Contact Information

Charles Button
Geography, Anthropology, & Tourism
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall

2018 Sustainability Symposium

11th Annual Global Environmental Sustainability Symposium

Food, Farming, & Sustainability

March 29, 2018
Central Connecticut State University


Come join us as we examine contemporary challenges facing society
regarding food and farming systems and policies.
If you would like to present a poster or have an exhibitor's table, please contact Dr. Charles Button
Email: Phone: 860.832.2788

The CCSU Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC) 
invites you to learn and teach about the actions humans must take now to ensure that future generations
will experience a life of peace, health, and harmony with our one and only home -EARTH.

Click here for directions to Central and campus map

Click on participant's name to see more information about them.

9:30 - 10:00 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Welcome & Opening

Welcome: Charles E. Button, Ph.D., GESAC Founder & Chair, & Central Professor of Geography & Sustainability
Opening Address: Zulma Toro, Ph.D., Central President (invited)

10:00 - 10:45 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

L.E.A.P. Into Sustainability with 5th Grade Students from the New Britain School District

Jennifer Amalfa, Teacher, New Britain Gifted/LEAP Program, Consolidated School District of New Britain, CT
Chris Oriola, Teacher, New Britain Gifted/LEAP Program, Consolidated School District of New Britain, CT
New Britain 5th Grade Gifted/LEAP Students

Consolidated School District of New Britain 5th grade LEAP Enrichment program students will present poster projects as a culmination of a semester long research activity. Posters will include topics related to global climate change, sustainability, farming, and conservation efforts. Students will be prepared to answer questions related to their poster topics and to discuss their research.

11:00 - 11:45 AM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Human Microbes and Human Mental & Physical Health

Joan Palmer, Director, The Institute Of Sustainable Nutrition

This informative hand-on presentation will explain the concept of human microbes and their impacts on the physical and mental health of humans. The presenter will engage the audience with a taste experience and a demonstration on how to make a simple ferment.

12:00 - 12:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Lunch & Environmental Magic Show: Water Wizard

Cyril the Sorcerer

Lunch time entertainment will be provided by CJ May performing "Water Wizard" as Cyril the Sorcerer. For 10 years CJ has performed environmental magic locally and internationally. “Water Wizard” leverages the Vegas-level magic that fooled Penn & Teller to re-enchant audiences with the wonder of water. Audience members will have the opportunity to provide feedback after the performance to help Cyril further improve Water Wizard.

1:00 - 1:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Using Systems Thinking to Improve Food Access, Production, and Sustainability in Connecticut

Meg Hourigan, Coordinator, the Connecticut Food System Alliance 

In this presentation you will be introduced to the concept of the food system as a tool to analyze access, production, consumption, and distribution of food as well as explore the role of Connecticut in a regional food system. How can we use a systems-based approach to increase food access, increase local production, support sustainable practices, and work toward food justice for Connecticut? Learn how collaborating across town, sector, and other borders can contribute to a more just, equitable, sustainable food system in Connecticut.

2:00 - 2:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Is the Future Vegan?

Mary Lawrence, Executive Chef, Well on Wheels

In this provocative presentation you will learn how animal agriculture harms animals, damages ecosystems, compromises human health, contributes to world hunger, promotes social injustice, and is destroying our planet… and what you can do to stop it.

3:00 - 3:45 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Keynote Address: Environmental Justice and Farm Labor

Rebecca E. Berkey, Ph.D., Director of Service-Learning at Northeastern University & Author

Description: This address will discuss who labors in US agriculture and the justice-related issues facing these workers, including occupational injury and illness, lack of access to healthcare, substandard housing, hunger, low wages, issues pertaining to immigration, and the inability to organize. Dr. Berkey will expound upon justice claims and the role of grassroots activism in improving justice outcomes by highlighting organizations operating at multiple scales to contribute to the livelihood of farmers and laborers in the different areas of agriculture.
Following her keynote, Dr. Berkey will be signing copies of her book, Environmental Justice and Farm Workers.

4:00 - 6:00 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Illustrated Poster Session, Sustainability Fair & Social

Interact with presenters of scholarly posters, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and governmental agencies that offer sustainability information, jobs/internships, and service to society. Socialize with other sustainability enthusiasts, and enjoy the sweet jazz stylings of Brown Paper Sax.

Jazz Music provided by Brown Paper Sax

Sustainability Fair Exhibitors
If your organization, governmental agency, or business wishes to have an exhibit, email Dr. Charles Button:
(click on vendor's name to see their website):

Ana Grace Project at Central (confirmed) 
Bike New Britain (invited)
Bike Walk CT (invited)
Central Geography Department (confirmed)
Central Sustainability Studies (confirmed)
Central Public History Program (confirmed)
Central Office of Environmental Health & Safety and Sustainability (invited)
Connecticut Farmland Trust (invited)
Connecticut Food System Alliance (confirmed)
Connecticut Forest & Park Association (invited)
CHISPA - Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (confirmed)
Connecticut Preservation Action (confirmed)
Connecticut Sierra Club (invited)
Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation (confirmed) 
CT rides (invited) 
CT fastrak (invited)) 
Environmental Learning Centers of Connecticut (confirmed)
Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (confirmed)
GMO Free CT (invited)
Maria's Place - Central Community Food Pantry (invited)
New Britain Roots (confirmed) 
New England Electric Auto Association (invited)
Protect Our Watersheds (confirmed)
The ReCONNstruction Center (invited)
Sodexo - Central Dining Services (confirmed)
Solar City (invited)
Solar Energy Association of Connecticut (confirmed)
Urban Miners (invited)
Urth Farm (confirmed)
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service (confirmed) (invited)

and others

6:00 - 6:15 PM

Student Center, Alumni Hall

Closing Remarks

Charles E. Button, Ph.D., GESAC Founder & Chair and Central Professor of Geography & Sustainability