Rhetoric and Composition, Translingual and transnational writing, Second Language Writing, Teacher training, Online writing instruction
Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition. Co-edited with Nancy Bou Ayash. Utah State University Press: 2023.
“The Postmonolingual Condition and the Rhetoric and Composition Ph.D: Norming Language Difference in a Doctoral Program” Composition Forum 40 (Fall 2018) <https://compositionforum.com/issue/40/postmonolingual.php>
“The Linguistic Memory of Composition and the Rhetoric and Composition Ph.D.: Forgetting (and Remembering) Language and Language Difference in Doctoral Curricula” Composition Studies 42.2 (2017): 130-150.
“Beyond the ‘Foreign’ Language Requirement: From a Monolingual to a Translingual Ideology in Rhetoric and Composition Graduate Education.” Rhetoric Review 34.4 (2015): 426-444.
“Beyond ‘English-Only’ in U.S. Writing Instruction: Fostering Translingual Dispositions in Writing Teacher Education” with Bruce Horner. Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice. Eds. Robert Wilkinson and Mary Louise Walsh. Peter Lang, 2015: 149-160.
“The Nature and Value of Work in Rhetoric and Composition” JAC 32.3-4 (2012): 731-7.
WRT 100 Basic Writing
WRT 105 Enhanced Introduction to College Writing
WRT 110 Introduction to College Writing