Stop & Shop donation boosts Central's fight against food insecurity

Marisa Nadolny

In its ongoing fight against food insecurity, Stop & Shop donated $133,000 to the on-campus food pantries within the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system. Representatives from Stop & Shop on Oct. 25 presented an oversized gift card to CSCU Chancellor Terrence Cheng and Central Connecticut State University President Zulma Toro outside of Central's food pantry, Maria’s Place. 

On-hand to celebrate was the State Senator Derek Slap, co-chair of the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee, State Representative Mike Demicco, and Daniel Wolk, Stop & Shop external communications manager, among others. 

In her welcoming remarks, President Toro cited an alarming trend within the CSCU system.

“In our latest Food and Housing Insecurity Survey, approximately half of the survey respondents reported that they worry about whether their food will last before they have the funds to purchase more. As of last week, the number of visits to Maria’s Place in 2023 has surpassed the total number of visits to the pantry in 2022,” she noted.

National statistics also indicate an urgent need to address food insecurity among college students. According to the US Department of Education, 23 percent of undergraduates nationwide are experiencing food insecurity—a percentage represents more than 4 million students. 

“Diminished academic performance among these students only exacerbates the stress and stigma of food insecurity,” Toro added. “Too many students are not thriving under our watch. They are not getting the most out of their college experience because they lack a basic human need. We can do better. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we will do just that.”