Dr. Ashley Green joined the Department of Sociology at Central in Fall 2023. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of South Florida in 2023 and her M.A. in Women's Studies from San Diego State University. She has previously worked in student affairs doing Women's and LGBTQ+ programming and has been involved in activism centering LGBTQ+ youth experiences.
Dr. Green's research examines LGBTQ+ women's experiences of place and community. She has published work in a number of edited collections, including The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism, as well as the academic journal Symbolic Interaction. She has also served as a guest editor for the Journal of Lesbian Studies.
Dr. Green employs an active learning approach in the classroom. She has taught Introduction to Sociology, Race, Class and Gender, LGBTQ+ Communities, Social Movements, Social Construction of Sexualities, and Qualitative Analysis. She is affiliated with the Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies (WGSS) program.
LGBTQ+ Studies, Gender, Sexuality, Social Movements, Space and Place, Urban and Rural Sociology, Digital Sociology, Qualitative Methods
Crawley, S.L, and Ashley Green. 2024. “From Butch and Femme Lesbians to Non-binary and Queer Women: Intergenerational Shifts from In-person Places to Digital Spaces.” in Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity edited by Róisín Ryan-Flood and Amy Tooth-Murphy. London: Routledge.
Crawley, S.L. and Ashley Green. 2023. “Gender and Embodiment as Negotiated Relations and Resistance.” in Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism, edited by W. Brekhus, T. DeGloma, and W. Force. New York: Oxford University Press.
Soroka, Yuliia, S. L. Crawley, Olga Dzyubac and Ashley Green. 2022. “Perverts or Heroes in The Post-Socialist “Cold War:” Formula Stories of Lesbian/Bisexual/Queer Women and Transgender People in Ukrainian Media.” Symbolic Interaction 46(2): 133-158.
Green, Ashley. 2019. “By Definition They're Not the Same Thing: Analyzing Methods of Meaning Making for Pansexual Individuals.” In Expanding the Rainbow: Exploring the Relationships of Bi, Pan, Queer, Ace, Intersex, Trans, Poly, and Kink People, edited by B. Simula, A. Miller, and J.E. Sumerau. Boston, MA: Brill/Sense. Print.
Green, Ashley, Mary Kasik, and Esther Rothblum. 2015. “Review of Coming Out: The New Dynamics.” Journal of Homosexuality 62(5): 683-685.
ASA Section on the Sociology of Body and Embodiment Best Article Award—Honorable Mention for “Gender and Embodiment as Negotiated Relations.” (2023)
Spencer Cahill and Donileen Loseke Outstanding Dissertation Proposal Award (2021)
USF Sociology’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2019, 2020, 2022)