The campus community launched the Year of AI during the annual spring kickoff event held on Feb. 3 at Alumni Hall. Campus leadership announced plans to implement more Artificial Intelligence-related academic programs and facilities on campus and share those resources with local communities. Four breakout sessions illustrated just a few of the exciting initiatives that are underway at Central, including the development of Central’s resident Synthetic Human, Selena; a robotic dog demonstration; XR virtual reality experiences; and Artificial Intelligence guided research.
Kickoff also served as the official closing event of Central's 175th anniversary celebrations. To mark the occasion, President Toro formally sealed an anniversary time capsule that will go on display in the Elihu Burritt Library. The time capsule will be opened in 2049.
Toro said, "The last time we created a time capsule was back in 1957. Since then, our university has grown, evolved, and prospered in ways that group of individuals could not have anticipated. When the future campus community opens this time capsule, they will discover artifacts that showcase our innovation, collaboration, and high academic standards — traits that have set us apart from our peers and shaped the trajectory of this institution."

Central's synthetic human, Selena, greets the campus community during kickoff on Feb. 3. (Photo by John Henninger)

One of Central's robotic dogs shows its stuff during spring kickoff on Feb. 3. (Photo by John Henninger)

President Toro seals the 175th anniversary time capsule as time capsule committee members Dr. Kristine Larsen and Renata Vickrey look on. (Photo by John Henninger)