Adam Golaski writes stories, essays & poems.
Interests/areas of study include electronic music, horror, old & middle English literature, film, intertextuality, ancient world literature, audio drama, mythology, early American literature, paleontology, playwriting, contemporary art, museums, nature & science writing, & genre hybridization.
Stone Gods (fiction, NO Press, 2024), Voice Notes (poetry, Spuyten Duyvil, 2023), The Problem of Boredom in Paradise (editor, Flim Forum, 2013), Color Plates (fiction, out of print, 2010), & Worse Than Myself (fiction, RDSP, 2008). He is an "other" editor for the literary journal Fence. His work has appeared in the Bennington Review, McSweeney's, A Velvet Giant, The Best Horror of the Year, & Word For/Word.
ENG 263 Introduction to Drama, ENG 261 Introduction to Fiction, ENG 260 Introduction to Poetry, ENG 250 Contemporary Literature, ENG 211 American Literature: Civil War to the Present, ENG 210 American Literature: Pre-Civil War, ENG 205 British Literature: Middle Ages to 18th Century, ENG 204 World Literature: 15th Century to the Present, ENG 203 World Literature: Ancient to Early Modern, WRT 374 Fantasy, SF, & Horror, WRT 265 Introduction to Creative Writing, WRT 371 Fiction I, WRT 373 Poetry I, & WRT 105/110 Introduction to College Writing