Molly McCarthy
Assistant A.D. for Compliance & Student Services
Thomas McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy
Associate Professor/Athletic Trainer
Physical Education & Human Performance
Patricia McCooey
Political Science
Vickey McCray
Secretary 2
Admissions - Undergraduate
Courtney McDavid
Special Project Administrator
President's Office
Jeffrey McGowan
Jeffrey McGowan
Mathematical Sciences
Kate McGrath
Kate McGrath
Associate Dean for Planning and Resources
Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Robin McHaelen
Robin McHaelen
Psychological Science
Tim McKay
Counselor Education & Family Therapy
Michele McKelvey
Michele McKelvey
Associate Professor
Scott M McKenna
Scott McKenna
Director of Technical Operations
Facilities Management

Contact Information

1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050

General Information
IT Help Desk

Admissions Contact Information

Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions

Admissions Contact

Graduate Recruitment & Admissions