understanding and Teaching the Vietnam War is the first book in “The Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History,” which he co-edits for the University of Wisconsin Press. The book has been named a “Significant University Press Title for Undergraduates” by Choice.

AUTH 1412

Nicholas Tomaiuolo
U Content: The Information Professional’s GuideTo User-Generated Content

Nicholas Tomaiuolo is a member of Beta Phi Mu (the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society), and has been designated a Distinguished Alumnus of the graduate program at Southern Connecticut State University. He has written two books, including UContent (2012), upon which this talk is based.

AUTH 1501

Tom Hazuka
Flash Fiction Funny

Tom Hazuka writes novels and short stories and edits short story anthologies, especially ones on flash fiction. He also plays guitar, write songs and sometimes record them. Since 1992 he’s taught fiction writing and other courses in the English Department at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1502

Peter Kilduff
Billy Bishop VC Lone Wolf Hunter

Peter Kilduff has been studying and researching aviation history for over fifty years. He was a journalist and professional communicator for over forty years, and retired as Director of University Relations at his Alma Mater Central Connecticut State University. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

AUTH 1503

Barry Leeds
A Moveable Beast: Scenes From My Life

Dr. Barry H. Leeds, Distinguished Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, is the author of two other books: The Structured Vision of Norman Mailer and Ken Kesey. He has taught at Central since 1968.

AUTH 1504

Suzanne Saunders Taylor
Love Letters To and From A Monk

Suzanne Saunders Taylor career has been spent working for professional labor unions: Connecticut Education Association (CEA) and American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Suzanne has also been an adjunct professor in higher education teaching about labor relations, pension and healthcare issues.

AUTH 1505

Steve Ostrowski
A Pile of Crosses

Steven Ostrowski is a poet, fiction writer, and painter. His work appears in literary journals, magazines and anthologies. He is the author of five chapbooks – four of poems and one of stories. He and his son Ben Ostrowski are the authors of a full-length collaboration called Penultimate Human Constellation published in 2018. His chapbook, After the Tate Modern, won the 2017 Atlantic Road Prize. He teaches at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1506

Abigail Adams
International Volunteer Tourism: Critical Reflections on Good Works in Central America

Abigail E. Adams, Ph.D., is a sociocultural anthropologist, professor at Central Connecticut State University and former journalist. She did her doctoral work at the University of Virginia, researching the role of U.S. and Maya evangelical Christians during Guatemala’s 36-years of civil war and counterinsurgency. She earned her master’s degree in Latin American Studies from Stanford University and undergraduate degree from Haverford College in biology and anthropology. She has worked in Guatemala since studying Spanish there as an undergraduate in the first of the years of acute genocidal violence.

AUTH 1507

Nick Chanese
The Smile

Nick Chanese is a graduate of Central Connecticut State University. He has taught English at the high school level and Nick is currently the Principal of the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts.

AUTH 1508

Karen Ritzenhoff
Heroism and Gender In War Films

Karen Ritzenhoff is a professor in the Central Department of Communication. She is also co-Chair of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and teaches in both the Cinema Studies and Honors Programs.

AUTH 1509

Barbara Clark and James French
Hearts and Minds Without Fear

Barbara Clark, Ed.D is an Artist and Professor of Elementary Education. Her research explores how the moral imagination of children ia awakened and released via arts-based and aesthetic education methods. Dr, Clark’s latest book titled, Echoes from a Child’s Soul: Awakening the Moral Imagination of Children (2020) presents the critical urgency in America’s public education system to utilize and integrate the arts and aesthetic practices within all curriculum initiatives.

Joss French, Ph.D is a Musician and Associate Professor in Elementary Education. Providing a timely and dynamic framework challenging pervasive social and ecological exploitative mindsets though balanced ways of learning and living. Dr. French’s research and teaching focuses on the power of social ecojustice and aesthetic education to compassionately confront the 21st century problems we all face and advance educators’ cultural competence, pedagogy and practice as change agents in their classrooms and communities.

AUTH 1510

Leslie McGrath
By The Windpipe

An American poet, editor, and educator. She authored the poetry collection Feminists Are Passing from Our Lives, Out From the Pleiades: a picaresque novella in verse and Opulent Hunger, Opulent Rage a finalist for the 2010 Connecticut Book Award for Poetry. She received the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry in 2004, and taught at Central Connecticut State University from 2009 - 2019.

AUTH 1511

Daniel Mulcahy
Education In North America

G. Mulcahy is Connecticut State University Professor in the School of Education. His research and teaching interests center on curriculum and policy in education.

AUTH 1512

Joe Clifford

Award-winning author Joe Clifford has been a homeless junkie living on the street—until he turned his life around. Now, he uses the backdrop of his experience with addiction to shine a light on the misunderstood and marginalized. No one can write with the authority of Joe Clifford when describing the reality of alcohol and drug abuse. Lamentation is the first novel in his award-winning Jay Porter Series. December Boys, Give Up the Dead, Broken Ground, and Rag and Bone follow.

AUTH 1601

Karen Ritzenhoff
Humor, Entertainment and Popular Culture during WWI

Karen Ritzenhoff is a professor in the Central Department of Communication. She is also co-Chair of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and teaches in both the Cinema Studies and Honors Programs.

AUTH 1602

Peter Kilduff
Iron Man: Rudolf Berthold

Peter Kilduff has been studying and researching aviation history for over fifty years. He was a journalist and professional communicator for over forty years, and retired as Director of University Relations at his Alma Mater Central Connecticut State University. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

AUTH 1603

Cara Mulcahy and Daniel Mulcahy
Pedagogy, Praxis and Purpose in Education

G. Mulcahy is Connecticut State University Professor in the School of Education. His research and teaching interests center on curriculum and policy in education.

Cara Mulcahy is an associate professor in the Department of Reading and Language Arts. She is the author of Marginalized Literacies and several articles and book chapters in a variety of scholarly publications.

AUTH 1604

William Mann
Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood

William J. Mann is the New York Times bestselling author of Kate: The Woman Who Was Hepburn; How to Be a Movie Star: Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood; Hello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra Streisand; and Wisecracker: The Life and Times of William Haines, winner of the Lambda Literary Award. He divides his time between Connecticut and Cape Cod.

AUTH 1605

Robert Dowling
Eugene O’Neill: A Life in Four Acts

Robert M. Dowling is professor of English at Central Connecticut State University. He has published extensively on O’Neill and serves on the board of directors of the Eugene O’Neill Society.

AUTH 1606

Pablo Iannone
Seeking Balance: Philosophical Issues in Globalization and Policy Making

Pablo Iannone is professor of philosophy at Central Connecticut State University and has authored eight philosophy monographs, most notably Transaction’sSeeking Balance.

AUTH 1607

Kathy Laundy
Building School-Based Collaborative Mental Health Teams: A Systems Approach to Student Achievement

Dr. Laundy is an award winning family psychologist in private practice in Essex and Guilford, Connecticut. She has been on the clinical faculty at the Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Child Study Center, and currently teaches at the Counseling and Family Therapy graduate program at Central Connecticut State University. She specializes in working with people with chronic illness and their families. She works with children, adolescents and adults of all ages to develop healthy ways to manage their lives.

AUTH 1608

Karen Ritzenhoff
Selling Sex on Screen: From Weimar Cinema to Zombie Porn

Karen Ritzenhoff is a professor in the Central Department of Communication. She is also co-Chair of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and teaches in both the Cinema Studies and Honors Programs.

AUTH 1609

M.B.B. Biskupski
The Most Dangerous German Agent in America: The Many Lives of Louis N. Hammerling

B. B. Biskupski, Stanislaus A. Blejwas Endowed Chair in Polish History at Central Connecticut State University, is the author of many publications, including The Polish Diaspora, Heart of the Nation.

AUTH 1610

Cindy L. Rodriguez
When Reason Breaks

Cindy L. Rodriguez is an educator and author of children's books. She is the author of the YA novel When Reason Breaks, (2015), the essay “I’m a Survivor” from the anthology Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles (2018), and three "Jake Maddox" books: Volleyball Ace (2020), Drill Team Determination (2021), and Gymnastics Payback (2021). Upcoming titles include The Doomed Search for the Lost City of Z (2022), and Three Pockets Full: A Story of Love, Family, and Tradition (2022). Before becoming a teacher in 2000, Cindy was an award-winning reporter for The Hartford Courant and researcher for The Boston Globe’s Spotlight Team. She has degrees from UConn and Central Connecticut State University and two teaching certifications. She is also a founder of and blogger at Latinxs in Kid Lit, which has been celebrating children’s literature by/for/about Latinxs since 2013.

AUTH 1611

Deborah Spillman
British Colonial Realism in Africa: Inalienable Objects, Contested Domains

Deborah Spillman is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1612

Betty Sternberg and Marsha Howard
Practical Writing: A Guide to Effective Communication for Educators and Other Professionals

Betty J. Sternberg is executive director of the Duke Academy for Educational Leadership at Duke University and a professor of educational leadership at Central Connecticut State University. She is former commissioner of education for the State of Connecticut and superintendent of schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. She holds a Ph.D. in education and psychology from Stanford University, an MA in mathematics education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a BA in philosophy from Brandeis University. Her writing has appeared in EdWeek, Harvard Educational Review and The Education Digest.

Marsha J. Howland is a writer, editor and writing consultant. After a 20-year career in the communications office of the Connecticut State Department of Education, she retired as director of communications. Previously she had been an administrator at Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts, and a reporter and award-winning columnist for The Salem Evening News in Salem, Massachusetts. She holds a BA in English from Wellesley College, Massachusetts. An active member of a long-standing writing group, she is an avid poet and writer.

AUTH 1701

Thomas Larson
The Event Series

Thomas Larson, a Central alumnus, is a retired police detective from Manchester, Connecticut, who has, in his golden years, taken to writing. The Event Trilogy is his first effort in the genre of science fiction/fantasy.

AUTH 1702

Carol Ciotto and Marybeth Fede
PASS: A Guide to Creating Physically Active School Systems

Carol M. Ciotto is an Associate Professor at Central Connecticut State University in the Department of Physical Education and Human Performance Department and has been teaching in the teacher preparation field for the past 13 years. Prior to teaching at Central she spent 23 years serving as a physical education teacher, an assistant principal and a principal in the public school setting. Carol has presented at various conferences at the state, regional, national and international levels over the past 36 years and has published peer reviewed articles in various educational journals.

Dr. Marybeth Fede is an Associate Professor of Exercise Science at Southern Connecticut State University. She has been teaching at Southern as an adjunct and now as a full time professor in the teacher preparation field for the past 29 years. Marybeth has presented at various conferences at the state, regional, national and international levels over the past 16 years and has published peer reviewed articles in various educational journals.

AUTH 1703

Jack Miller
World Literacy: How Countries Rank and Why It Matters

Jack Miller is the former President of Central Connecticut State University. His work has been funded by state, federal, and private agencies, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Education, Bell South Foundation, and the Foundation for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. He conducts a widely disseminated annual study of America’s Most Literate Cities.

AUTH 1704

Marianne Fallon
Writing Up Quantitative Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Marianne Fallon, an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Science at Central, earned her BA in Psychology at Bucknell University and her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. In her research on language development, memory, and auditory perception, she has worked with almost every age demographic, from 3-year-olds to 80-year-olds. She has also worked with deaf children (ages 4 through 16) who have cochlear implants. Currently the focus of her research is older adults' language development, auditory perception, and memory.

AUTH 1705

MaryAnn Mahony
Crossroads of Freedom: Slavery and Emancipation in Bahia, Brazil 1870-1910

Mary Ann Mahony is a Professor of History at Central, whose teaching interests include the broad sweep of Latin American history, Brazilian history, the history of enslavement and freedom in Latin America, the history of export regions in Latin America, as well as social and cultural history. Professor Mahony has published in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Her book reviews have appeared in numerous scholarly journals, including the Journal of Latin American Studies, The Americas and Afroasia.

AUTH 1706

Dennis Quinn
Macrophotography: Create Larger-Than-Life Photographs of Nature's Smallest Subjects

Dennis Quinn is a Connecticut native, earned a Master of Arts degree from Central Connecticut State University in Ecology and Environmental Science and shortly thereafter founded the environmental consulting firm CTHerpConsultant, LLC specializing in amphibian and reptile research, conservation and preservation. Dennis is published in various wildlife magazines, newspapers, educational pamphlets and scientific documents. He is active on social media and has won image awards in online gallery contests.

AUTH 1707

William Mann
The Wars of the Roosevelts

William J. Mann is the New York Times bestselling author of Kate: The Woman Who Was Hepburn; How to Be a Movie Star: Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood; Hello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra Streisand; and Wisecracker: The Life and Times of William Haines, winner of the Lambda Literary Award. He divides his time between Connecticut and Cape Cod.

AUTH 1708

David Cappella

David Cappella is a poet and Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University where he teaches creative writing and literature. His recent novel, Kindling, is published with Piscataqua Press. He is currently co-translating Tracce di un’anima, a book of poems by the Italian poet Germana Santangelo.

AUTH 1709

Jason Snyder and Lisa Frank
The Essential Guide to Business Communication for Financial Professionals

Jason Snyder is Associate to the Dean, MBA Director, and Associate Professor in the School of Business at Central Connecticut State University. He holds both a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and an M.A. in Communication Science from the University of Connecticut.

He has taught Managerial Communication, Organizational Communication, Research Methods, and Public Speaking. His research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Business Education, Communication Quarterly, and Communication Studies. His 2011 study on workplace communication privacy won the Journal of Business Communication Most Outstanding Article of the Year Award.

Lisa Frank is a Professor of Finance at Central Connecticut State University. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Connecticut and an MBA with distinction in Finance from Hofstra University. Prior to her academic career, she was a Financial Manager for Cablevision Systems Corporation. Dr. Frank's research interests include corporate finance, capital structure, institutional investment, and real estate finance. Her research has appeared in such journals as Applied Financial Economics, European Journal of Finance and Banking Research, and Financial Decisions.

AUTH 1710

Douglas Haddad
The Ultimate Guide to Raising Teens and Tweens: Strategies for Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential

Douglas Haddad is an award-winning middle school teacher, best-selling author, and parenting and education expert. He has been featured in many national print and online outlets. He has also co-authored an award-winning health and fitness book, Top Ten Tips for Tip Top Shape: Super Health Programs For All Professional Fields. Douglas was recognized as the 2016-2017 Simsbury, Connecticut Teacher of the Year and has been named a Teacher-Ambassador for Public Education in the State of Connecticut for 2017

AUTH 1711

Aimee Pozorski
Roth After 80

Aimee Pozorski is Professor of English and Director of the English Graduate Program at Central CT State University. She has published two monographs -- Roth and Trauma (Continuum, 2011) and Falling After 9/11 (Bloomsbury, 2014) and edited three volumes and two special journal issues dedicated to the topic of Philip Roth.

AUTH 1712

Keith Pomerlau
Overcoming Adversity

Keith J. Pomerleau graduated from Central Connecticut State University with a BS in management. He currently works for a Fortune 500 company in the Northeastern US.

AUTH 1801

Chip McCabe
100 Things to Do in Hartford before You Die

Chip McCabe is a life-long metalhead. He is the author of TheMetalDad.com and co-host of the Metal Dad Radio Show, alongside his four children, on CygnusRadio.com. Chip spent over 15 years in radio giving heavy metal music to the masses. He's contributed hundreds of written pieces on heavy metal music to various print and online publications, including the Hartford Courant and MetalInsider.net.

AUTH 1802

Lynda Valerie and Ernest Pancsofar
A Summer that Can Change Your Life

Lynda Valerie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Literacy, Elementary and Early Childhood Education. at Central Connecticut State University. Her areas of research interest include: application of family/community resources to impact literacy, utilization of appropriate assessments to inform effective instruction, and developing teachers as writers and teachers of writing. She is director of the Central Connecticut Writing Project (CCWP), a site for the National Writing Project.

Ernest Pancsofar is an Emeritus Professor in the Special Education and Interventions Department at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1803

Kenneth Thomas
Women Scholars: Navigating the Doctoral Journey

Kenneth S. Thomas, an alumnus of Central, was a spacesuit engineer for 22 years and has been a consultant to national museums since 1993.

AUTH 1804

Diana Cohen
After the Tate Modern

Diana Tracy Cohen is an associate professor of political science at Central Connecticut State University, in New Britain. She is herself a nine-time IRONMAN finisher with over forty marathon completions.

AUTH 1805

Chip McCabe
666 Days of Metal

Chip McCabe is a life-long metalhead. He is the author of TheMetalDad.com and co-host of the Metal Dad Radio Show, alongside his four children, on CygnusRadio.com. Chip spent over 15 years in radio giving heavy metal music to the masses. He's contributed hundreds of written pieces on heavy metal music to various print and online publications, including the Hartford Courant and MetalInsider.net.

AUTH 1806

Kenneth Feder
Ancient America: 50 Archeological Sites to See For Yourself

Kenneth L. Feder, professor of anthropology at Central Connecticut State University, specializes in the archaeology of North America. He is author of several books, including Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology and The Past in Perspective: A Brief Introduction to Human Prehistory. Feder has appeared on numerous television documentaries on the National Geographic Channel, the BBC's Horizon, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the SyFy Channel and has been featured in episodes of the Canadian-based William Shatner’s Weird or What?

AUTH 1807

Mary Collins
At The Broken Places: A Mother and Trans Son Pick Up The Pieces

Mary Collins worked for twenty years as a freelance writer and editor for a range of clients, including the National Geographic Society and Smithsonian Institution. She is currently a professor of nonfiction at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1808

Lynda Valerie
Impacting Literacy Through Home and Community Connections

Lynda Valerie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Literacy, Elementary and Early Childhood Education. at Central Connecticut State University. Her areas of research interest include: application of family/community resources to impact literacy, utilization of appropriate assessments to inform effective instruction, and developing teachers as writers and teachers of writing. She is director of the Central Connecticut Writing Project (CCWP), a site for the National Writing Project.

AUTH 1809

Shelly Jones
Women Who Count: Honoring African American Mathematicians

Shelly M. Jones is an Associate Professor at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Connecticut. She teaches undergraduate and graduate content, curriculum and methods courses. Her interests include culturally relevant mathematics, integrating elementary school mathematics and music, and the effects of college students’ attitudes and beliefs about mathematics on their success in college. She earned a doctorate in Mathematics Education from Illinois State University.

AUTH 1810

Katherine Hermes
Explaining Suicide: Patterns, Motivations, and What Notes Reveal

Katherine A. Hermes is chair of the History Department at Central Connecticut State University (2012-), where she has taught since 1997. She was co-coordinator of the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Central from 2006-2008. Formerly she was a lecturer in history at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, from 1992-1997. She received her law degree (J.D., 1992) from Duke University School of Law and her Ph.D. in History (1995) from Yale University. Her fields of specialty are Early American history, the Atlantic World, legal history and Native American history.

AUTH 1811

Carl Antonucci and Sharon Clapp
The LITA Leadership Guide: The Librarians as Entrepreneur, Leader and Technologist

Carl Antonucci, Ph.D., director of library services, Central Connecticut State University, has been employed in library services in higher education since 1993. He is a member of the planning committee for Connecticut Library Leadership Conference and is the ALA chapter councilor from Connecticut and was selected to be a mentor at the 2015 New England Library Association’s Leadership Symposium

Sharon Clapp, digital resources librarian, Central Connecticut State University, is a systems librarian, web developer, and user experience advocate. She frequently presents on topics related to technology and disruptive change in librarianship.

AUTH 1901

Melvin Douglas Wilson
Jimmy's Got a Gun

Melvin Douglas Wilson is an alumnus of Central Connecticut State University. In addition to Jimmy’s Got a Gun, he is the author of The Good Book, and two children’s books The Parable of the Spirit that Whispers and The Parable of the Young Priest.

AUTH 1902

C.J. Jones and Tom Hazuka
A Summer that Can Change Your Life

C.J. Jones (Emeritus) and Tom Hazuka (English) C. J. Jones is a true Central Blue Devil. “99½% Won’t Do” has been his mantra while earning a B.A. and M.A. at Central, and serving the university as a basketball coach, director of the Educational Opportunity Program, and director of athletics. He was inducted into the Central Athletics Hall of Fame in 2010. He is also the author of A Method to March Madness: An Insider’s Look at the Final Four, written in collaboration with Tom Hazuka.

AUTH 1903

Jelane A. Kennedy
Women Scholars: Navigating the Doctoral Journey

Jelane A. Kennedy, EdD, is an Associate Professor in the Student Development and Higher Education Program, Counselor Education and Family Therapy at Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT. She teaches graduate students in the both Counseling and College Student Services. Some of her areas of professional focus have been career development, cultural competency, and ethical practices. She has worked with numerous students completing their theses and has coached doctoral students from other colleges as they have worked to complete their programs. She has also mentored master’s level students entering doctoral programs. Dr. Kennedy began her career working in student affairs primarily in the area of career services.

AUTH 1904

Steven Ostrowski
After the Tate Modern

Steven Ostrowski is a poet, fiction writer, and painter. His work appears in literary journals, magazines and anthologies. He is the author of five chapbooks – four of poems and one of stories. He and his son Ben Ostrowski are the authors of a full-length collaboration called Penultimate Human Constellation published in 2018. His chapbook, After the Tate Modern, won the 2017 Atlantic Road Prize. He teaches at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 1905

Charisse Levchak
Microaggressions and Modern Racism: Endurance and Evolution

Charisse Levchak is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Central Connecticut State University, USA. Aside from having a doctoral degree in sociology, she also has a Master of Social Work degree. She researches and teaches in the areas of identity-based aggression, cultural competence, diversity, oppression, liberation, and social justice.

AUTH 1906

Dan D’Addio
Sonatas for Trumpet and Piano

Enjoying a varied musical career as a trumpet soloist, chamber musician, conductor, and scholar, Dan D’Addio serves as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Hartford Independent Chamber Orchestra and Music Director of the Connecticut Youth Symphony. He teaches music through the study of trumpet, coach chamber music as well as present courses in music theory, musicology and liberal arts study emphasizing the art of listening. Additionally, he has developed a course entitled “Love: Taking It; Making It!” focusing on the music, life, and times of The Beatles.

AUTH 1907

Mathew A. Foust
Confucianism and American Philosophy

Mathew A. Foust is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Central Connecticut State University. He is the author of Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life and the coeditor of Feminist Encounters with Confucius.

AUTH 1908

Leslie McGrath
Feminists are Passing from Our Lives

Leslie McGrath (English) Leslie McGrath is the author of Opulent Hunger, Opulent Rage; Out From the Pleiades; Toward Anguish; and By the Windpipe. Winner of the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry and the Gretchen Warren Prize from the New England Poetry Club, McGrath has published widely, including in Agni, Poetry, The Academy of American Poets, The Writer's Chronicle, and The Yale Review. She teaches creative writing at Central Connecticut State University and currently serves as judge for the Yeats Poetry Prize.

AUTH 1909

Kristine Larsen
The Women Who Popularized Geology in the 19th Century

Dr. Kristine Larsen is a Professor in the Geological Sciences Department at Central Connecticut State University. Her research and teaching are interdisciplinary in scope and audience, focusing not only on such standard disciplinary topics as astrophysics and general earth science, but issues of science and society and science pedagogy. Two of her main areas of interest are women in the history of science and the impact of science on popular culture. She is the author of Stephen Hawking: A Biography (which has been translated into four other languages) and Cosmology 101, and the co-editor of The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman and The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who. She has contributed chapters to thirty edited volumes and published 50 journal articles, in addition to over 150 other publications.

AUTH 1910

Christopher Doucot
No Innocent Bystanders: Becoming an Ally in the Struggle for Justice

Christopher Doucot ia a lecturer in the Central Sociology Department and is cofounder of the Hartford Catholic Worker community in Hartford, Connecticut.

AUTH 1911

Aimee Pozorski
Poor Little Rich Girl

Aimee Pozorski is Professor of English and Director of English Graduate Studies at Central Connecticut State University, USA. She is author of Roth and Trauma: The Problem of History in the Later Works (2011) and Falling After 9/11: Crisis in American Art and Literature (2014). She has edited Roth and Celebrity (2012) and the Critical Insights volume on Philip Roth (2013), and co-edited Roth after 80 (2016).

AUTH 1912

Tom Hazuka
Flash Nonfiction Funny

Tom Hazuka writes novels and short stories and edits short story anthologies, especially ones on flash fiction. He also plays guitar, write songs and sometimes record them. Since 1992 he’s taught fiction writing and other courses in the English Department at Central Connecticut State University.

AUTH 2001

L. M. Pampuro
Harlot’s Grace
L. M. Pampuro is the pen name of Lynn Patarini, a part-time faculty member in the English Department at Central. She writes full-length suspense novels.

AUTH 2002

Cassandra York
Prevention No Bloat Diet: 50 Low-FODMAP Recipes

Cassandra York is an assistant professor in the Physical Education Human Performance department at Central. She holds her PhD in Exercise Science and Nutrition from the University of Connecticut and is a Registered Dietitian. She’s also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a Certified Sports Nutritionist.

AUTH 2003

Fiona Pearson

Back in School: How Student Parents are Transforming College and Family

Fiona Pearson is professor and chair of the Central Department of Sociology.

AUTH 2004

Jay Bergman

The French Revolutionary Tradition in Russian and Soviet Politics, Political Thought, and Culture

Jay Bergman, a professor of History at Central, received his M.A., M. Phil. and Ph.D. from Yale University. He joined the Central faculty in 1990, and his teaching interests include modern Russian history, modern European history, and intellectual history.

AUTH 2005

Peg Donohue

The School Counselor’s Guide to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Peg Donohue is an assistant professor in the Counselor Education and Family Therapy department. Before joining the Central faculty, Dr. Donohue spent 16 years working as a school counselor in both Connecticut and California. She earned her Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and her doctorate in Counselor Education from the University of Connecticut.

AUTH 2006

Jeanne Criscola

A Mouth Full: A Re-Cookbook

Jeanne Criscola is an assistant professor in the Central Department of Design. She earned her MFA from Danube University in Austria.

AUTH 2007

Juan David Coronado

"I'm Not Gonna Die in This Damn Place"

Manliness, Identity, and Survival of the Mexican American Vietnam Prisoners of War

Juan David Coronado is an assistant professor of Public History and Latino History at Central. He earned a Ph.D. in twentieth century U.S. history at Texas Tech University. His research interests include the Mexican American military experience, Chicana/o history, oral history, public history, sports history, and Latina/o history with an emphasis on class and gender.

AUTH 2008

Amanda Fields

My Caesarean: 21 Mothers on the C-Section Experience and After

Amanda Fields is an Assistant Professor of English and the Writing Center Director at Central Connecticut State University. She earned her PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English at the University of Arizona, and an MFA from the University of Minnesota. For four years, she taught at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, where she collaborated in the first department of rhetoric and composition in the Middle East.

AUTH 2009

Alberto Mimo
Field and Laboratory Techniques in Ecology and Natural History

Alberto Mimo is a Central alumnus earning his BS in Biology focused in Ecology. He is a research consultant experienced in Sustainability, Environmental Policy, Science, and Public Speaking.

AUTH 2010

Karen Ritzenhoff

The Handmaid’s Tale:

Teaching Dystopia, Feminism, and Resistance across Disciplines and Borders

Karen Ritzenhoff is a professor in the Central Department of Communication. She is also co-Chair of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and teaches in both the Cinema Studies and Honors Programs.

AUTH 2101

Ivan Small
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam

Ivan Small is a sociocultural anthropologist and associate professor at Central Connecticut State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology and Southeast Asian studies from Cornell University, a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University and a B.A. in History from Boston College.

AUTH 2102

Ivan Small
Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion, and Design

Ivan Small is a sociocultural anthropologist and associate professor at Central Connecticut State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology and Southeast Asian studies from Cornell University, a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University and a B.A. in History from Boston College.

AUTH 2103

Hazza Abu Rabia
Palestine and Diaspora, Photographer Fadil Nasser Saba

Dr. Hazza Abu Rabia is a faculty member in the World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department at Central Connecticut State University. He holds a Ph.D. in education from the University of Hartford and master’s degrees in Judaic and Islamic studies from Hartford Seminary and the University of Connecticut. He is author of City of Dreams: Images of Jerusalem the Holy (2012). a co-author of Nazareth Caught in Time (2014). He also is editor of Arabic Culture and Society (2013) and co-editor of The Exiled Prophet: Selected Fiction by Naji Dhaher (2019).

AUTH 2104

Peg Donohue
Making MTSS Work

Dr. Peg Donohue is an Associate Professor and the School Counseling Program Coordinator Central Connecticut State University. Before joining the Central faculty, Dr. Donohue spent 16 years working as a school counselor in both California and Connecticut. Her primary research interests include: the impact of school counselor ratio on student outcomes, fostering social and emotional learning, aligning school counselor preparation with multiple tiered systems of support (MTSS), and universal screening for mental health concerns in schools. She is co-author of The School Counselor’s Guide to Multiple Tiered Systems of Support (Routledge, 2019) and Making MTSS Work (ASCA, 2020). She lives in Old Saybrook with her husband and her two teenage children.

AUTH 2105

Jotham Burrello
Spindle City

Jotham Burrello is a writer, teacher, publisher, farmer, and multimedia producer. He is the author of the Writers' e-Handbook and producer of So, Is It Done? Navigating the Revision Process. Other writing has appeared in literary journals, the Christian Science Monitor, and he's a proud winner of the New Yorker Caption Contest. He teaches writing at Central Connecticut State University, directs the Yale Writers' Workshop and the Connecticut Literary Festival, curates the Roar Reading Series, and is the publisher of the award-winning Elephant Rock Books. He and his wife raise boys and flowers on Muddy Feet Flower Farm in Ashford, Connecticut.

AUTH 2106

Kristine Larsen
Particle Panic! How Popular Media and Popularized Science Feed Public Fears of Particle Accelerator Experiments

Dr. Kris Larsen has been a faculty member at Central since 1989 and is also a proud Central graduate. In addition to teaching astronomy from the beginner to advanced levels, she also helps to prepare elementary education majors to teach science and aids Honors students in honing their debunking skills. She is passionate about science outreach, and enjoys making presentations to various community and school groups, even virtually in the age of COVID.

AUTH 2107

Don Rogers
Workers Against The City, The Fight for Free Speech in Hague v. CIO

Dr. Donald Rogers is and has been an adjunct instructor in history at Central Connecticut State University since 1992. He earned a Ph. D. in history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1983) with a specialization in American legal-constitutional history and U.S. history from 1870s to 1940s. His teaching focuses on the U.S. history survey, American legal-constitutional history and the American Progressive Era. He was previously author of Making Capitalism Safe: Work Safety and Health Regulation in America, 1880-1940 (2009) and articles on legal development in Connecticut history with a civil-liberties slant. His new book is Workers against the City: The Fight for Free Speech in Hague v. CIO (2020).

AUTH 2108

Sarah Strong
The Mouth of Earth

Sarah P. Strong is the author of two poetry collections, Tour of the Breath Gallery and The Mouth of Earth. They are also the author of two novels and are currently at work on a third, for which they received a 2020 Individual Artist Grant from the Connecticut Office of the Arts. Sarah’s poetry and fiction have both been nominated fora Pushcart Prize, and their poems have appeared in many journals, including The Nation, The Southern Review, Poetry Daily, River Styx, Southwest Review, and The Sun. They teach poetry at Central and have also taught creative writing at the University of Hartford. Sarah is staying sane during the pandemic by swimming in Long Island in a wetsuit, taking hikes in state parks, and sharing a home in Hamden, CT with their spouse and daughter.

AUTH 2109

Richard Benfield
New Directions in Garden Tourism

Richard W. Benfield is a professor at Central Connecticut State University. He is also the author of Garden Tourism.

AUTH 2110

Sylvia Halkin
Everything That’s Known About Cardinals (account)

Sylvia Halkin is a field biologist with a broad taxonomic background; her research is mainly on animal behavior. Her major research focus has been how birds use their vocal repertoires. She also teaches field courses abroad through the Central Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education.

AUTH 2201
Who’s Who in New York Baseball: The All-Time Greatest Players
Jeremy Pollutro graduated from Central in 2004 with a BA in Graphic Information Design, and he returned as a graduate student from 2012-15 to study education. He works full time as a substitute teacher at several middle schools and high schools in Torrington, Litchfield, Bristol, and other Connecticut towns. Mr. Pollutro has previously published the Championship Teams of Baseball Word Search Book.

AUTH 2202
The Philosophies of America Reader
Dr. Mathew A. Foust is Professor of Philosophy at Central Connecticut State University, where he is also Co-Director of International Studies and Co-Coordinator of American Studies. He is the author of Confucianism and American Philosophy and Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life. He is the co-editor of The Philosophies of America Reader (2021) and the co-editor of Feminist Encounters with Confucius (2016), and Josiah Royce's 1909 Pittsburgh Loyalty Lectures.

AUTH 2203
Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness
Dr. Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Central Connecticut State University where she is also affiliated with the cinema studies and honors programs. She teaches classes in visual communication, film and media studies, documentary and women & film. Ritzenhoff is co-Chair of the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program.

Ritzenhoff has edited a number of books ranging from Border Visions: Diaspora and Identity in Film (with Jakub Kazecki and Cynthia Miller, 2013) to Apocalypse in Film: Dystopias, Disasters, and Other Visions about the End of the World (with Angela Krewani, 2015).

AUTH 2204
How to Analyze and Review Comics
Dr. Forrest Helvie lives with his wife and two sons in Connecticut where he has served as chair and professor of developmental English at Norwalk Community College and now the Interim Director of Professional Development for all 12 public community colleges in CT. Forrest earned degrees in English from Elmira College (B.A.), Central (M.A.), and Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D.). His literary interests range from medieval Arthurian to 19th-century American, and most importantly, pedagogy, comics studies, and superheroes.

In addition to academic publications, he writes a variety of comic short stories including his own children’s comic series, Whiz Bang & Amelia the Adventure Bear as well as the forthcoming collection of comics horror, The Ghoul Pool. Most recently, he edited the definitive book on comics analysis, How to Analyze and Review Comics through Sequart publishing.
Forrest can also be found on Twitter (@forrest_helvie) discussing all things comics related.

AUTH 2205
Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks: Fostering Hope in the Elementary Classroom
Dr. Shelly M. Jones is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Central Connecticut State University. She teaches undergraduate mathematics content and methods courses for pre-service teachers as well as graduate level mathematics content, curriculum and STEM courses for in-service teachers.

Before joining the Central faculty, Dr. Jones was a middle school Mathematics Teacher and a K-12 Mathematics Supervisor. She provides mathematics professional development nationally and internationally. She is a contributing author for The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward a New Discourse and the author of Women Who Count: Honoring African American Women Mathematicians.

AUTH 2206
Pulling at the Stars
Beth Marie Read is an author from Connecticut that has a background in film and television. She graduated from the New York Film Academy in 2009 and went to work on productions such as Denis Leary’s Rescue Me and Wes Craven’s My Soul To Take. In 2016, she graduated from Central with a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education with a focus in English. In 2020, she graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University. Although Beth received her degree in Education, she now works as the Production Manager at Wilkins Media, producing high profile static and full motion billboards from Times Square to Sunset Blvd. She is currently working on her second novel. Beth lives in Newington, CT with her two daughters and husband.

AUTH 2207
Persons of Interest
Dr. Steven Ostrowski, a Professor Emeritus at Central, is a poet, fiction writer, painter, and songwriter. His chapbooks, individual poems, and stories have won national awards, and have been published in numerous literary journals, magazines, and anthologies, including Arts and Letters, American Short Fiction, and New York Quarterly. His paintings have appeared in The William and Mary Review, Lily Poetry Review and Stone Boat.

AUTH 2208
Empowering Teacher Leadership: Strategies and Systems to Realize Your School’s Potential

Dr. Jeremy Visone is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy & Instructional Technology at Central Connecticut State University. Prior to his work at Central, he was a teacher and building leader in the Newington Public Schools for 16 years. His leadership experience includes both the secondary and elementary levels, and, most recently, he was the proud principal of Anna Reynolds Elementary School, which in 2016 was named a National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education. He serves as the Central Partnership Liaison to public school districts.

AUTH 2209

Publish with Purpose: A Goal-Oriented Framework for Publishing Success
Tara Alemany is a multi-award-winning author of seven books. She is also a speaker and publisher, as well as a serial entrepreneur. Although she’s started many businesses during her career, her favorite is Emerald Lake Books, which she co-owns with her best friend, Mark Gerber. This boutique publisher specializes in working with positive people to integrate a book into their marketing or sales funnel to build their business. In her spare time, Tara leads a writers’ critique group and is a winemaker, a military Mom to 2 young adults (one of each), and is owned by a black cat.

AUTH 2210
Introduction to Ecological Psychology: A Lawful Approach to Perceiving, Acting and Cognizing
Dr. Julia Blau is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Central Connecticut State University. Her research focuses on the fractality of event perception, as well as the Ecological approach to film theory and aesthetics. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Ecological Psychology.

Dr. Jeffrey Wagman is a Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University. His research focuses on perception of affordances and perception by touch. He is a recipient of the Illinois State University Outstanding University Researcher Award and a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Invitation Fellowship for Research. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Ecological Psychology.

AUTH 2211
Mediated Terrorism in the 21st Century
Dr. Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Central Connecticut State University where she is also affiliated with the cinema studies and honors programs. She teaches classes in visual communication, film and media studies, documentary and women & film. Ritzenhoff is co-Chair of the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program.
Ritzenhoff has edited a number of books ranging from Border Visions: Diaspora and Identity in Film (with Jakub Kazecki and Cynthia Miller, 2013) to Apocalypse in Film: Dystopias, Disasters, and Other Visions about the End of the World (with Angela Krewani, 2015).

AUTH 2212
Josiah Royce’s 1909 Pittsburgh Loyalty Lectures
Dr. Mathew A. Foust is Professor of Philosophy at Central Connecticut State University, where he is also Co-Director of International Studies and Co-Coordinator of American Studies. He is the author of Confucianism and American Philosophy and Loyalty to Loyalty: Josiah Royce and the Genuine Moral Life. He is the co-editor of The Philosophies of America Reader (2021) and the co-editor of Feminist Encounters with Confucius (2016), and Josiah Royce's 1909 Pittsburgh Loyalty Lectures.

SEPT. AUTH 2401 If You Turn to Look Back: A Memoir and Meditation by Tom Hazuka

Dr. Tom Hazuka was a Peace Corps volunteer in Chile from 1978-1980, during the Pinochet dictatorship, which began with a violent military overthrow of the elected government on September 11, 1973. If You Turn To Look Back chronicles his return to Chile after 9/11, and the changes in the author and the world he once knew. Hazuka retired after years of teaching at Central Connecticut State University. Tom lives in Sebastian, Florida, and Berlin, Connecticut.

OCT. AUTH 2402 Beyond Norma Rae: How Puerto Rican and Southern White Women Fought for a Place in the American Working Class by Aimee Loisell

Dr. Aimee Loisell is an award-winning historian at Central Connecticut State University who studies the modern United States with an interest in women workers, gender, race, and migration. She taught for many years in 9-12 public education and adult basic education before completing her PhD in History.

NOV AUTH 2403 Out of the Shadows, Voices of American Women Soldiers by Ron Farina

Ron Farina is the author of Who Will Have My Back, Out Of The Shadows, Voices of American Women Soldiers, and Life Looks Different Now. Other works include Unsung Heroes, Keeping Promises and War Torn. Ron lives in Connecticut with his wife and two golden retrievers, Henry and Preacher. He served in Vietnam in 1966-1967. Ron holds an MFA from Western Connecticut State University.

DEC AUTH 2404 The Christmas Witch by Torger Vedeler

Harold Torger Vedeler has done a lot of writing. In one case, he drew Sumerian cuneiform tablets (literally) from the Yale Babylonian collection. His most infamous work is no doubt Doughnuts of the Gods, a parody of pseudoscience which has been used as a textbook in college courses. Then finally, you can see his varied science fiction and fantasy where one story, Ilium received an honorable mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008, The 21st Annual Collection. Rumors that he is actually a space alien are probably exaggerated.

JAN AUTH 2405 Counseling Individuals with Co-Occurring Addictive and Mental Disorders by Reggie Holt

Doctor Reginald Holt is a tenured Associate Professor, clinical Professional Counseling Program Coordinator, and Department Chair within the Department of Counselor Education and Family Therapy at Central. He completed a PhD in Counseling, Counselor Education at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and MA in Clinical Psychology at East Tennessee State University, and a two year postgraduate training program, Advanced Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the St. Louis Psycho Analytical Institute.

FEB AUTH 2406 Somebody Wonderful by Kate Rothwell

Kate Rothwell is an award winning author who also published under the name Summer Devon. She wrote romances of all sorts, including gay historical romances. Kate's 43 books and novelas were published with Kensington, Simon and Schuster, St. Martin's, Harlequin, A Laura's Cave, Liquid silver, Loose Id, and on her own. About half of those publishers have gone out of business, but Kate refuses to take responsibility for that.

MAR  AUTH 2407 The Bloomsbury Handbook to Philip Roth by Aimee Pozorski

Dr. Amy Pozorski, is Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, where she also coordinates the Racial Jusitice certificate. She is the author of AIDS, Trauma, and Politics, Falling After 9/11: Art and Literature and Crisis, and Roth and Trauma: The Problem of History in the Later Works. She is co-Executive Editor with Maren Scheuer of Philip Roth Studies, and is past president of the Philip Roth Society.

APR  AUTH 2408 Understanding the Great Recession by Jared Ragusett

Dr. Jared Ragusett is an Associate Professor of Economics at Central Connecticut State University. He teaches and publishes in the areas of political economy, capitalist systems, stratification economics, and urban economics. He's here today to discuss his latest book is Understanding the Great Recession: A Pluralist Approach to US Capitalism in the 21st Century.

MAY  AUTH 2409 Monkey Boulevard by Jane Hikel

Jane Hichel is a Central alumna and taught English and Women's Studies there. Monkey Boulevard chronicles her family's survival during World War II and her experience as an immigrant child growing up.

JUN  AUTH 2410 Moving Past Marriage: Why We Should Ditch Marital Privilege, End Relationship-Status Discrimination, and Embrace Non-Marital History by Jaclyn Geller

Doctor Jaclyn Geller is a reader, writer, and professor. She professes at Central Connecticut State University and specializes in restoration and 18th century literature. Geller earned her doctorate in English and American Literature at NYU. She is the author of Here Comes the Bride: Women, Weddings, and The Marriage Mystique, as well as articles on early modern satire, Samuel Butler, and Samuel Johnson. She lives in Central Connecticut and New York City with her family and friends.

JUL  AUTH 2411 The Single Diary of a Precarious Kacee Gardner by Jared Burgess

Jared Burgess was born in Meriden, Connecticut, where he attended John Barry Elementary School and developed his ambition for becoming an author. Having graduated from Central in May 2024 with his bachelor's degree, Jared hopes to teach, as well as become an established writer in the future.

AUG AUTH 2412 Science, Technology and Magic in The Witcher: A Medievalist Spin on Modern Times by Kristine Larsen

Kristine Larsen is a Professor of Astronomy at Central Connecticut State University, where her teaching and research focus on the intersections between science and society. She's a frequent guest on Central Authors. Her publications include numerous articles and book chapters on J.R.R. Tolkien's use of Astronomy in his works.