Central students, faculty pilot emergency response training with local EMS


Central Connecticut State University recently hosted a mass casualty simulation on Feb. 28 at Kaiser Hall, providing invaluable experiential learning for students in the Athletic Training and Nursing programs. Central’s exercise is among the first in the state to be conducted at a university.

The simulation, a collaborative effort involving Central students and faculty, New Britain emergency medical/first responders, Central Police, and Wellness Services staff, aimed to prepare future healthcare professionals for the unique challenges of a mass casualty event. Learning outcomes for these simulations include triage and treatment methods in a public setting; effective collaboration with emergency services personnel; and ethical considerations in mass casualty situations, among others.

During Central’s simulation, students and staff “responded” to a mass shooting at a sporting event. Students in the Theatre program portrayed “victims” with varying injuries and onlookers in psychological distress, using stage makeup, first aid supplies, and medical simulation products.

Wellness Services staff were available throughout the simulation to provide support to participants and staff.