Associate Professor
Manufacturing & Construction Management
Building Construction Management, Minor
Construction Management | OCP
Construction Management | MS
Construction Management | BS
Applied Innovation Hub
2:50 pm - 4:20 pm
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm
2:50 pm - 4:20 pm
- Associate Professor, Construction Management, Central Connecticut State University (2015~Present)
- Senior Researcher, KICT (Korea Institute of Construction Technology) South Korea (2004~2014)
- Software Engineer, Blackhawk-PAS, Inc., Greenville, SC (2002~2004)
- Ph.D., Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN, Thesis topic: AI Assisted Underground Pipeline Condition Assessment and Asset Management (2001)
- B.S., Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea (1996)
Areas of Expertise
IT, Automation, AI, and IoT in Construction
Smart City/Building/Home
Infrastructure Asset Management
Publications, Research & Presentations
- Cho, J., Chae, M. (2022) “"Systematic Approach of TOPSIS Decision-Making for Construction Method Based on Risk Reduction Feedback of Extended QFD-FMEA” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 1458599, 23 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1458599
- Lee, H., Cho, J., Son, B., Chae, M., Lim, G., and Chun, J. (2021) “TOPSIS-Based Decision-Making Model for Demolition Method Selection” Architectural Research, 23, (4), pp. 67-73, https://doi.org/10.5659/AIKAR.2021.23.4.67
- Lee, H., Cho, J., Son, B., Chae, M., Kim, H., and Chun, J. (2021) “QFD-Based Integrated Model of Dismantling Method Selection and FMEA Risk Assessment for Work Stage” Journal of The Korea Institute of Building Construction, 21 (6), pp. 629-640 https://doi.org/10.5345/JKIBC.2021.21.6.629 (in Korean)
- Chae, M., Jeong, H., (2019) “Acceptance Sampling Plans for Pipeline Condition Assessment” Journal of Pipeline Systems, America Society of Civil Engineering, 10(4):04019-24 (ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000393
- Yoo, D., Hong., E., Choi, B., Chae, M., Chun, J. (2018) “Improvement Plan of Daily Work Accomplishment Index Based Process Management Based on Lean Construction Principles” Architectural Research, 20(4), pp. 147-152
- You, J., Kim, G., Chae, M., Kim, Y., You, K., (2018) “Analysis of Peak Wind Pressure Coefficients of Penetration Type and End Type Pilotis” Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, 18(2), pp. 79-87 DOI:10.9712/kass.2018.18.2.59 (in Korean)
- Yu, J., Chae, M., Yu, K. (2018) “Assessment of the Wind Environment in Apartment Complex Having Pilotis on the Lower Levels” Journal of Architectural Research, Architectural Institute of Korea, 20(1), pp 181-188 (in Korean)
- Jun, Y., Kim, K., Chae, M. (2015) “Development of a Height Adjustment Method of Prefabricated Individual Footing for the Leveling of Unit Modular Structural System” Journal of Korea Inst. Building Construction, 15(6), pp. 631-639 DOI: 10.5345/JKIBC.2015.15.6.631 (In Korean)
- Han, S. Chae, M., Hwang, H., Choung, Y. (2015) “Evaluation of Customer Driven Level of Service for Water Infrastructure Asset Management” Journal of Management in Engineering, 31(4):04014067 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000293
- Chae, M., Lee, H., Kim, J., Park, J., Yu, H. (2015) “3D Field Recognition System for Intelligent Excavation System” Journal of Drive and Control (KSFC) Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 72-76 (in Korean)
- Han, S., Park, H., Yeom, S., Chae, M., and Kim, D. (2014) “Risk-Integrated Cash Flow Forecast for Overseas Construction Projects,” Journal of Korean Society of Civil Engineering, 18(4), pp. 875-886
- Hong, T., Chae, M., Kim, D., Koo, C., Lee, K.S., Chin, K. H. (2013) “Infrastructure Asset Management System for Bridge Projects in South Korea” Journal of Korean Society of Civil Engineering, 17(7), pp1551-1561
- Park, S., Han, S., and Chae, M. (2013) “Quantitative Performance Measurement for Construction R&D Projects,” Journal of Korean Society of Civil Engineering, 17(4), pp 610-619
- Chae, M., Yoo, H., Kim, J., and Cho, M. (2012) “Development of Wireless Sensor Network System for Suspension Bridge Health Monitoring,” Journal of Automation in Construction, Jan. 2012, Vol. 21, pp. 237-252 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2011.06.008 (Times Cited: 157)
- Park, Chae, Lee, Cho (2012) “Test-bed Development for Long-term Monitoring of Small Bridge Asset Management” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, v.13 n6, 2012. 11. pp 13~24 DOI: 10.6106/KJCEM.2012.13.6.013 (in Korean)
- Cooksey, S. Jeong, D., and Chae, M. (2011) “Asset Management Assessment Model for State Departments of Transportation,” Journal of Management in Engineering, July 2011, 27(3), pp. 159-169 (Times Cited: 75)
- Chae, M., Lee, G. W., Kim, J. Y., Park, J. W., Cho, M. Y., (2011) “A 3D Surface Modeling System for Intelligent Excavation System” Journal of Automation in Construction, Nov. 2011, 20(7) pp. 808-817 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2011.02.003 (Times Cited: 20)
- Rai, V., Syachrani, S., Jeong, H., Chae, M., and Iseley, T., (2010) “A risk management approach to safety assessment of trenchless technologies for culvert rehabilitation,” Journal of Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, December 2010, 25(6), pp. 681–688 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2010.05.005(Times Cited: 21)
- Kwon, Hong, Hyun, and Chae (2010) “Development of Performance Indicators for Asset Management in Public Facilities,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, Vol.11, No. 4, pp. 89–99 (in Korean)
- Chin, Chae, G. Lee, and K. Lee (2009) “Infrastructure Asset Management Policy and Strategy Development,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, Vol.10, No. 6, pp. 20–30 (in Korean)
- Chae, Park, G. Lee, and G. H. Lee (2009) “Organizational Reform for the Successful Implementation of Infrastructure Asset Management Using Balanced Score Cards,” Journal of Civil Engineering, KSCE, Vol. 29 No. 6D, pp. 745–752 (in Korean)
- Chae, G. Lee, J. Kim, and M. Cho (2009) “Analysis of Domestic and International Infrastructure Asset Management Practices and Improvement Strategy,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 55–64 (in Korean)
- Chae, G. W. Lee, J. Kim, J. Park, H. Yoo, and M. Cho (2009) “Development of the 3D Imaging System and Automatic Registration Algorithm for the Intelligent Excavation System (IES),” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 136–145 (in Korean)
- Y. Kwon, K. Kim, W. Lim, C. Park, and M. Chae (2009) “A Study on Cost Prediction of Highway Operating Risk through a Case Study of Power Failure,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 78–90 (in Korean)
- H. Whang, M. Chae, and W. Kim (2008) “The Pipeline Condition Assessment System Using Unwrapped Pipe Images,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, KSEE, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 21–29 (in Korean)
- Han, S., Chae, M., Lim, K., and Ryu, H. (2008) “Six-sigma Based Approach to Improve Performance for Construction Projects,” Journal of Management in Engineering, 24(1), ASCE, pp. 21–31 (Times Cited: 75)
- Han, S., Chin, K., and Chae, M. (2007) “Evaluation of CITIS as a collaborative virtual organization for construction project management,” Journal of Automation in Construction, 16 (2), pp. 199–211 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2006.04.002
- S. Han, H. Ryu, M. Chae, and G. Lim (2006) “Six-Sigma Based Approach to Improve Productivity for Construction Processes and Operations,” Journal of Civil Engineering, KSCE, Vol. 26, No. 4D, pp. 649–659 (in Korean)
- H. Park, M. Lee, and M. Chae (2005) “Supply-Demand Forecast of Engineers According to the Change of Construction Boom in Construction,” Journal of Architectural Engineering, AIK, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 199–208 (in Korean)
- Chae, M., and Abraham, D. M. (2001) “Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches for Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Condition Assessment,” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, ASCE, pp. 4–14 doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3801(2001)15:1(4) (Times Cited: 96)
Awards & Grants
- Development of Underground Pipeline and Manhole Scanner Technology (Nov. 2021 ~ Oct. 2022)
- Preliminary Study to Apply Circular Economy Principles to the Construction Industry: Evaluating a Material Use Efficiency for Healthcare Projects (Nov. 2021 ~ Oct. 2022)
- Highway Sign Support Systems: Condition Assessment, Deterioration Models, and Asset Management (Nov. 2021 ~ Oct. 2022)
- Sick Building Syndrome (SBC) Control using Smart Building Technology (Oct. 2020~Jun. 2021)
- Automated and Real-Time Route Finding System for Flexible Bus System (FBS) (Oct. 2020~Jun. 2021)
- Construction Productivity Simulation Modeling using RTS Game (Oct. 2019~Jun. 2020)
- Smart Building Management and Community Feedback System (May 2018 ~May 2019)
- IoT and AI for Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) (Jun. 2017~Jun. 2018)
- Dev. Energy-aware Intelligent Sys. for Sustainable Smart Buildings with AI and IoT (Jun. 2017~Jun. 2018)
Memberships & Affiliations
Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Courses Taught
- Automation and Emerging Technologies in Construction (CM550)
- Project Delivery Systems (CM505)
- Construction Risk Management (CM545)
- Construction Project Management (CM455)
- Construction Superintendency (CM435)
- Heavy/Highway Construction (CM245)
- Materials of Construction (CM356)