Medieval English Literature
Chaucer's Reception
Translation Theory
Law and Literature
Global Middle Ages
Books and Edited Collections
2019. Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Law and Literature. Edited with Sebastian Sobecki. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
2019. Modernities and Global Medievalisms. Edited with Louise D’Arcens. Special issue of Digital Philology 8 (2019).
2018. Chaucer’s Global Compaignye: Reading The Canterbury Tales in Translation. Edited with Jonathan Hsy. Special issue of the Global Circulation Project at Literature Compass 15.6.
2017. Open Access Companion to Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Member of the editorial collective. 10/20/2017. https://opencanterburytales.dsl.lsu.edu/.
2014. Thinking Historically After Historicism: Essays in Memory of Lee W. Patterson. Edited with Emily Steiner. A special issue of The Chaucer Review 48:4.
2007. American Chaucers. New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave/Macmillan.
2002. The Letter of the Law: Legal Practice and Literary Production in Medieval England. Edited with Emily Steiner. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.        Â
Keynote Presentations
2022. “Chaucer and the Translator’s Touch,” Washington Literary Society Lecture, 6 October, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia.
2022. “’Countrefeted termes’: Chaucer’s The Physician Tale and faux translation,” Keynote, 18/19 March, Glocal Online Forum on Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
2018. “The Feral in Chaucer Studies,” Plenary Roundtable, 11 July, 21st International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Toronto, ON, Canada.
2017. “The Global Dissemination of Medieval European Literature,” 3 July, The Global Group, Koeki University, Sakata, Japan.
2016. “Rural Medievalism,” Keynote, 16-18 June, The Global Medieval: Cultures of Modernities in the Global Medieval and Pre-modern World, The University of Sydney, Australia.
1996- present. New Chaucer Society
2021- present. International Piers Plowman Society
1993- present. Medieval Academy
1991- present. Modern Language Association
1993 - present. John Gower Society
2014 - present. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduate Courses
The Global Middle Ages
21st-Century Chaucer
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Survey of Medieval English Literature
Old English Language and Literature
Medieval Drama
Close-Reading the Sentence
Arthurian Literature and Film
Courtly Love, Medieval to Postmodern
A Millennium of British Literature: Course Abroad
Introduction to Literary Theory and Research
Introduction to Literary Study
British Literature IÂ Â Â
British Literature II
World Literature I
The Global Short Story
Contemporary Literature
Introduction to Poetry   Â
Freshman Composition
Graduate Seminars
Research in English
Women’s Consent and Rape in Medieval English Literature
Developing Global Literature Curricula for Secondary Students
Disability, the Social Body, and Medieval Literature
Chaucer and His Contemporaries
Women and Late-Medieval English Literature