Associate Professor
Mathematical Sciences
Marcus White Hall
Or by appointment
Publications, Research & Presentations
REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4760-6395)
- Singh G. & Fick G.H.(2020) Ordinal outcomes: a cumulative probability model with the log link and an assumption of proportionality. Statistics in Medicine. 39:1343-1361
- Sajobi T.T., Singh G., Lowerison M.W., Engbers J., Menon B.K., Demchuk A.M., Goyal M., Hill M.D. (2017) Minimal Sufficient Balance Randomization for Sequential Randomized Controlled Trial Designs: Results from the ESCAPE Trial. Trials. 18:516
- Sajobi T.T., Lix L.M., Singh G., Lowerison M.W., Engbers J., Mayo N. (2015). Identifying Reprioritization Response Shift in a Stroke Caregiver Population: A comparison of Missing Data Methods. Quality of Life Research. 24:3 529-540.
- deLeon A., Guo M., Rudnisky C.J., Singh G. (2007) A likelihood approach to estimating sensitivity and specificity for binocular data: Application in Ophthalmology . Statistics in Medicine. 26: 3300-3314.
- Singh G. & Fick G.H. R package. lcpm: Ordinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log Link, (2019). https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lcpm
- 2022 Singh G.* and Fick G.H. Ordinal Outcomes: Considerations for the Generalized Linear Model with the Identity Link. Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), Burnaby, BC, CANADA (virtual)
- 2020Â Singh G.* and Fick G.H. Ordinal outcomes: Considerations for a log cumulative probability model without a proportionality assumption. Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Philadelphia, PA, USA (virtual)
- 2019Â Singh G.*, Lowerison M.W., Ademola A., Menon B., Hill M.D., Sajobi T.T. On Covariate Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials. Statistical Society of Canada, Calgary, AB, CANADA
- 2018 Singh G.* and Fick G.H. Ordinal Outcomes: Considerations for the Generalized Linear Model with the Log Link. Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Vancouver, BC CANADA
- 2016 Brenner J.*, Kyomuhangi T., Turyakira E., Nettel-Aguirre A., Singhal N., Singh G., Hobbs A., Kabakyenga J. and Healthy Child Uganda Evaluation Team. District scale up of an integrated maternal child health initiative in rural southwest Uganda: Pre-post intervention coverage survey results. 28th International Congress of Pediatrics, Vancouver, BC CANADA
- 2007 Parker G.* and Singh G.* Practical Issues in Modeling Investment Products. Annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), Vancouver, BC CANADA
- 2006Â Singh G.* Using Aggregated Log Returns to speed-up simulation. 41st Actuarial Research Conference (ARC), Montreal, Quebec CANADA
- 2019Â Singh G., Lowerison M.W., Ademola A., Menon B., Hill M.D., Sajobi T.T*. Minimal sufficient balance randomization for acute stroke trials. International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Leuven, BELGIUM
- 2019 Singh G., Lowerison M.W., Ademola A.*, Menon B., Hill M.D., Sajobi T.T. On Covariate Adaptive Randomization Methods in Acute Stroke Trials. Society for Clinical Trials. New Orleans, LA USA
- 2018Â Invited e-poster: Singh G.* and Fick G.H. Conditions for the Uniqueness, Finiteness and Possible Location of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate with a Log Binomial Model. Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Vancouver, BC CANADA
- 2015 Sajobi T.T., Pordeli P.*, Singh G., Kuokam W., Lix L.M. Logistic Ridge Regression for Domain Importance Assessment in Patient Reported Outcomes. 11th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Providence, RI USA
- 2021, 2020, 2019 Singh G.* Probability or odds: Considerations for Regression Models CCSU Mathematics Colloquium. New Britain, CT, USA.
- 2019 Singh G., Williamson T., Eliasziw M. & Fick G.H.* A Viable Option When Modelling Health Outcomes. O’Brien Institute for Public Health, Calgary AB, CANADA
- 2018 Singh G.* Intro to R/ Crash course in R. Invited by the Actuarial Club at Central to give a 3 hour workshop. New Britain, CT, USAÂ
- 2017 Singh G.* and Fick G.H. Binary and Ordinal Outcomes: Considerations for the Generalized Linear Model with the Log Link. Biostatistics. Survival Analysis Group Enhancement Seminar Series (SAGE), Calgary, AB CANADA
Awards & Grants
- 2021: Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll. Central Connecticut State University: Nominated by Central students for excellence in university teaching.
- 2022Â CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant: "Conditions for dissimilar estimates of log-binomial and Poisson regression parameters"
- 2021Â CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant: "Extending Log-Binomial Model and Log Cumulative Probability Model for correlated data"
- 2020Â CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant: "Comparing odds and probabilities as measures of risk for certain generalized linear models"
- 2019Â CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant: "Statistical Inference in the Proportional Probability and Log Binomial Models"
Memberships & Affiliations
- American Statistical Association (ASA) <https://www.amstat.org/>
- Fellow: CT Chapter of the ASA <https://community.amstat.org/connecticutchapter/home>
- New England Statistical Society (NESS) <https://nestat.org/>
- Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) <https://ssc.ca/en>
Courses Taught
- DATA 512: Predictive Analytics: Estimation and ClusteringÂ
- STAT 535: Graduate Loss and Frequency Distributions and Credibility Theory
- STAT 551: Applied Stochastic ProcessesÂ
- STAT 576: Topics in Statistics: Introduction to Data Science
- STAT 576: Topics in Statistics: Biostatistics
- DATA 599: Special Project (Plan C)
- STAT 425:Â Loss and Frequency Distributions and Credibility Theory
- STAT 476: Topics in Statistics: Introduction to Data Science
- STAT 476: Topics in Statistics: Biostatistics
- ACTL 481: Review – SOA/CAS Course Exam 1
- STAT 104: Elementary Statistics
- STAT 200: Business StatisticsÂ
- STAT 201: Business Statistics II
- STAT 215: Statistics for Behavioral Sciences I
- STAT 216:Â Statistics for Behavioral Sciences II