I am a molecular biologist with an interest in genetics, immunology, and dermatology. My research focus is on the genetic pathways underlying the development and pathology of the skin and its adnexa (glands, hair, and nails). Currently, students in my laboratory are researching the role of HOX transcription factors in the development and cycling of hair follicles. Other students are studying the genetic pathways underlying the autoimmune disease Alopecia Areata.
Representative Publications
Sundberg JP, Pratt CH, Goodwin LP, Silva KA, Kennedy VE, Potter CS, Dunham A, Sundberg BA,
         HogenEsch, H. Keratinocyte-specific deletion of SHARPIN induces atopic dermatitis-like
         inflammation in mice. PLoS One. 2020 Jul 20;15(7):PMID: 32687504
Peuhu E, Salomaa S, De Franceschi N, Potter CS, Sundberg JP, Pouwels J, Integrin beta 1 inhibition
         alleviates the chronic hyperproliferative dermatitis phenotype of SHARPIN-deficient mice.
         PLoS One. 2017 Oct 17;12(10):0186628.
Potter CS, Silva KA, Kennedy VE, Stearns TM, HogenEsch H, Sundberg JP. Loss of FAS/FASL signaling does
         not reduce apoptosis in Sharpin null mice. Exp Dermatol. 2017 Sep;26(9):820-822.
Pratt HC, Potter CS, Kuiper RV, Karst SY, Dadras SS, Roopenian DC, Sundberg JP.
      Skin fragility in the wild-derived, inbred mouse strain Mus pahari/EiJ. Exp Mol Pathol.
      2016 Dec  28;102(1):128-132.
Pratt CH, Dionne LA, Fairfield H, Dadras SS, Potter CS, Sundberg JP. Gnaq(M1J): An ENU- Induced Mutant
      Allele Affecting Pigmentation in the Mouse. J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Jan;136(1):334-6.
Potter CS, Pruett ND, Kern MJ, Godwin AR, Sundberg JP, Awgulewitsch A. Dysregulated expression of a
     gene encoding a lipid metabolizing enzyme, SOAT1,  in the hair shaft of Hoxc13 null mice. Exp Mol
    Pathol. 2015 Dec;99(3):441-4.
Pratt HC, Potter CS, Fairfield H, Reinholdt LG, Bergstrom DE, Harris BS, Greenstein I, Dadras SS, Liang BT,
     Schofield PN, Sundberg JP. Dsprul: A spontaneous mouse mutation in desmoplakin as a model of
     Carvajal-Huerta Syndrome. Exp Mol Pathol. 2015 Apr;98(2): 164-72.
Sundberg JP, Awgulewitsch A, Pruett ND, Potter CS, Silva KA, Stearns TM, Sundberg BA, Muñoz MW,
     Cuasnicu PS, King LE Jr, Rice RH. Crisp1 and alopecia areata in C3H/HeJ mice. Exp Mol Pathol.
     2014 Dec;97(3):525-8.
Potter CS, Wang Z, Silva KA, Kennedy V, Stearns T, Shultz LD, HogenEsch H,
     Sundberg JP. Chronic proliferative dermatitis in Sharpin null mice: Development of
     an autoinflammatory disease in the absence of B and T lymphocytes and IL4/IL13
     signaling. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 21;9(1):e85666.
Society for Investigative Dermatology
American Hair Research Society
BIO 113 - Laboratory Experience in Biology
BIO/BMS 318 - Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture and Laboratory)
BIO/BMS 319 - Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture and Laboratory)
BIO 414 - Human Disease
BIO 518 -Advanced Pathophysiology and Applied Physiology
BIO 530 - Graduate Immunology
BIO 490/540 - Advanced Topics: Cancer Biology
Biology (Certifiable for Secondary Teaching) Department Coordinator and Student Teaching Evaluator