Frank Frangione
Professor Emeritus
Physical Education & Human Performance
Tom Frank
Adjunct Professor
Beth Frankel Merenstein
Beth Frankel Merenstein
Associate Vice President
Center for Community Engagement and Social Research
Andria Fraser
Assistant Professor
Andre Freeman
Mathematical Sciences
Cynthia French
Nurse Anesthesia Practice
James French
James French
Associate Professor
Literacy, Elementary, & Early Childhood Education
Ricardo Friaz
Ricardo Friaz
Assistant Professor
Michael Frohling
Michael Frohling
Assistant Professor
Leah Frosceno
Web Content Specialist
Institutional Marketing & Communications
Kelley Fryer
Adjunct Lecturer
Rocio Fuentes
Rocio Fuentes
Associate Professor, Coordinator of the World Language Teacher Education Program.
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Contact Information

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New Britain, CT 06050

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