Footprints of Polonia across North America

October 5, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The S.A. Blejwas Endowed Chair in Polish Studies celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Polish Studies Program presents the Milewski Lecture titled “Footprints of Polonia across North America" by Ewa Barczyk.

The talk will be an overview of the book, which is a collaborative project under the auspices of the Polish American Historical Association. The process of creating this book, format, and highlights of the guidebook will be shared and the impact Polonia has made on the built environment in North America. 

Ewa Barczyk is president of the Association of Polish American Librarians; 1st vice president of Polanki, Polish Women’s Cultural Club of Milwaukee; 2nd vice president of Polish American Historical Association; and serves on the Cultural Committee of the Polish Center of Wisconsin.

She holds a BS in Psychology and Italian from Loyola University; MA in Slavic Studies from University of Kansas; and MLS from Southern Connecticut in Library Sciences. She is the emerita associate provost and director of libraries at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. She and her husband reside in Shorewood, Wis., and spend lots of time with their grandkids.

The event is FREE and open to the public. The book "Footprints of Polonia" will be available for purchase at the event. 

Please contact Magda Jacques at or 860-832-3010 if you have any questions.

Supported in part by the Tadeusz Sendzimir Fund at Connecticut Community Foundation.

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