The National Student Exchange (NSE) allows students an opportunity to enhance their educational experience by studying at over 170 accredited universities within the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To see a list of participating schools, please go to the NSE website.
NSE allows for a tuition reciprocity system. This system allows for Central students to attend another institution by paying either the in-state tuition/fees of their host intuition or the normal tuition and fees at Central. Course work completed while on exchange at the host campus is brought back to Central and credited to the student’s degree. Credits on an exchange program are considered in-residence and the grade will be added to the student’s transcript and factor in to their GPA.
How to apply?
Students should schedule a meeting with the NSE coordinator to discuss the program. Contact Erin Beecher at ebeecher@ccsu.edu or 860.832.3182.
Financial Options
Students who study with the National Student Exchange have two financial options for the program. It is up to the student and the coordinator to decide which is best for the student in the program. Central’s financial aid still applies to either option.
Host Payment: With Host Payment, you pay your host campus instate tuition and fees directly.
Home Payment: With Home Payment, you pay Central’s tuition and fees.
Housing and Meal Payment: Students choosing to live in campus housing will pay for housing and meals to the host university.
For more information, please look to the National Student Exchange website or contact Erin Beecher at 860.832.3182 or ebeecher@ccsu.edu.