Sign Linguistics (syntax, semantics), Multilingualism, Second Language Acquisition
- Formal properties (syntax/semantics)
- Sign Languages (e.g. ASL)
- Languages with, vs. languages without, definite articles
- Anaphoric expressions (pronouns and ellipsis)
- Representative works:
Koulidobrova, E. & Davidson, K. (2016). Semantics in the study of Sign Languages. In Boudreault, P., Gertz, G. & Golson, J.G. (Eds.) Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. SAGE.
Koulidobrova, E. (2013) Parallelism revisited: The nature of the null argument in ASL as compared to the Romance-style pro. Sign Language & Linguistics 15 (2). https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/sll.15.2.07kou
--- and some 'almost ready' for show (though feel free to check the drafts on lingbuzz or contact me directly):
Knowledge Circle: Documentation of Ecuadorian Sign Language
Koulidobrova, E. Looking for person: impersonal approach to the passive-like constructions in ASL.
Koulidobrova, E. Counting (on) nouns in ASL.
Koulidobrova, E. Zidani-Eroglu, L. When it looks like sluicing in ASL but who knows if it is.
- Simultaneous vs. sequential
- Unimodal vs. bimodal
- Code-switching and transfer
- Representative works:
Koulidobrova, E. (2014). Mechanics of “transfer”: Evidence from the speech of ASL-English bilinguals. In the University of Connecticut Working Papers in Linguistics (UconnWPL) 17. MIT Press.
Koulidobrova, E. (2013). Influence uninhibited: Null subjects in the speech of ASL-English bilinguals. In S. Stavrakaki, M. Lalioti, & P. Konstantinopolou (Eds.) Advances in Language Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Lillo-Martin, D., Koulidobrova, E., Müller de Quadros, R. & Chen Pichler, D. (2012) Bilingual language synthesis: Evidence from wh-questions in bimodal bilinguals. In Proceedings of Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 36, Cascadilla Press.
Lillo-Martin, D., Müller de Quadros, R., Koulidobrova, K. & Chen Pichler, D. (2010). Bimodal bilingual cross-language influence in unexpected domains. In J. Costa, A. Castro, M. Lobo, & F. Pratas (Eds.) Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 2009). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
--- and some 'almost ready for show' (though feel free to check the drafts on lingbuzz or contact me directly):
Koulidobrova, E. & Martinez Vera, G. Acquisition of Adjectives in ASL. in Language Acquisition
Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. Phonological discrimination in Sign L2: Contributions to the theory of SLA.
Koulidobrova, E. It’s all in the input: Argument omission in the spoken language of children with cochlear implants vs. codas.
Chen Pichler, D. & Koulidobrova, E. Research Methods in L2 acquisition of Sign Languages. Routledge [book]
- L2 learning during K-12
- Endangered language development
- Learning of English by individuals whose L1 is a Sign Language
- Language education for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing
- Disability and language
- Indigenous Languages
- Representative works:
Werblow, J., Dunesberry, L., Koulidobrova, E. 2020. 'The case for dual language programs as the future for public education'. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 2473-2876.
Werblow, J. Dunesbery, L. Koulidobrova. E. (2020). Shifting the perspective: The case for dual language programs as the gold standard for achieving educational equity in schools. Literacy Today.
Koulidobrova, E. English in the classroom: Colonialism continues. Public mini-lecture: TEDxCCSU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEf7HE7tqg8
NSF PROJECT: Indigenous languages and COVID-19
1. Project website: https://sites.google.com/view/saipm-covid19/home
2. Instruments:
- Sanchez, L. & Koulidobrova, E. (2022) Health Questionnaire, In Colón Rodríguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University. pp. 1-10, doi:10.34577/00005171
- Sanchez. L. & Koulidobrova, E. 2021. Indigenous health, minoritized communities, and COVID-19: Health crisis readiness questionnaire. https://sites.google.com/view/saipm-covid19/questionnaires/ [Language]. Accessed on…
- Sanchez. L. & Koulidobrova, E. 2021. Indigenous health, minoritized communities, and COVID-19: Health crisis readiness questionnaire/Protocol for administering the survey. https://sites.google.com/view/saipm-covid19/questionnaires/ [Language] Accessed on .....
- Sanchez. L. & Koulidobrova, E. 2021. Indigenous health, minoritized communities, and COVID-19: Guiding questions for creation of the audio-visual and other materials by healthcare educators/professionals for addressing a health crisis https://sites.google.com/view/saipm-covid19/guide/ [Language]. Accessed on...
3. Databases/Repositories:
a. Health Questionnaire Digital Archive: https://healthqda.aa-ken.jp/about.html
- Lee, S. J., D. Shinagawa, E. Koulidobrova, and L. Sanchez (2022). Health Questionnaire Digital Archive (HealthQDA), Digital collection managed by Information Resources Center at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. URL: https://healthqda.aa-ken.jp
b. Corpus (pdf-based, chapter per language): https://icu.repo.nii.ac.jp/
Colón Rodriguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University. pp. 1-845.
- Quechua: Macedo, B., De La Cruz, C., Quispe, B., Sanchez, L., and E. Koulidobrova (2022). Quechua (CUZ): Health Questionnaire Metadata (ICULD-0037). In Colón Rodriguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University, pp. 11-753. Doi.Org/10.34577/00005149
- Shipibo: Chavez, D., Pérez Rodríguez, G., Sanchez, L., and E. Koulidobrova (2022). Shipibo (SHP): Health Questionnaire Metadata (ICULD-0038). In In Colón Rodriguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University, pp. 11-753. Doi.Org/10.34577/00005149. 755-1385. Doi.Org/10.34577/00005150
- Kiribati: Timee, T., Lee, S.J., Sanchez, L., and E. Koulidobrova (2022). Kiribati: Health Questionnaire Metadata (ICULD-0039). In Colón Rodriguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers in Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University, pp. 1387. doi.org/10.34577/00005151
- Nuosu Yi: Sheng, H., Lee, S.J., Sanchez, L., and E. Koulidobrova (2022). Nuosu Yi: Health Questionnaire Metadata (ICULD-0040). In Colón Rodriguez, K. and Imbaquingo, J. (Eds.) International Christian University Working Papers In Linguistics 20: Health Questionnaire Digital Archive. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University, pp. 1389-1989. doi.org/10.34577/00005152 4.
4. Audio-visual materials:
- Delgado, G & Mahua, B. (2022). Salúd Indígena: Shipibo. [Audio-visual materials in 3 parts: The Beginning / The Response / The Present]. https://sites.google.com/view/saipm-covid19/audiovisual-materials-forhealthcare-education/shipibo
- Peralta, S. & Peralta, H. (2022). Thaniy: Sanar: COVID-19 en la comunidad Quechua [Audio-visual materials]. https://sites.google.com/view/saipmcovid19/audiovisual-materials-for-healthcare-education/quechua
5. Community Impact Presentations:
- Sanchez, L. & Koulidobrova, E. (2021). Life (and language) in times of COVID-19: Quechua and Shipibo in rural Peru. The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Language Planning (LPP)2021. McGill University. August 2021
- Koulidobrova, E., & Sanchez, L. (2021). Indigenous communities in multilingual countries in the time of the pandemic... Messages (not) received: Quechua and Shipibo in rural Peru. Conference on Multilingualism 2021. University of Konstanz. June 2021
- Sreekumar, P., Lee, S., Wong, D., Kumar, M.S.B., Koulidobrova, E., & Sanchez, L. (2021). Information sharing with minority Dravidian languages: A case of COVID19 Mythbusters. International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC)-7. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. March 2021
- Sánchez, L. & E. Koulidobrova (2021) The relevance of linguistic and cross-cultural appropriateness in communication during the Coronavirus pandemic for individuals with limited proficiency in the economically dominant language. UIC In/Between Conference, March 2, 2021.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2021) Living through the Pandemic in Peru in my language. Presented at Living in Las Americas: Politics, Health and Society Beyond Borders. October 13, 2021, Central Connecticut State University.
- Mahua, B., Rodriguez, C. Sánchez, L. & E. Koulidobrova (2022) Relevance of linguistic and cross-cultural appropriateness in communication during the pandemic.: Perspectives of the Shipibo Community. Panel: UIC In/Between Conference, March 2, 2022.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2022). SAIPM Project: Indigenous health, Minoritized Communities, and COVID 19. Presented at the Bilingualism Matters Annual Knowledge Exchange Event, May 17, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dAjhwoglkxc.
6. Publications:
- five others are in the pipeline. See CV for details and contact me directly
- Ellipsis, sluicing, and other VP-related phenomena in ASL. Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. June 2023
- Cripping the delay: Crip Linguistics, language deprivation, and sign multilingualism. Stockholm University. October 2022.
- Looking for meaning in space: Nouns, pronouns, and other "problems" in sign language semantics. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima. December 2020.
- Sign languages and their peoples: At the intersection of indigeneity and Deafness. Keynote at the III Coloquio Internacional sobre la Lengua de Señas Peru, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. March 2020 [cancelled due to COVID-19].
- Unimodal vs. bimodal bilinguals: What we know about multilingual signers. Invited Speaker at the Language Acquisition Seminar. Lund University, Sweden. November 2019.
- Bilingualism effects in 2L1 and L2 sign language: Icelandic and Emirati Sign Languages. LAVA (Language Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition) Lunch. University of TromsØ. October 2019.
- When My Other Language is a Sign Language: A Signer’s Contribution to the Linguistic Theory. Linguistics Colloquium. Brandeis University. April 2019.
- The Mass/ive problem of ASL nouns. Yale University Linguistics Colloquium. Yale University. October 2018.
- My Other (Sign) Language: The Multilingual Signer’s Contribution to the Theory of Multilingualism. International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan. May 2018.
- Training workshop in documenting Sign Language phonology. International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan. May 2018.
- The count(ability) problem in ASL: New directions. Sign Language Linguistics Lab, Harvard University. October 2017.
- Raising and Teaching Signing Multilinguals. The Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Reykjavik, Iceland. October 2017.
- Counting Nouns: Bare Nouns and Number Specification in ASL. Haskoli Islands (University of Iceland), Reykjavik. October 2017.
- Bilingualism, achievement gaps, and (lack of) language support: The effects of language policies on the academic fate of CT multilinguals. Haskins Training Institute Lost in Translation: Myths & Progress in Bilingual Education, Yale University. January 2017.
- Do you see what I see? Ambiguity in ASL signing space. Linguistics Speaker Series, Brandeis University. March 2015.
- Balanced bilingual language acquisition in childhood: What bimodality reveals about unimodality. Language and Gesture Lab (PI: Asli Özürek), the Max Plank Institute on Language, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. June 2014.
- Ellipsis and related effects in American Sign Language. NYU Syntax Brownbag. October 2013.
- Chen Pichler, D. & Koulidobrova, E. (2022) Between gesture and language at the point of immersion: Factors affecting constituent order in beginner M2L2 signing. To be presented at the Multidisciplinary Approaches to Migration and Multilingualism (MAMM2022), Cyprus University, October 2022.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Chen Pichler, D. (2022) In the beginning there was… Initial communicative systems and language deprivation through the lens of Crip Linguistics. To be presented at the Theoretical Approaches to Sign Language Research (TISLR), Osaka, Japan, September 2022.
- Chen Pichler, D. & Koulidobrova, E. (2022) Effects of reversibility and animacy on constituent order in beginner M2L2 signing. Presented at the International Conference of Sign Language Acquisition (ICSLA) 4. Boston University, June 2022
- Koulidobrova, E. & Martínez Vera, G. MORE ASL please. (2022) The lack of effects from English on gradability by the deaf and hearing ASL acquiring children. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Language Attrition and Bilingualism, Southern Connecticut State University. April 2022
- Koulidobrova, E. & G. Martínez Vera. 2021. (2021) ASL as [-degree] language: evidence from the comparatives in the SLAAASH corpus. Presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America (GALANA 2021), University of Iceland.
- Koulidobrova, E., Martinez Vera, G., Kurz, K. & Kurz, C. (2021) Revisiting gradability in ASL. Chicago Linguistic Society 57. April 2021.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Sverrisdóttir, R. (2021) Putting the money where the mouth is/hands are: Icelandic Sign Language and the UNDRIP. The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Language Planning (LPP)2021. University. August 2021
- Sanchez, L. & Koulidobrova, E. (2021) Life (and language) in times of COVID-19: Quechua and Shipibo in rural Peru. The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Language Planning (LPP)2021. University. August 2021
- Koulidobrova, E., & Sanchez, L. (2021) Indigenous communities in multilingual countries in the time of the pandemic... Messages (not) received: Quechua and Shipibo in rural Peru. Conference on Multilingualism 2021. University of Konstanz. June 2021
- Koulidobrova, E., Martinez-Vera, G., Kurz, K., & Kurz, C. (2021) Revisiting gradability in ASL. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS)-57. University of Chicago, May 2021
- Koulidobrova, E., & Martinez-Vera, G. (2021) Evidence of absence: ASL as [-degree] language from comparatives in the SLAASh corpus. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition-North America (GALANA)-9. Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2021
- Sreekumar, P., Lee, S., Wong, D., Kumar, M.S.B., Koulidobrova, E., & Sanchez, L. (2021). Information sharing with minority Dravidian languages: A case of COVID-19 Mythbusters. International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC)-7. University of Hawai’I at Manoa. March 2021
- Koulidobrova, E. & Ivanova, N. (2020). Acquisition of phonology in child Icelandic Sign Language: Some unique findings. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans. January 2020.
- Koulidobrova, E., Ivanova, N. & S. Jóhannesdóttir (2020). Bimodal bilinguals behave almost like unimodal bilingual: Phonology of Icelandic Sign Language. Linguistic Diversity and Linguistics Modalities: New Perspectives on Bimodal (Sign Language/Oral Language) Bilingualism. University of Hamburg. March 2020.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Ivanova, N. (2020). Acquisition of phonology in child Icelandic Sign Language: Some unique findings. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans. January 2020.
- Luchkina, T., Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2019). Testing the models of ASL phonology. American Phonological Society. Stony Brook, NY. September 2019.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Zidani-Eroglu, L. A few arguments for isomorphic sluicing in ASL. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR). Hamburg, Germany. September 2019.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Luchkina, T. (2019). Two models of Sign phonology in SignL2 by Deaf learners: Sonority wins. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR). Hamburg, Germany. September 2019.
- Koulidobrova, E., Luchkina, T. & Palmer, J. (2019). Testingmodels of Sign Language phonology: Deaf L2 vs. I learners. Generative Linguistics of the Old World (GLOW)-42. Oslo, Norway. May 2019.
- Luchkina, T., Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2019). Processing of American Sign Language by L2 and naïve signers: focus on visual sign phonology. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA)-9. Bloomington, IN. September 2018.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Ivanova, N. (2018). Nonce phonology in Icelandic Sign Language: A unique finding in a unique context or an asset in language learning? Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA)-9. Bloomington, IN. September 2018.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2018). Must we point this out? Argument suppliance in delayed SignL2 as a test- case for theories of multilingualism. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Salt Lake City. January 2018.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Zidani-Eroglu, L. (2018). What you see is what you get: Sluicing in ASL. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Salt Lake City. January 2018.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2017). The point of it: Argument suppliance in delayed SignL2. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 42, Boston University, Boston. November 2017.
- Abner, N., Koulidobrova, E. & Wilbur, R. (2017). When BEAT is EXCEED: Verbal Comparison in American Sign Language. Formal and Experimental Approaches to Sign language Theory. Reykjavik, Iceland. June 2017.
- Abner, N., Koulidobrova, E., Wilbur, R. & Wood, S. (2017). Don’t miss the BEAT!: Exceeds Comparatives in American Sign Language’. The 53rd Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), University of Chicago. May 2017.
- Luchkina, T., Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2017). Processing of American Sign Language by foreign and naïve signers: focus on visual sign phonology. CUNY Processing Conference, MIT, Cambridge. March 2017.
- Palmer, J. & Koulidobrova, E. (2017). Circumlocution by Deaf sign language bilinguals. International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Limerik, Ireland. June 2017.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2017). Processing problems, unidirectionality of transfer, or modality effects? Sign-sign bilinguals solve the puzzle. International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Limerick, Ireland. June 2017.
- Chen Pichler, D., Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2016). Modality-(in)dependent second language acquisition of Sign Languages. The 5th Meeting of Signedand Spoken Language Linguistics. Minpaku Center forEthnographic Studies, Osaka, Japan. September 2016.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2016). Bare NPs and number specification in ASL. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory (FEAST) Colloquium. Ca’Foscari University, Venice, Italy. September 2016.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2016). Back to the inhibition:argument omission in L2 Sign Language acquisition by deaf learners. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA). September 2016.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2016). Passing by the passive in ASL. Penn Linguistics Colloquium. March 2016
- Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2016). Phonological discrimination in Sign L2: Within vs. across, modality effects. Theoretical Issues in Sign Linguistics (TISLR) 12, Melbourne. January 2016.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2016). Advantages of deafness or L1 foundation? Input and argument omission in ASL-English bilingualism. Theoretical Issues in Sign Linguistics (TISLR) 12, Melbourne. January 2016.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2015). Exposure to a Sign Language: What does it buy you? 2nd International Symposium on Sign Language Acquisition, University of Amsterdam. July 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2015). What’s there to know? Effects of previous/concurrent exposure to a Sign Language. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) 10, Rutgers University. May 2015.
- Davidson, K. & Koulidobrova, E. (2015). What you can double…not. Formal and Experimental Approaches to Sign language Theory (FEAST) Colloquium. University of Pompeu Fabra. May 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E.(2015). Looking for person in ASL. Workshop on Impersonals. University of Paris VIII. February 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Palmer, J. (2015). Whaddaya know?: Effects of exposure to a Sign Language on learning another one. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA) 6, University of Maryland-College Park. February 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Davidson, K. (2015). Embedding predicates and role-shift. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland. January 2015.
- Davidson, K. & Koulidobrova, E. (2015). Interaction of doubling and negation in ASL. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland. January 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2015). Advantages of non-hearing: language-synthesis and argument omission in ASL-English bilingualism. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland. January 2015.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2014). Hearing vs. CI and argument omission in ASL-English bilingualism and advantages of non-hearing. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 39, Boston University, Boston. November 2014.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2014). Hearing vs. CI: Language-synthesis and argument omission in ASL- English bilingualism. 2014 UIC Bilingualism Forum. University of Illinois-Chicago. October 2014.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Lillo-Martin, D. (2014). When there isnowhere to pointyet: The case of the (non) pronominal IX in ASL. Sinn und Bedeutung19. University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany. September 2014.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Davidson, K. (2014). Watch the attitude: Role-shift and embedding in ASL. Sinn und Bedeutung 19. University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany. September 2014.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Davidson, K. (2014). Check your attitude: Role-shift and embedding in ASL. Presented at Formal and Experimental Approaches to Sign language Theory (FEAST) Colloquium. Ca Foscari University, Venice, Italy. June 2014.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2013). Argument ellipsis in American Sign Language: When there isno space for space. Theoretical Issues in Sign Linguistics (TISLR) 11, London, UK. July 2013.
- Koulidobrova, E. Sign-speech bilingualism: A pathway to untangling bilingualism effects. Theoretical Issues in Sign Linguistics (TISLR) 11, London, UK. July 2013.
- Quadros, R., Lillo-Martin, D., Koulidobrova, E. & Chen Pichler, D. Noun Phrases in Koda bilingual acquisition. Theoretical Issues in Sign Linguistics (TISLR) 11, London, UK. July 2013.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Davisdon, K. (2013). Bimodal bilingual children’s use of referents in their spoken English. Presented at 1st Symposium on Sign Language Acquisition, Lisbon, Portugal. April 2013.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2013). Some arguments against the DP in American Sign Language. Presented at the Workshop on Languages with and without Articles, Paris 8 , Paris, France. February 2013.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2013). She said that ___was OK: Anaphora resolution in ASL- English bilingualism. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Winter Meeting, Boston. January 2013.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2013). Null arguments in American Sign Language: Elide me bare. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Winter Meeting, Boston. January 2013.
- Quadros, R., Lillo-Martin, D., Koulidobrova, E. & Chen Pichler, D. (2012). Noun phrase in bimodal bilingual acquisition. Presented at Generative Approaches to language Acquisition- North America (GALANA) 5, University of Kansas, Lawrence. October 2012.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Koulidobrova, E., de Quadros, R. & Chen-Pichler, D. (2011). Bilingual language synthesis: Evidence from wh-questions in bimodal bilinguals. Presented at Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 36, Boston University, Boston. November 2011.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2011). Null subjects in the speech of ASL/English bilinguals: transfer or an extra PF? Presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece. September 2011.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2011). Null objects in ASL: The case of (indefinite) argument ellipsis. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory (FEAST) Colloquium, Venice, Italy. June 2011
- Koulidobrova, E., Müller de Quadros, R., Chen Pichler, D. & Lillo-Martin, D. (2011). Cross-language influence, code-switching, and code-blending. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) 8, Oslo, Norway. June 2011.
- Lillo-Martin, D. & Koulidobrova, E. (2011). Constraints on cross-language influence, code- switching and code-blending. UIC Bilingualism Forum, University of Illinois, Chicago. April 2011.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2010). Revelations of nothing: ASL null subjects and their cross-linguistic consequences. Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2010, Universityof California, Fresno. November 2010.
- Koulidobrova, E. 2010. (2010). “Transfer” past the surface: Evidence from null subjectsin the speech of an ASL/English bilingual. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD)35, Boston University, Boston. November 2010
- Koulidobrova, E. (2010). Mechanics of “transfer”: Evidence from null subjects in the speech of an ASL/English bilingual. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of Maryland, College Park. October 2010.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Müller de Quadros, R., Koulidobrova, E. & Chen Pichler, D. (2010). Koda Bilingual Language Development. National KODA Family Conference (NKSF), New York. June 2010.
- Koulidobrova, E. & Goodwin, C. (2010). What transfers and why: Null arguments in the English of ASL-English bilinguals. Uconn- Umass-Smith Language Acquisition Workshop (UUSLAW), University of Connecticut. May 2010.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Goodwin, C., Koulidobrova, E. & Tieu, L. Linguistic studies in bilingualism. (2010). Uconn Language Fest, University of Connecticut. May 2010.
- Koulidobrova, E. Pro and lack thereof: What ASL reveals about Spanish…or, what Spanish reveals about ASL. Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC) 34, Upenn, PA. February 2010.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Müller de Quadros, R., Koulidobrova, E. & Chen Pichler, D. (2009). Bimodal bilingual cross-language influence in unexpected domains. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA), Lisbon, Portugal. September 2009.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2009). SELF: Intensifier and ‘long distance’ effects in ASL. European Summer School of Language, Logic and Information (ESSLI ) 2009, Bordeaux, France. July 2009.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2009). The intensifier itself: Evidence against long distance anaphor in American Sign Language. XIV Colloquiumon Generative Grammar. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gesteiz, Spain. April 2009.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2007). DP or not DP: Evidence from acquisition. Uconn/Umass /Smith Language Acquisition Workshop (USLAW), University of Connecticut, Storrs, December 2007.
- Koulidobrova, E. (2021). Life (and language) in times of COVID. Living in Las Americas: Politics, health and society beyond borders. CCSU LALCC conference. October 2021
- Koulidobrova, E. (2020). Sign Languages. Much language such talk – a podcast of the Bilingualism Matters. https://mlstpodcast.com/2020/10/15/__helen_koulidobrova_signed_languages/
- Koulidobrova, E. English in the classroom: Colonialism continues. Public mini-lecture: TEDxCCSU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEf7HE7tqg8
- Professional Development (PD) sessions in CT K-12 districts and other stakeholders (11 sessions total). Part of the Bilingualism and English Language Learning Research Lab(BELL- RL@CCSU). 2015-2017
- Universal Design for Learning: Curbing of education. A workshop for Central faculty across disciplines, sponsored by Central Center for Teaching and Learning (with E. Brewer), 2013
- Non-native English writer through the prism of linguistics: What kind of help is needed, 2007-2008
- Series of workshops for the staff of the University Connecticut Writing Center, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 2006-2012
- ESOL issues and the (non-) international student: Training for instructors of Rhetoric. Instructor Training Workshop, University of Connecticut, West Hartford, 2008
- Non-native writer concerns in an inter-city college environment. TeachingCircles, Metropolitan Community College, Kansas City, MO, 2005
NSF RAPID Covid-19 ($183,000): Relevance of linguistic and cross-cultural appropriateness in communication during the pandemic: Limited proficiency in the economically dominant language (with L. Sánchez, UIC), awarded: 2033739 + 2033712
American Rescue Plan (ARP) & Secondary School Emergency Relief (SSER) - Connecticut Covid-19 Education Research Collaborative ($60.000): Bilingual Needs Assessment Project (with M. Ciscel, Central, L. Howard, UConn, and CT SDE), awarded.
NSF DEL ($450,000): Documenting and immersing into dialectal variation in the time of health crisis: SouthEast Manitoba Anishinaabemowin in the time of COVID-19 (with S. Sinclair, Hollow Water First Nation), under revision
NIH ($100,000): COVID-19 information and linguistic discrimination of minoritized communities: Analysis of narratives, under revision
CT Legislative Allocation: CT Bilingualism and English Language Learning Research Lab (BELLRL@CCSU, $350,000), 2015-2017
Bilingualism Matters, Honorary Member, 2022
Central Connecticut State University Internal:
- Excellence in Teaching award, honor roll, 2015
- Teaching and Learning Community Group grant: Universal Design for Learning, 2015
- AAUP Grant 2023 ($5,000)
- AAUP Grant, 2022 ($5,000)
- AAUP Grant, 2016 ($4,554):
- AAUP Grant, 2015 (($3,500)
- Faculty Development Grant, 2015 ($1,500)
- AAUP Grant, 2014 ($3,500)
- Faculty Development Grant, 2014 ($1,600)
- Faculty Research Travel Grant, 2014 $1,000)
- AAUP Grant, 2013 ($3,500)
- Faculty Development Grant, 2013 ($1,600)
University of Connecticut:
- University of Connecticut Doctoral Fellowship, 2010-2011
- University of Connecticut Graduate Student Travel Award, 2009
- University of Connecticut Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 2007-2010
- Linguistic Society of America (LSA) o Committee on Diversity in Linguistics. Travel Awards, co-Chair.
- Program Committee
- Language and Policy Subcommittee
- Language Revitalization Subcommittee
- Sign Language Linguistic Society
- American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- American Association for Advancement of Sciences (AAAS)
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International; Regional
- Higher Educators as Advocates for Language Learners (HEALL), CT
- Bilingualism Matters (BM)
Central Connecticut State University:
- Introduction to Linguistics (required for all English and Education majors; undergraduate): LING 200
- Introduction to Linguistic Diversity: Language Endangerment and Revitalization (required for all English majors; undergraduate): LING 230
- Language Acquisition (required for all English Education majors; undergraduate): LING 300
- Methods in TESOL I (graduate): LING 406/506
- Methods in TESOL II (graduate): LING 596
- Studies in Second Language Composition (graduate): LING 433/533
- Second Language Assessment (graduate): LING 435/535
- Issues in Multilingualism and Bilingual Education (graduate): LING 437/537
- Content-based Language Instruction (graduate): LING 438/538
- Research in Applied Linguistics and TESOL (graduate): LING 598
- Student Teacher supervision in TESOL (post-baccalaureate): EDSC 412
- English Language Learners in a Content Classroom (graduate): LING 521
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition (graduate): LING 407/507
- Applied Linguistics Internship: LING 450/550
- Topics in Linguistics: LING 430 (undergraduate) / LING 530 (graduate)
- Issues in Spanish-English bilingualism
- Sign language acquisition
- Introduction to Semantics
- Issues in Biliteracy
- ...
Elsewhere: English as an Additional Language (all levels and across domains, including TOEFL prep)
- University of Central Missouri
- University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Kansas City-Metropolitan Community Colleges (Pennvalley)
- City School #24 (K-12), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine