NEH awards two-year grant to History faculty


The National Endowment for the Humanities awarded a $60,000 Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education grant that will fund a project proposal crafted by CCSU History professor Dr. Leah Glaser and her research team. Titled “Finding Your Place: Teaching the History of People of Color in Connecticut,” the project’s goal is to create curriculum and resources on communities of color for Connecticut K-12 educators. Glaser’s team includes CCSU History faculty members Dr. Aimee Loiselle, PhD, Dr. Juan David Coronado, Dr. David J. Naumec, and Dr. Camesha Scruggs with support from Witness Stones Project, Inc., Connecticut Explored, and the CT League of History Organizations, and in consultation with CCSU’s Africana Center, the Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Center, and members of the Anthropology faculty. The project was one of 258 humanities proposals that were funded by the NEH, totaling $35.63 million in grant awards nationwide.

Read more about the Spotlight on Humanities grants here.