Central Connecticut State University hosted a ceremonial ribbon-cutting on Sept. 16 for its Applied Innovation Hub (AIH). State leaders, including Governor Ned Lamont, Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Michelle Halloran Gilman, and CSCU Chancellor Terrence Cheng, joined President Zulma R. Toro for the celebration.
In January 2022, Central opened AIH to serve as the new home base for the School of Science, Technology, and Engineering. The building features technology-enhanced active learning classrooms, computer-based classrooms, and teaching and research laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment and instruments.
AIH was funded with state bonding and managed by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Construction Services. It was designed to meet the needs of current and future students and the growing population of STEM students.
The building houses the Senior Design labs, XR Lab, Robotics Lab, Mechatronics Lab, Fluid Controls Lab, Electrical Engineering Labs, Fluid Lab, Engineering Materials and Material Science Labs, Engineering Mechanics Lab, Controls Lab, Thermal and Energy Lab, Structural Engineering Lab, Concrete Lab, Networking Labs, Cybersecurity Lab, Innovation Design Center, and has a workplace for Senior Capstone projects.