Distinguished Service Award Committee seeks nominations


The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Committee is seeking nominations for this year’s award. Any full-time employee of the University is eligible for consideration, and any member of the campus community may make a nomination. Candidates must have provided exemplary service to the University over an extended period of time.

Nominations are due by March 24 and may be submitted to Jaclyn Dahn in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at jdahn@ccsu.edu/.

Nominators must assemble a current dossier on the nominee. Dossiers should include a detailed nomination letter; a recent copy of the nominee’s curriculum vita/resumé; if a current vita/resumé is not available, the nomination letter should contain significant detail about the nominees service at and contributions to CCSU; and a minimum of six and maximum of nine letters of support, as follows:

• Three letters of support from colleagues from within and outside of CCSU;
• Three letters of support from colleagues from professional organizations;
• If applicable, up to three letters of support from associates in the community and/or current or former students.

Letters may be signed by multiple individuals.

Completed dossiers are due to the Provost’s Office on or before April 21.