Jason Chen, PhD; EA, is an associate professor of accounting in the School of Business at Central Connecticut State University. He earned his PhD in business administration with an accounting and taxation concentration from University of Central Florida. Dr. Chen worked for Arthur Andersen prior to his academic career.
Dr. Chen's primary teaching interests include Advanced Accounting, Taxation of Individuals and Entities, and Advanced Tax Research. He incorporates current events in his teaching and emphasizes the importance of ethics and the technological skills such as Excel and Data Analytics. He has international teaching experience at one of the top universities in China as an invited visiting professor in one summer.
Dr. Chen’s research interests focus on (1) corporate financial sustainability and disclosure practices regarding corporate social responsibilities, (2) the role of accounting and its impact on society, and (3) the impact of tax policies on taxpayers and society. He has published in Financial Accountability & Management, Issues in Accounting Education, The Journal of the American Taxation Association; Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal; Accounting and the Public Interest; and Advances in Behavioral Accounting Research. He has also published articles in journals of broad readership that are of timely importance to tax practitioners and professionals such as Tax Notes with one of his articles featured as a cover article of the issues related to tax policies under the COVID-19 pandemic. His co-authored paper entitled "The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?" won the 2023 Notable Contribution to Literature Award for the Accounting Information Systems Section in the American Accounting Association, the largest academic accounting association in the world. Only one paper is selected each year.
Dr. Chen provides services to Central in different task forces/committees (e.g., chair of the Academic Integrity Committee) and to the broad academic communities. He serves as an ad hoc reviewer of several journals and moderator/discussant of manuscripts at academic conferences. He is currently an active member of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) based in St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, the European Accounting Association, and the American Accounting Association. Dr. Chen is an avid traveler domestically and globally. He has traveled to more than 30 different countries and 25 states in the U.S. He enjoys spending time with his family and four family cats. He strives to practice sustainability by growing his own produce and walking instead of driving a car when possible.
Social and environmental accounting research on financial disclosures; Accounting education; Impact of tax policies on taxpayers.
Chen, Jason and Robin Roberts. “How does the dominant stakeholder strategically manage an innovative public policy? Evidence from the London Congestion Charge.” 2023. Financial Accountability & Management, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1111/faam.12380. (ABDC ranked A) First article of the issue.
Wood, David et al. “The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?” 2023. Issues in Accounting Education. Vol. 38(4), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.2308/ISSUES-2023-013. (ABDC ranked A; with 300+ coauthors in a crowd-sourced format) Special Press Release by the American Accounting Association on this innovative study.
Chen, Jason and Jennifer Chen. “Does Managerial Ability Affect the Quality of Environmental Financial Disclosure?” 2020. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. Vol. 11 (6), 1065-1073. DOI 10.1108/SAMPJ-09-2018-0248. (ABDC ranked B)
Bobek, Donna, Jason Chen, Amy Hageman, and Yu Tian. “Are More Choices Better? An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Multiple Tax Incentives.” 2016. The Journal of the American Taxation Association. V 38 (2), 111-128. https://doi.org/10.2308/atax-51478. (ABDC ranked A)
Chen, Jason, Jennifer Chen, and Den Patten. “Manipulative Environmental Disclosure: Further Analysis of Corporate Projections of Environmental Capital Spending.” 2014. Accounting and the Public Interest. V14 (1), 87-109. https://doi.org/10.2308/apin-51123. (ABDC ranked B)
Chen, Jason, Vicky Arnold, and Steve G. Sutton. "Does Web Disclosure of Environmental Information Affect Litigation Awards?" 2013. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. V(16), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1475-1488(2013)0000016006. (ABDC ranked A) First article of the issue.
Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) based in St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.
The European Accounting Association.
The American Accounting Association.