Assistant Professor
Psychological Science
Marcus White Hall
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Applied Psychology
Portland State University
Psychological Science
California State University Chico
California State University Chico
Areas of Expertise

Research interests include: housing insecurity and homelessness, reproductive justice, and community inclusion for individuals with disabilities.

Methods: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed-methods, Program Evaluation

Publications, Research & Presentations

Boullion, A., Brott, H., Oren, T., van Eckhardt, M., Holland, M., Brock, S. E., & Incaudo, G. A. (2024). Transgenerational impact of maternal adverse childhood experiences on children's mental health among families experiencing homelessness. Child Protection and Practice, 3, 100063.

Brott, H., & Townley, G. (2023). Reproductive justice for unhoused women: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Community Psychology, 51(5), 1935-1960.

Brott, H., Kornbluh, M., Banfield, J., Boullion, A. M., & Incaudo, G. (2022). Leveraging research to inform prevention and intervention efforts: Identifying risk and protective factors for rural and urban homeless families within transitional housing programs. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(4), 1854-1874.

Townley, G., Sand, K., Kindschuh, T., Brott, H., & Leickly, E. (2022). Engaging unhoused community members in the design of an alternative first responder program aimed at reducing the criminalization of homelessness. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(4), 2013-2030.