Virtual Information Session
Learn about Central Connecticut State University’s Superintendent Certificate Program
A panel of highly regarded superintendents will share insights about the rewards and challenges of the superintendency and share their experiences serving as a superintendent mentor in Central’s 093 program.
Panelists will also speak about their career paths and the prior professional experiences that shaped their ability to effectively lead school districts. Current students will also be present to share information about their internship experiences with an active superintendent.
Another session will be offered on Thursday, March 6.
Panel of Superintendents
Dr. Maureen Brummett, Newington Public Schools
Dr. Bridget H. Carnemolla, Avon Public Schools
Mr. Matt Curtis, Simsbury Public Schools
Dr. Terrell Hill, Windsor Public Schools
Dr. Jeff Solan, Cheshire Public Schools
Current Student Representatives
Joe Pearce, Principal, East Hartford Public Schools
Kesha Ryan, Principal, Hartford Public Schools
Hannah Sam, Principal, Waterbury Public Schools
Program Faculty
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent, South Windsor Public Schools and CCSU 093 Program Coordinator
Dr. Sam Galloway, Superintendent, Somers Public Schools
Dr. Rydell Harrison, Partners for Educational Leadership
Dr. Jeff Kitching, Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
Ms. Jan Perruccio, Former Superintendent, Old Saybrook Public Schools/Legislative Affairs, CAPPS