About the Program
Criminology is a growing field with many employment opportunities at local, state, and federal levels. Our program offers a variety of courses to help students understand theories of crime and the function of the criminal justice system. Our internship program provides students with hands-on experience working in a criminal justice related agency. The purpose of the Baccalaureate degree is to prepare students to enter a profession upon graduation or pursue advanced degrees. Our students have obtained employment in positions related to law enforcement, courts, corrections, and non-profit organizations. The program also provides professional education for professionals already employed in the field. If you have questions about the undergraduate program, please contact Undergraduate Program Director Steven Block.
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
To receive a B.A. in Criminology, students must complete 39 credits in Criminology, achieve a GPA of 2.0 (Overall and within major), and complete the following steps listed below. A C-Minus grade or higher is required for all courses within the major. Students majoring in Criminology must also select a minor.
- Students will begin the B.A. in the Criminology program with the following courses:
- CRM 110 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
- CRM 230 Law Enforcement and Society
- CRM 231 Criminal Procedures and the Courts
- CRM 238 Corrections
- CRM 260 Criminology
- The next level of courses is as follows:
- One 200 level CRM elective (220, 240, or 245)
- CRM 322 Research Methods in Criminal Justice
- 6 credits in CRM 300 level electives
- 8 credits in CRM 400 level electives
- CRM 435 Supervised Field Studies in CJ
- Majors also must complete the following requirements in the General Education Program and a C- or better is required for each class.
- STAT 104, 200, or 215
- PHIL 144
For a complete listing of all courses in the criminology undergraduate program, please click HERE.
Criminal Justice as a Minor
The Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice offers a minor in Criminal Justice. The concentration consists of 5 required courses and one elective for a total of 18 hours. Students who major in Criminology cannot minor in Criminal Justice.
- CRM 110 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
- CRM 230 Law Enforcement and Society
- CRM 231 Criminal Procedures and the Courts
- CRM 238 Corrections
- CRM 260 Criminology
- One CRM elective (220, 240, or 245)