Chris Lee is Department Chair and Professor of Management at Central Connecticut State University, teaching Management and Business Analytics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Chris earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration with a major in Decision Sciences and a minor in Finance from Saint Louis University (1996). He also received MBA from Saint Louis University (1987).
He has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Service Business, International Review of Financial Analysis, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, International Transactions of Operational Research, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Evidence-Based HRM, Behavioral Sciences, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, etc. He has presented over 100 papers at academic conferences such as Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Association for Information Systems (AIS), The Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), etc.
At Central, he served as Assurance of Learning (AOL) coordinator (2016-18), MBA Program director (2018-20), Assistant Department chair (2020-21), Business Studies Programs director (2021-22), etc. in addition to many committees and task forces. Presently, he is serving as VP for the International Information Management Association and on the editorial boards of Frontiers in Public Health, Journal of International Business Disciplines, and Global Business and Economic Review.
- Lee, C. C., Hwang, D., & Acharya, K. (2026). Dynamics of CSR and employee retention: A generational perspective. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting, Business and Management, 33(1), (Forthcoming). (Note: ABDC rating = C as of 09/2023; Submitted 09/09/2023; Accepted 01/31/2024; Dr. Keshab Acharya is a Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Choi, J. H., Lee, J. Y., & Fortsch, S. (2025). Impacts of cybersecurity on hospital efficiency and financial performance. Service Business, 19, Article Number 3, DOI: 10.1007/s11628-024-00574-y. [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = B as of 09/2023; SJR = Q1; Published 12/15/2024).
- Lee, C. C., Rodgers-Tonge, D. R., Huang, Y., & Chen, P. (In Press). ESG factors impacting employee job satisfaction in the workplace: A regression analysis. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, (Forthcoming). (Note: ABDC rating = C as of 09/2024; Submitted 11/01/2023; Accepted 09/05/2024; Dr. Decorti R. Rodgers-Tonge, Dr. Yuxin (David) Huang, and Peiyao Chen are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Ahmed, M. S., Shin, H., Lee, B. S., & Park, S. (Accepted). Why nations respond to the Covid-19 pandemic differently? An undesirable output data envelopment analysis model. Accepted for publication in the Australian Journal of Business and Management Research. (Forthcoming). (Note: ABDC rating = C as of 09/2024; Submitted 9/01/2023; Accepted 09/10/2024; Mohamed S. Ahmed was an MBA student.)
- Lee, C. C., & Lim, H. S. (2024). Impacts of transformational leadership and transactional leadership on employee engagement during the Covid-19 pandemic: The moderating role of employee generations. Accepted for publication in the Studies in Business and Economics,19(1), 118-136. DOI: 10.2478/sbe-2024-0007 [PDF] File URL: http://magazines.ulbsibiu.ro/eccsf/RePEc/blg/journl/19107lee.pdf (Note: ABDC rating = C, as of August 2022 when submitted [Screenshot]; ISSN 1842-4120; E-ISSN 2344-5416; Dr. Hyoun Sook Lim is a Central professor.)
- Lee, C. C., & Zhang, R. (2024). The impact of health information exchange on hospital performance. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Applied Management and Technology. (Note: ABDC rating = C as of 10/06/2023; Submitted 10/06/2023; Accepted 02/13/2024; Dr. Ruoqing (Richard) Zhang is a Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Rodgers-Tonge, D. R., & Huang, Y. (2024). Five corporate social responsibility factors on employee job satisfaction: A study of employee generation differences. Global Journal of Entrepreneurship, 8(Special Issue), 120-141. https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/Journals/2024/GJE_Vol_8_SI_2024.pdf [PDF]
- Acharya, K., & Lee, C. C. (2023). Intersection between a CEO’s organizational identification and ethical perspective: A conceptual framework for firm CSR engagement. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 25(6), 73-87. DOI:10.33423/jabe.v25i6.6573 [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = C; Dr. Keshab Acharya is a Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Acharya, K., & Kim, Y. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and employee engagement in the workplace: The moderating role of employee generation. International Journal of Business and Economics, 22(2), 157-181. [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = B [Screenshot]; ISSN 1607-0704; Dr. Keshab Acharya & Dr. Youngseon Kim are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., & Park, S. M. (2023). Impact of ESG on employees’ intrinsic motivation across generations. Accepted for publication in the Korea Review of International Studies, 16(50), 97-119. [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = C as of 09/2023 [Screenshot]; ISSN 1226-4741)
- Lee, C. C., Lim, H. S., Rodgers-Tonge, D. R., & Frank, L. (2023). Electronic quality measures of health information technology and hospital performance: Evidence of U.S. hospitals. Communications of IIMA, 21(1), 49-72, Article 4, https://doi.org/10.58729/1941-6687.1443 Available at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/ciima/vol21/iss1/4 [PDF] (Note: Listed in the Cabell’s with acceptance = 30% [Screenshot]; Dr. Hyoun Sook Lim, Dr. Decorti R. Rodgers-Tonge, & Dr. Lisa Frank are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Cho, Y. S., Breen, D., Monroy, J., Seo, D., & Min. Y. (2023). Relationship between racial diversity in medical staff and hospital operational efficiency: An empirical study of 3870 U.S. hospitals. Behavioral Sciences, 13(7). DOI: 10.3390/bs13070564 [PDF] (Note: Diosmedy Breen and Jessica Monroy were MBA students. Dr. Donghwi Seo was Central faculty. Behavioral Sciences are ranked Q2 in SJR, JCR, CiteScore.)
- Lee, C. C., Lomotey, R., Watkins, J., Zhang, R., & Huang, Y. (2023). Examining the impact of social media following on player salary in the national basketball association: A multivariate statistical analysis. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 25(1), 270-278. DOI: 10.33423/jabe.v25i1 [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = C; Restinel Lomotey & Jordan Watkins were Central MBA students; Dr. Ruoqing (Richard) Zhang & Yuxin (David) Huang are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Park, S., & Lee, B. S. (2023). Impacts of decision support systems on hospital efficiency: A data envelopment analysis model. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 25(1), 212-223. DOI: 10.33423/jabe.v25i1 [PDF] (Note: ABDC rating = C)
- Lee, C. C., Acharya, K. Blair, R., & Tyrrell, A. (2023). Predicting employee engagement during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Does employee generation matter? Journal of Contemporary Business Issues and Government, 29(1), 360-373. DOI:10.47750/cibg.2023.29.01.027 [PDF]. (Note: ABDC rating = C, as of December 29, 2022; Dr. Keshab Acharya is a Central professor; Robert Blair & Anne Tyrrell were MBA students.)
- Lee, C. C., Luppi, J. L., Simmons, T., Tran, B., & Zhang, R. (2023). Impacts of ESG on employee retention: A study of generational differences. Journal of Business and Management, 29(1), 1-22. DOI: 10.6347/JBM.202306_29(1).0001 [PDF]. (Note: ABDC = C; Dr. Ruoqing (Richard) Zhang is Central faculty; Joley L. Luppi, Tyler Simmons, and BaoTram Tran were Central MBA students.)
- Lee, C. C., Zhang, R., Kulesza, M., Wells, C., & Mullins, K. (In Press). Factors associated with job satisfaction and retention: Meeting the needs of Generation Z. Accepted for publication in the Accountancy Business and the Public Interest (forthcoming). https://abpi.uk/ (Note: ABDC = B, as of 9/2022; Dr. Richard Zhang and Dr. Marie Kulesza are Central faculty; Cassandra Wells, and Kathleen Mullins were Central MBA students.)
- Lee, C. C., Shin, H., Klimm, C., Palmero, C. & Hughes, S. (2023). The impact of electronic medical record systems on hospital efficiency. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 23(1), 1-19. DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2023.10054558 [PDF] (Cabell’s List, Acceptance Rate < 23%; ISSN: 1468-4322; Caroline Klimm, Christopher Palmero, and Stephanie Hughes were Central MBA students.)
- Lee, C. C., Seo, D., & Kim, Y. (2023). How CSR affects employees’ intrinsic motivation across three different generations. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 23(1), 1-19. [PDF] https://faculty.utrgv.edu/louis.falk/jibd/jibdpreviousissues.html (Note: The Journal of International Business Disciplines is listed in the Cabell’s. The acceptance rate < 11%; Dr. Donghwi Seo & Dr. Youngseon Kim are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Langdo, J., Hwang, D., Marques, V., & Hwang, P. (2023). Impacts of distributors and group purchasing organizations on hospital efficiency and profitability: A bilateral data envelopment analysis model. International Transaction in Operational Research, 30(1), 476-502. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12957 [PDF] (Note: ABDC = B, as of August 20, 2019; James Langdo was a Central MBA student; Dr. Vanda Marques was Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Lim, H. S., Seo, D., & Kwak, D. (2022). Examining employee retention and motivation: The moderating effect of employee generation. Accepted for publication in the Evidence-based HRM, 10(4), 385-402. DOI:10.1108/EBHRM-05-2021-0101[PDF] (Note: ABDC = B; Dr. Hyoun Sook Lim & Dr. Donghwi Seo are Central faculty.)
- Min, H., Lee, C. C., & Joo, S.-J. (2022). Assessing the efficiency of the Covid-19 control measures and public health policy in OECD countries from cultural perspectives. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 29(6), 1781-1796. DOI: 10.1108/BIJ-05-2021-0241 (Note: ABDC = B, as of September 23, 2021.)
- Lee, C. C., Lee, J., Foster, C., Khan, H., Zaidi, F., & Chaleun-Aloun, S. (2022). Determinants of hospital profitability: Advanced practice registered nurses, location, teaching status, and ownership. Global Journal of Accounting and Finance, 6(1), 14-27. https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/GJAF_Vol_6_No_1_2022.pdf (Note: GJAF is rated “C” in ABDC; Casey Foster, Hassan Khan, Faizan Zaidi, and Samantha Chaleun-Aloun were Central MBA students.)
- Lee, C. C., Kim, Y., Choi, J., & Porter, E. (2022) Does electronic health record systems implementation impacts hospital efficiency, profitability, and quality? Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 24(2), 251-262. DOI:10.33423/jabe.v24i2 (Note: ABDC = C; Dr. Youngseon Kim is a Central professor.)
- Lee, C. C., Ruane, S., Lim, H. S., Zhang, R., & Shin, H. (2021). Exploring the behavioral intention to use collaborative commerce: A case of Uber. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 30(5), Article 5. Available at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/jitim/vol30/iss5/5/ (Note: ABDC = C; Dr. Sinéad Ruane, Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim, and Dr. Ruoqing (Richard) Zhang are Central faculty.)
- Chung, D., Lee, C. C., & Hwang, D. (2021). Analyzing social media implementation in hospitals in the U.S. Midwest region. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 30(5). Article 4. Available at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/jitim/vol30/iss5/4/ (Note: ABDC = C)
- Lee, C. C., Panaitisor, T., & Hemaida, R. (2021). Effects of Anchoring Paradigm on Young Consumers’ Purchasing Decision-Making. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 16(2), 19-37. (Listed in the Cabell’s, acceptance < 11%; Teodor Panaitisor (formerly Radu) was a Central MBA student.)
- Bae, B., & Lee, C. C. (2021). Using ERP system to reach accounting courses. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 8(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.46281/ijafr.v8i1.1352 (“C” in ABDC List as of September 23, 2021; published 9/23/2021)
- Lee, C. C., Quattropani, J., Seo, D., & Lim, H. (2021). The moderating effects of employee generation on workplace retention during the Covid-19 pandemic. Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 8(1), 41-58. (Cabell’s List, Acceptance Rate < 28%; Joe Quattropani was Central MBA student; Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim and Dr. Donghwi Seo are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Aravamudhan, V., Roback, T., Lim, H., & Ruane, S. (2021). Factors impacting work engagement of Gen Z employees: A regression analysis. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 18(3), 147-159. DOI:10.33423/jlae.v18i3.4414 [PDF] (Note: Cabell’s List, Acceptance Rate < 20%; Varshini Aravamudhan & Tiffanie Roback were Central MBA students; Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim and Dr. Sinead Ruane are Central faculty.)
- Bae, B., & Lee, C. C. (2021). Corporate bankruptcy model for internet startup companies. Global Journal of Accounting and Finance, 5(1), 87-99. https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/Journals/2021/GJAF_Vol_5_No_1_2021.pdf (“C” in ABDC List, as of March 2019).
- Lee, C. C., Lee, R., Dutil, L., Lim, H. S., Nagpal, P. & Kim, Y. (2020). A variation of the DeLone and McLean model for collaborative commerce services: A structural equation model. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 29(3), Article 4. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/jitim/vol29/iss3/4/ (Note: “C” in ABDC List, as of October 10, 2019. Rebecca Lee & Laura Dutil were Central MBA students; Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim and Dr. Youngseon Kim are Central faculty. Dr. Pankaj Nagpal was a Central faculty.)
- Kozakevitch, K., Collins, J., Lee, C. C. & Shin, H. (2021). Location-based access control enforcement. In K. Engemann & R. O’Connor (Ed.), Volume II Project Risk Management: Managing Software Development Risk (pp. 183-196). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110652321-010/html DOI:10.1515/9783110652321-010
- Lee, C. C., & Joo, S (2020). Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Correctional Systems at the State Level. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 22(5), 97-110. https://articlearchives.co/index.php/JABE/article/view/988 [PDF] (Note: “C” in ABDC List, as of March 30, 2020; ISSN 1499-691X).
- Lee, C. C., Lee, L. W., & Lim, H. S. (2019). Factors affecting over-the-top services: an expanded technology acceptance model. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 8(1), 1-20. https://faculty.utrgv.edu/louis.falk/jibd/ijir/IJIRaug19.pdf (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance rate <25%, as of Mar. 17, 2019; ISSN 2165-3232; Dr. Lee W. Lee and Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Kriscenski, J., & Lim, H. S. (2019). An empirical study of behavioral intention to use blockchain technology. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 14(1), 1-21. (Note: Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance rate <25%, as of Mar. 17, 2019; ISSN 1934-1814; John Kriscenski was a Central faculty. Dr. Hyoun-Sook Lim is a Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., & McGrath, M. (2019). Impacts of minimum wage & education spending on state economy in the U.S. – A data envelopment analysis model. Global Journal of Business Disciplines, 3(1), 27-44. https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/Journals/2019/GJBD_Vol_3_No_1_2019.pdf#page=31 (Note: Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance rate <25%; ISSN 2574-0369; Mathew McGrath was a Central student.)
- Lee, C. C., Pankaj, N., Ruane, S., & Lim, H. S. (2018). Factors affecting online streaming subscriptions. Communications of the IIMA, 16(1), Article 2. Available at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/ciima/vol16/iss1/2 (Note: Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance=40%, as of Oct. 1, 2018; ISSN 1941-6687; Dr. Nagpal Pankaj was a Central faculty. Dr. Sinead Ruane and Dr. Hyoun Sook Lim are Central faculty.)
- Lee, C. C., Bae, B. B., & Weckesser, K. (2018). An optimal corporate bond investment strategy during the compressed spread period. The European Journal of Finance & Banking Research, 8(8), Article 1. http://globip.com/contents/europeancontents8-8.htm (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance < 30%, as of Dec. 30, 2016; ISSN 1933-348X)
- Lee, C. C., Warner, J., & McCarthy, Mary. (2018). Social media and productivity in a rural area. Issues in Information Systems, 19(4), 35-43. (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance=60%, as of March 17, 2019.)
- Nagpal, Pankaj., Lee, C. C., & Lyytinen, K. (2018). Mobile advertising and payment: the present and future. Issues in Information Systems, 19(3), 212-219. (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance=60%, as of March 17, 2019.)
- Lee, C. C., Cho, Y. S., & Bae, B. (2017). Factors affecting trust in social commerce: a structural equation model,” Issues in Information Systems, 18(4), 70-90. (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance=60%, as of March 17, 2019.)
- Lee, C. C., Strohl, K., Fortenberry, M. & Cho, Y. S. (2017). Impacts of human resources management innovations on productivity and effectiveness in a medium-size non-profit organization. Global Journal of Management and Marketing, 1(1), 51-61. (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance rate <25%)
- Ueng, C. J., Lee, C. C., & Gee, N. (2016). Factors affecting foreign direct investment in a small city in the United States. Review of Contemporary Business Research, 5(2), 9-16. DOI: 10.15640/rcbr.v5n2a2 (ISSN 2333-6412)
- Cho, Y.S., Maysami, R., Jung, J., & Lee, C. C. (2016). An empirical investigation of the universal effectiveness of quality management practices: A structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 3(1), 1102-1111. DOI: 10.22034/2016.1.01 (Note: ISSN 2383-1359; Listed in Scopus, CiteScoreTracker 2019 = 0.57).
- Lee, C. C., Schuh, R., & Yoo. J. (2015). Measuring the major league baseball team’s relative efficiency using data envelopment analysis models for 2013 season. Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 2(3), 235-249. (Listed in Cabell’s, acceptance rate <20%)
- Carlson, A., & Lee, C. C. (2015). Followship and social media marketing. The Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 19(1), 80-101. (“C” in ABDC List, as of Mar. 17, 2019.)
- Mhatre, N., S. J. Joo, & Lee, C. C. (2014). Benchmarking the performance of department stores within an income elasticity of demand perspective. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 21(2), 205-217. (“B” in ABDC List, as of Mar. 17, 2019.)
- Bradley, J., & Lee, C. C. (2009). Training and user acceptance in a university ERP implementation: Applying the technology acceptance model, Global Implications of Modern Enterprise Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (Vol. III Advances in Enterprise Information Systems series), A. Gunasekaran (ed.), Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA., 242-260. [ISBN: 978-1-60566-14] DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-146-9.ch013
- Bradley, J., & Lee, C. C. (2007). ERP training and user satisfaction: A case study. The International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 3(4), 33-50. (“C” in ABDC List, as of July 19, 2021; ISSN: 1548-1115)
- Cho, E., Han, J., Lee, H., Lee, C. C., & Bradley, J. (2007). Organizational data mining in Korea. Issues in Information Systems, 8(2), 383-388. (Listed in the Cabell’s; acceptance = 60%)
- Choi, S., Eh, Y., & Lee, C. C. (2006). A negotiation model development based on economic effects of TKR in North Korean side. International Commerce, 21(3), 97-111. (ISSN 1229-3393)
- Yoon, S., Choi, J., Lee, C. C., Yum, M., & Kim, K. (2006). Dynamical volatilities for yen–dollar exchange rates. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Physica A), 359(1), 569-575. Note: Physica A is a peer-reviewed academic journal listed in the Science Citation Index (SCI).
- Choi, J., Kim, K., Yoon, S., Chang, K., & Lee, C. C. (2005). Zipf's law distributions in Korean financial markets. Journal of the Korean Physical Society (JKPS), 47(1), 178-180. Note: JKPS is a peer-reviewed academic journal listed in the Science Citation Index (SCI).
- Lee, C. C., & Kwon, I. G. (2004). An applied multivariate statistical analysis in sports: A case of boxing. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 6(3), 613-623. (ISSN 1229-2354)
- Lee, H., Lee, C. C., & Han, J. (2004). E-Business restructuring strategy. E-Business Review, 4(1), 89-92.
- Lee, C. C., Choi, S., & Eh, Y. (2004). An economic effect of the trans Korea railway: An optimization model. Peace Studies, 12(2), 181-195. (ISSN 1229-4543)
- Lee, C. C., & Han, J. (2004). A new approach to financial distress prediction model in E-Business. E-Business Review, 4(1), 85-88.
- Lee, C. C., Rawashdeh, M., & Lee, H. (2003). Foreign direct investment in the United States: microeconomic factors and macro-level factors. Journal of Economic Studies, 21(4), 95-114. (ISSN 1598-8260)
- Lee, C. C., Nott, C., Nott, G., & Bowers, M. (2002). Increasing efficiency of ground crews operations: A simulation study. Academy of Information and Management Science Journal, 5(2), 127-134. [Web | PDF]
- Lee, C. C., Min, S., Lee, H., & Han, J. (2002). Developing web-based shop agent systems with multi-attribute decision making model. E-Business Review, 2(1), 143-146.
- Kim, C. D., Dante, S., Lee, C. C. & Whang, Y. (2001). Increasing response rate in mail survey: The effect of respondent involvement in sweepstakes incentive. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 5(1), 49-56. [Web | PDF]
- Lee, C. C., & Lee, H. (2001). Factors affecting enterprise resource planning systems implementation in a higher education institution. Issues in Information Systems, 2(1), 207-212.
- Han, J., Lee, K., & Lee, C. C. (2000). Artificial intelligence systems for strategic business decision making. Academy of Information and Management Science Journal, 3(2), 153-174.
- Ueng, C. J., Kim, S., & Lee, C. C. (2000). The impact of firm's ownership advantages and the economic status of destination country on the wealth effects of international joint ventures. International Review of Financial Analysis, 9(1), 67-76.
- Kim, H., & Lee, C. C. (2000). Designing middleware systems to integrate web-based database and hierarchical database in the legacy systems: A case of an electric utility company. Academy of Information and Management Science Journal, 3(1), 56-62.
- Lee, H., Mayer, B., Yang, J., Chen, K., & Lee, C. C. (1999). College students' perception of electronic commerce and Internet purchasing. Academy of Information and Management Science Journal, 2(1), 8-25. [PDF]
- Ueng, C. J., & Lee, C. C. (1997). An investment opportunity based corporate bankruptcy prediction model: A multiple discriminant analysis. Journal of Business Economics Research, 1(1), 44-49.
- Ueng, C. J., Lee, C. C., & Shirvani, H.M. (1997). The determinants of CEO compensation in small companies. Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance (Changed to Journal of Finance Issues), 11(1), 313-321.
- Kim, S. H., Ueng, C. J., & Lee, C. C. (1996). A test of agency theory: The international expansion through joint venture. Midwest Review of International Business Research, 10(1), 206-213.
- Ueng, C. J., & Lee, C. C. (1996). Predicting corporate bankruptcy in the 1990s: An investment opportunity-based model, Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance (Changed to Journal of Finance Issues), 10(1), 287-293.
- October 2023, Distinguished Research Paper Award. Received this award for a paper titled "Five corporate social responsibility factors on employee job satisfaction: A study of employee generation differences" at The Institute for Global Business Research Fall 2023 Conference [Certificate]
- September 2023 Literati Award for Outstanding Paper. Emerald Publishing company gave this award for a paper titled “Examining employee retention and motivation: The moderating effect of employee generation.” [Certificate]
- April 2023, Semi-Finalist of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central [Certificate]
- March 2023, Best Paper Award in the best application of theory award category for the paper titled "Impacts of ESG on Gen Z and Gen Y Employees' Prosocial Motivation in the Workplace" at the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) 52nd Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. [Conference Program | Announcement]
- February 2023, MRRC Grant ($2,120). Received for a research project titled “Financial Effects of Health Information Exchange and Health Information Organization on Healthcare Operations" by Lee, C. C. & Zhang, R. (Co-Principals), awarded by CCSU-AAUP Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee (MRRC).
- October 2022, Best Paper Award. Northeast Association for Information Systems (NEAIS) Conference at Northeastern University in Boston, for a co-authored paper titled “Impacts of Health Information Exchange and Health Information Organization on Hospital Efficiency: A Data Envelopment Analysis Model.” https://communities.aisnet.org/newenglandusachapter/events/recentcommunityeventsdashboard/conference22 (Note: $500 cash award was also given along with the award certificate; Four MBA students, Jaimie Vivar, Briana Walker, Christine Rasile, & David Lawrence co-authored the paper.)
- April 2022, Honor Roll of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central.
- December 2021, Nominated for Online Teaching Award. Central.
- October 2021, Nominated for Dean’s Award for Research. School of Business, Central.
- October 2021, Nominated for Dean’s Award for Graduate Teaching. School of Business, Central.
- April 2021, Honor Roll of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central.
- October 2020, Distinguished Research Award. Received at the Institute for Global Business Research 2020 Fall Internet Conference (October 7 - 9, 2020) for a co-authored paper titled “Impacts of Information Technology Spending on Financial Performance and Quality of Patient Care in the U.S. Hospitals.” https://www.igbr.org/2020-fall-conference/
- July 2020, Distinguished Research Award. Received at the Institute for Global Business Research 2020 Summer Internet Conference (July 27-31, 2020) for a co-authored paper titled “Engaging Gen Z Employees at the Workplace.” https://www.igbr.org/2020-summer-internet-conference/
- April 2020, Honor Roll of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central.
- April 2020, Distinguished Research Award. Received at the Spring 2020 International Conference of the Institute for Global Business Research for a co-authored paper titled “Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Hospital Profitability.” https://www.igbr.org/2020-spring-conference/
- April 2020, Distinguished Research Award. Received at the Spring 2020 International Conference of the Institute for Global Business Research for a co-authored paper titled “Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction Model for Internet Startup Companies.” https://www.igbr.org/2020-spring-conference/
- February 2020, Nominated for Graduate Program Director Award. Central.
- February 2020, Nominated for Graduate Capstone Advisor Award. Central.
- April 2019, Honor Roll of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central.
- October 2018, Vice President. I was elected VP of community engagement at the 2018 International Information Management Association Annual Conference in Houston, Texas.
- April 2018, Honor Roll of Excellence in Teaching Award. Central.
- April 2018, Outstanding Paper Award. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference in Providence, Rode Island gave this award to a co-authored paper titled “Consumer behavior of over-the-top television service subscribers.”
- May 2017, Research Grant. School of Business, Central. This grant was used for a partial payment for the American Hospital Association (AHA) database.
- October 2016, Research Award. Allied Academies 2016 Fall International Conference in Las Vegas selected my co-authored paper for this award. The paper is titled "Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction & Retention of Millennials.”
- April 2014, Nominated for Professor of the Year by students at Lake Superior State University. Only four professors were nominated for this award by the Student Government.
- August 2007, Summer Research Grant. Awarded from School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University.
- June 2007, Research Grant on a research project on “Outsourcing” from Korean Management Information Systems Association.
- April 2007, Distinguished Research Award. Won from the Allied Academies Spring 2007 International Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
- August 2006, Summer Research Grant. Awarded from School of Business, Pacific Lutheran University.
- May 2006, Nominated for Teaching Award by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- April 2006, Periodical Article. Featured in Beacon, a newsletter published by the College of Business at Central Washington University.
- Sept. 2005, Research Grant, the College of Business, Central Washington University for a paper titled “Zip’s Law Distributions in Korean Financial Markets,” published in the Journal of Korean Physical Society.
- May 2005, Nominated for Advising Award by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- Mar. 2004, Research Grant, Received a research grant from the Institute for Peace Studies, Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, for a paper titled “An Optimization Model for Determining the North Korea Railroad Usage Fee.” The Korea Research Foundation sponsored this research project.
- Feb. 2004, Research Grant, Received a research grant by the College of Business Administration, Pukyong National University, in Busan, South Korea, for a paper titled “A Framework for E-Business Restructuring Process.”
- May 2002, Excellence in Faculty Research Award, Presented by the College of Business, Central Washington University, at its annual banquet. One faculty is given the award each year.
- May 2001, Teaching Award. Nominated by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- May 2001, Research Award, Presented by the Academy of Marketing Studies for a paper titled "Increasing Response Rate in Mail Surveys."
- May 2001, Excellence in Faculty Research Award, Presented by the College of Business, Central Washington University, at its annual banquet. One faculty is given the award each year.
- May 2001, Teaching Award. Nominated by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- May 2001, Advising Award. Nominated by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- Oct. 2000, Award for Innovative and Creative Teaching, Presented by the Academy of Educational Leadership for excellence in teaching. The Academy of Educational Leadership is a subsidiary of the Allied Academies, Inc., a non-profit association of scholars, whose purpose is to support and encourage research and the sharing and exchange of ideas and insights throughout the world and located in 145 Travis Road, Cullowhee, NC 28723.
- 2000, Summer Research Grant, $3,000 awarded by the College of Business at Central Washington University for a paper titled "Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in a Higher Education Institution."
- 2000, Teaching Award. Nominated by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- 2000, Advising Award. Nominated by the College of Business students at Central Washington University.
- 2000, Office of Academic Computing Grant, The Office of Academic Computing at Central Washington University (Dr. David Kaufman, Director) sponsored my attendance at the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC) Conference.
- 1999, Merrick Research Grant, $3,000 awarded by the College of Business at Central Washington University for a paper titled "StratPlanner: A Neural Expert System for An Intelligent Strategic Planning System."
- 1999, Teaching Award. Nominated by the School of Business and Economics students at Central Washington University.
- 1999, Advising Award. Nominated by the School of Business and Economics students at Central Washington University.
- 1998, Summer Research Grant, $2,500 awarded by the School of Business and Economics at Central Washington University for a paper titled "A Quality Management of Swap-Out Times at the Army Training Center."
- 1998, Teaching Award. Nominated by the School of Business and Economics students at Central Washington University.
- 1998, Advising Award. Nominated by the School of Business and Economics students at Central Washington University.
- 1995, Doctoral Student Grant, Awarded by Statistics Division in American Society of Quality Control (ASQC) at The 39th Annual Fall Technical Conference for outstanding achievements in SPC.
- BUS 581, Graduate Special Project (MBA Capstone) | Syllabus | Teaching Evaluation |
- BUS 580, Graduate Business Research (Independent Study MBA Capstone) | Proposal (Form 1, Form 2) | Final Paper (Form 3) |
- BUS 548, Business Decision Models | Syllabus | Teaching Evaluation (Fall 2023) |
- BUS 542, Web Analytics
- BUS 594, Independent Study in Business
- BUS 582, Graduate Capstone Seminar
- BUS 544, Business Process Modeling
- BUS 480, Capstone Seminar
- MGT 499, Independent Study in Management
- MGT 497, Internship in Management
- MGT 480, Strategic Management
- MGT 390, Management Topics
- MGT 348, Management Systems (formerly, MGT 448)
- MGT 333, Operations Management
- MGT 295, Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behavior
To view more course syllabi and teaching evaluations, click HERE.