The scholarship is named in honor of Ebenezer Don Carlos Bassett. The Ebenezer D. Bassett Scholarship is awarded to two students (e.g., undergraduate and/or graduate) continuing their education at Central Connecticut State University. The scholarship provides financial support to students who have demonstrated a financial need to meet educational expenses. Applicants must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 with the promise of outstanding academic performance and career potential.
The applicants shall submit a personal statement (400 – 600 words) demonstrating how they have preserved the legacy of Mr. Bassett by addressing health, education, and wellness disparities impacting the lives of boys and men. Applicants are strongly encouraged to emphasize their need for financial assistance. Students applying for the scholarship must submit a complete cover page with their essay.
Preference will be given to applicants who:
- have documented financial need and
- have actively demonstrated support of the mission of the HEALTHY fellows Campaign by participating and/or collaborating in a program sponsored by the Brotherhood Initiative or Sister of the Brotherhood, and/or
- have worked, volunteered, interned, participated in scholarly pursuits, and/or engaged in service-learning opportunities that address disparities impacting male student populations, and/or
- have exemplified at least one of the five Bassett Legacy Virtues (e.g., Scholastic, Professional, Leadership & Community Service, Humanitarianism, and Courage & Compassion). See virtues below.
Scholarship Application
Email the completed application, in a single PDF document, to Mr. Colin Fontenelle, Ebenezer D. Bassett Scholarship Nomination & Awards Committee, Chairperson.
All materials must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2024.
Please consider before applying for this award:
Only students who are continuing their education at the undergraduate or graduate level are eligible to receive this scholarship. Award recipients who are not in attendance at the award ceremony will forfeit the scholarship. We have embraced the Award Ceremony as a central component of preserving Ebenezer D. Bassett's legacy. Attending the award ceremony not only allows us to publicly acknowledge you, but also demonstrates your commitment to serving as a Bassett Scholar.
Ebenezer D. Bassett Legacy Virtues
We would like to recognize Central students who exemplify the legacy virtues of Ebenezer D. Bassett our nation’s first African American appointed as a United States Diplomat. You can make a nomination in one or all of the following five categories:
- The Scholastic Achievement category focuses on recognizing students who have excelled academically. Applicants will demonstrate a commitment to learning and educational success in and outside of the classroom. Applicants will demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and will highlight sound scholarship.
- The Personal Development category recognizes students who have demonstrated a deep commitment to personal expression (arts, spoken word, poetry, etc.), performance enhancement (e.g., health, wellness, athletics, etc.), and enrichment (e.g., innovation, creativity, imagination, etc.). Applicants will demonstrate professional excellence through their dedication to professional development, skill acquisition, and application of applied knowledge.
- The Leadership & Community Service category recognizes students who have shown qualities of leadership and have performed outstanding public and community service. Applicants will demonstrate their commitment to service.
- Humanitarian Service category recognizes students who have demonstrated care and concern for those in need, who give selflessly of their time, resources, and expertise to benefit the lives of others and their communities. Applicants will demonstrate their humanitarian service and their capacity to inspire others to contribute in meaningful ways to society.
- The Victor & Triumph category focuses on recognizing students who have overcome obstacles and adversities. Applicants will document their fortitude, persistence, and their ability to overcome real life challenges.