Better Align Assignments with Rubrics

September 22, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Learn how to better align your assignments to rubrics with a faculty-led workshop in the Constitution Room at Memorial Hall. You can earn a $300 mini grant from the Davis Educational Foundation! Spaces are open for assignments incorporating critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, or scientific reasoning.

This is a hands-on learning opportunity so please bring an assignment with you to workshop with the group. To earn the grant, you will need to share a minimum of 10 student artifacts with OIRA for scoring at a CCSU assessment retreat in January 2024. Artifacts may include first-year students, seniors, or a combination of both. Program sponsored by the Center for Teaching & Innovation and the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment. 

Questions? Contact Martie Kaczmarek at

Bonus for participants – breakfast will be served!
