Earth and Space Sciences student earns Bristol Gem and Mineral Club scholarship


The faculty of the Earth and Space Sciences Department recently awarded student Zoe Prevost its Bristol Gem and Mineral Club $1,000 scholarship. The award recognizes outstanding Earth and Space Sciences students at Central.

In a citation, faculty members wrote, “Besides being an excellent student, Zoe has been an asset to our department as the president of the Geology and Planetary Science Club. She has organized students to participate in the important public outreach at both the Bristol and Meriden Gem and Mineral Club shows since 2022. … Not only has Zoe done public outreach for our department, but she has also organized over 30 outside lecturers to talk at our Friday Brown Bag Lunches and organized student travel to two regional professional meetings.”


Pictured here are (from left) Dr. Mark Evans, Zoe Prevost, Paul Martell, past president of the Bristol Gem and Mineral Club, and Tom Benedict, Bristol Gem and Mineral Club president. (Photo by Amy Drew)