Contact Information

Charles Button
Geography, Anthropology, & Tourism
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall

2016 Sustainability Symposium

9th Annual Global Environmental Sustainability Symposium

Building Sustainability: Preservation, Reuse, & Green Construction

April 14, 2016
Central Connecticut State University


AICP CM credits pending



Come join us. Learn, teach, and participate in a day of dialog about historic preservation, building materials salvage, and the 'green' building movement.

The Central Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC) invites you to learn and teach about

the actions humans must take to ensure that our children and grandchildren will experience
a life of peace, health, and harmony

with our one and only home -EARTH.

Click here for directions to Central and campus map.

Click on the names of our Presenters and Exhibitors to see their websites

9:45 - 10:00 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Welcome & Opening

Charles E. Button, Ph.D., GESAC Founder & Chair and Central Professor of Geography & Sustainability

Leah Glaser, Ph.D., GESAC Board Member and Central Associate Professor of History

10:00 - 10:45 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Redeveloping Brownfields: Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts

Tim Sullivan, Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Economic Development

Deputy Commissioner Sullivan will explain and discuss Connecticut's strategy to reuse Brownfields, including the rescue and reuse of industrial buildings and structures for redevelopment.

11:00 - 11:45 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Building Reuse, Preservation & 'Green' Construction Policy

Moderator: Bill Finch, Former Mayor, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Panel Members:

Tim Garceau, Assistant Professor-Planning/Geography, Central Connecticut State University
Daniel Mackay, Executive Director, CT Trust for Historic Preservation
Seth H. Holmes, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Assistant Professor, University of Hartford, Department of Architecture

Panel members will discuss how local and state policies and legislation related to reuse and preservation of existing structures, and related guidelines for 'green' construction, either promote or hinder sustainable development.

12:00 - 12:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Lunch & CJ May's Resourcery: The Magic of Sustainability in the 21st Century
Click Here to Register for the Sustainability Symposium

CJ May, The Resourcerer

Lunch time magic will be provided by CJ May, a veteran sustainability professional who uses magic to show his audiences the power they have to protect the planet. He will share his unique magic and powerful vision of how we can each work wonders through recycling, clean energy and water protection.

1:00 - 1:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Bringing 20th Century Design Into the 21st Century

Moderator: Ross Spiegel, Associate-Green Team Leader (Fletcher-Thompson, Inc.); CT Green Building Council Board Member

Panel Members:
Tai Soo Kim, Lead Architect of Central DiLoreto-Willard Renovation (invited)
Nina Caruso, Historic Preservation Specialist, Croskey Architects

Even the greenest new building cannot compete with the environmental benefits of the "embodied energy" contained in existing buildings. Adapting existing, and sometimes historic, structures to LEED standards presents both challenges and rewards. Project designers and managers will feature case studies and models from throughout Connecticut. Moderator Ross Spiegel will highlight some of the strongest aspects of these projects from the perspective of Connecticut's Green Building Council.

2:00 - 2:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Building Deconstruction: The Value of Reuse

Sherill Baldwin, Environmental Analyst, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection

With the newly drafted Connecticut Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy, a number of priorities have been outlined, including how best to divert more construction and demolition (C&D) materials for reuse and recycling. Ms. Baldwin will provide an overview of C&D debris in Connecticut, what is building deconstruction and materials reuse, the value of reusable resources and share information about building deconstruction and material reuse centers in Connecticut.

3:00 - 3:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Building Environmental, Social, & Economic Sustainability: State, Local Government, & University

Kristina Newman-Scott, State Historic Preservation Officer, Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development
Mark Moriarty, P.E., Director of Public Works, City of New Britain, Connecticut
Jack Miller, Ph.D., President, Central Connecticut State University

Join in a discussion with leaders from state & local government, and academia about the role each plays in ensuring the processes and systems associated with managing building construction reuse, preservation, and demolition function in support of environmental, social, and economic sustainability throughout Connecticut.

4:00 - 6:00 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Illustrated Poster Session, Sustainability Fair & Social

Non-governmental organizations, businesses, and governmental agencies that offer sustainability information, jobs/internships, and service.

Jazz Music provided by Brown Paper Sax

Sustainability Fair Exhibitors (click on vendor's name to see their website):

Central Geography Department 
Central Sustainability Studies 
Central Public History Program 
Central Office of Environmental Health & Safety and Sustainability 
Connecticut League of Conservation Voters
Connecticut Preservation Action 
Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office 
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
Crosskey Architects 
CT rides 
CT fastrak
Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition 
Indow Window Inserts
New Britain Historic Preservation Commission
New Britain Roots
The ReCONNstruction Center 
Rocky Corner Co-housing Community 
Solar City 
Solar Energy Association of Connecticut 
Urban Miners 
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service

and others

6:00 - 6:15 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Closing Remarks

Charles E. Button, Ph.D., GESAC Founder & Chair and Central Professor of Geography & Sustainability

Leah Glaser, Ph.D., GESAC Board Member and Central Associate Professor of History