Student Activities & Leadership Development

The Department of Student Activities & Leadership Development provides meaningful involvement opportunities which foster students’ personal growth and strength of character through training, mentorship and engagement in co-curricular activities. Students will develop civic responsibility, community involvement, and respect for diversity in preparation to be thoughtful, responsible and successful citizens.

SA/LD provides

  • Student organization advising & training
  • Guidance for the coordination, organization and supervision of student-sponsored events
  • Facilitation of leadership development workshops
  • Vast student leadership roles and opportunities
  • Many student orientated, major campus events
  • Recreation and wellness activities
  • Support and celebration of our diverse student body
  • And much more!
portrait of a student with fun graphics around them

“Being in the marching band and pep band has helped me get into school spirit in different ways than I have imagined. I love being able to cheer on the football and basketball teams while being able to participate in some sort of way.”

-Mariana Bates ‘26