Associate Director of Financial Literacy
Enrollment Management
Willard-DiLoreto Hall

A Connecticut native, and first-generation college student herself, Gladys Colón works tirelessly to make a college degree a reality for all of our students, especially those with financial need, first-generation college students, undocumented students, and students and families requiring extra financial assistance.  Gladys is bi-lingual, speaking both English and Spanish, and serves the campus community, but also those that may be considering pursuing a degree At Central Connecticut State University.  Having spent over 15 years working in the Office of Financial Aid at Central, she is a skilled and knowledgeable professional and provides students with assistance in completing the FAFSA, applying for scholarships and loans, completing the undocumented student aid application, and understanding the financial aid package.  Gladys holds information sessions on campus to help educate the campus community, and visits local high schools to provide information to potential applicants and guidance counselors, and is more than happy to sit with students and families to discuss their own personal situation in the privacy of her office.  All are welcomed.