Daniel Thibault
Public Safety/University Police
Susan Thibeault
Nurse Anesthesia Practice
Jeffrey Thomas
Professor of Science Education and Earth and Space Sciences
Geological Sciences
Michaelin Thomas
Administrative Operations Assistant
School of Engineering, Science, & Technology
Alonna Thompson
Alonna Thompson
Assistant to the Director/Residence Hall Director of Sam May Hall
Residence Life
Eleanor Thornton
Professor Emeritus
Art & Design
Elizabeth Throesch
Associate Dean for Student Academic Success
Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Thomas Tiezzi
Mathematical Sciences
Jennifer Tine
Administrative Operations Assistant
School of Education
Rachel Tirnady
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Shizuko Tomoda
Professor Emeritus
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Alicia Torello
Alicia Torello
Assistant to the Director/Residence Hall Director of F. Don James Hall
Residence Life
Zulma Toro Ramos
Zulma Toro Ramos
President's Office

Contact Information

1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050

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