Hours of Operation
Monday - Wednesday 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Thursday 7 a.m. – 12 a.m.
Friday 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sunday 12 p.m. – 11 p.m.
The Student Union Board of Governors (SUBOG) is a student, faculty, staff and alumni organization that advises the Departments of the Student Center and Student Activities/Leadership Development carrying out their missions on campus. The SUBOG office is located in Room 203 and the office phone number is (860) 832-3678.
The House Committee shall plan, with the advice of the Director, Student Center, capital expenditures and physical changes in the building. It shall also recommend policies of building usage such plans, expenditures, changes, and policies being subject to the Board's approval.
The Budget Committee shall determine, with the Director, Student Center, the general program fiscal policies of the Student Center such policies being subject to the Board's approval.
The Student Services Committee whose function shall be to focus on the needs of commuters as well as examine how the needs of students can best be realized through involvement in various boards, committees, and activities in general, and to aid in making available the support necessary to promote student leadership and development. The Director of Student Activities/Leadership Development and the Dean of Students will serve on this committee.
Students interested in attending should email Kathy Poirier, SUBOG 2021-2022 executive secretary, at poirier@ccsu.edu.
The Mosaic Lounge, located in the Student Center, is a space that the Department of Student Activities manages. Student organization facilitated programs and meetings related to cultural, faith, and social justice themes are favored for scheduled use of it. During non-COVID times when this space is not scheduled for use, it has been a favorite spot for our South Asian Student Association and Muslim Student Association to meet in.
The Mosaic Committee – is a committee of the Student Union Board of Governors. All student-run cultural, faith, and social justice clubs leaders are considered members and invited to monthly meetings. This committee is basically a steering committee of like-minded student-run organizations that advise on interventions and programs related to diversity.
This lounge is part of Student Activities and the Student Center's offerings.
The Student Union Board Of Governors, and several student organizations, including the Muslim Student Organization, Jewish Student Association, Christian Students At Central and others, suggested the need for a quiet location that students could gather to pray, meditate, relax or read quietly. Students wanted a location that had good lighting control, a calming water feature, comfortable furniture, and a place to store prayer rugs, books and literature about relaxation and de-stressing. In 2013 the University approved the use of a space in Memorial Hall and opened The Tranquility Room.
Hear about our students' experience with ACUI: