Classroom and Lab Budget/Request Forms

The request forms described below are used for classroom and lab budgeting and planning.

Classroom/Lab Request for Funding - Software Request Form

Please use this form to request the purchase of software for classroom or lab use. Be sure to consult the list of standard software installed in general classrooms/labs on campus before submitting the request form. If you do not see a software application that you need, please request it. If you have specialized software that has been installed in the past, do not assume it will still be there next Fall. Please request it again so that we are aware of your needs. This form should be used for new purchases, upgrade costs, and maintenance costs. Please submit one form per software title requested. The information gathered is important in the IT planning process for next academic year. The requests gathered via this process will be reviewed and prioritized by a subcommittee of the ITC (Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee). The subcommittee will make recommendations to the CIO and Provost for consideration in the FY 2024-2025 budget.

IMPORTANT NOTE: New software funding requests will be considered if resources allow. Upgrades and maintenance costs necessary for the continuance of curriculum take precedent. However, due to budget cuts, no request/upgrade is guaranteed.

The software funding requests need to be submitted by Tuesday, October 31st to be considered for next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2024. Due to budget cuts, none of the requests are guaranteed to be funded, and pursuit of alternative funding means is encouraged. Please detail the purpose and importance of the software: Every request is going to be looked over in detail to evaluate needs.

If a license for the software you are requesting needs to be installed on a faculty computer for testing and course preparation, please include details about that need in the request.

How to Request Software Funding: Go to and log in with your Central email address and password. Search for “Classroom/Lab Request” and click on the one ending with “Software.” Complete the form with as much detail as possible, and make sure you “Submit” when done. All information requested on the form is important for evaluation of your request, including as accurate of a price estimate/quote as possible. While quotes may change during contract negotiations with vendors, requests need to demonstrate appropriate research effort by the faculty member pursuing the request.

Classroom/Lab Request for Funding - Hardware Request Form

Please use this form to request the purchase of hardware or other technology for classroom and/or student lab use. This form should be used for new purchases only. Please submit one form for each request. The information gathered will be reviewed and prioritized by a subcommittee of the ITC (Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee). The subcommittee will make recommendations to the CIO and Provost for consideration in the FY 2024-2025 budget.

Hardware Technology requests are reviewed on a rolling basis, with the first round reviewed and prioritized by a subcommittee of the ITC at the same time as software requests. Requests received after the October 31st deadline may have to wait an additional budget cycle (i.e., the following year).

How to Request Hardware Funding: Go to and log in with your email address and password. Search for "Classroom/Lab Request" and click on the one ending with “Hardware.” Complete the form with as much detail as possible and make sure you “Submit” when finished.

Classroom and Lab Software Installation Request Form

Requests to have freeware or software you purchased separately installed in a classroom or lab must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of when they are needed. This timeframe gives IT a chance to thoroughly evaluate the software, ensure it will work well in our environment, and install it to classroom computers at a time when the classroom is not in use.

How to Request Software Installation: Go to and log in with your Central email address and password. Search for "Software Installation Request." Fill out the form and “Submit” when complete.