Amy Gagnon
School of Graduate Studies
Amy Gagnon
Amy Gagnon
Associate Professor
Physical Education & Human Performance
Teresita Galarza
Educational Leadership & Instructional Technology
Justine Gamache
Justine Gamache
Coordinator of Transfer Services
Yuriy Garbovskiy
Yuriy Garbovskiy
Associate Professor
Physics & Engineering Physics
Timothy Garceau
Timothy Garceau
Associate Professor
Trizy Garcia
Registrar Services Assistant
Vicente Garcia
Vicente Garcia
Professor, Department Chair
Art & Design
Jane Gardner
Jane Gardner
Assistant Director of Recruitment & Admissions
Admissions - Undergraduate
Patricia Gardner
Patricia Gardner
Center for International Education
Timothy Gardner-Russaw
Program Assistant
Academic Center for Student Athletes

Contact Information

1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050

General Information
IT Help Desk

Admissions Contact Information

Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions

Admissions Contact

Graduate Recruitment & Admissions