Spaulding, D. T., Kennedy, J. A., & Rozsavolgyi, A. (2022). First year STEM students’ satisfaction with peer mentoring: A predictor of STEM student. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 8(1), 24-34. https://doi.org/10.51355/jstem.2022.104Â
Spaulding, D. T., Kennedy, J. A., Rozsavolgyi, A. & Colon, W. (March/April 2020). Outcomes for peer-based mentors in a university-wide STEM persistence program: A three-year analysis. Journal of College Science Teaching. 49(4)Â
Spaulding, D. T., Kennedy, J. A., & Rozsavolgyi, A. (2020). Differences in Outcomes by Gender for Peer Mentors Participating in a STEM Persistence Program for First-Year students. Journal of STEM Education: Innovation and Research. 21(1)Â
Kennedy, J. A. & Burnell, B. A. (eds.) (2019). Women scholars: Navigating the doctoral journey. New Jersey: Apple Academic Press.Â
Kennedy, J. A., & Neifeld Wheeler, W. (2018). Exploratory longitudinal study: The impact of a cultural competency course on graduating master’s level student affairs professionals. College Student Journal. 52(4), 483-493.Â
Kennedy, J. A., Wheeler, W. N. & Bennett, S. (2015). Cultural competency development for new student affairs professionals. In B. Burnell & H. Schnackenberg (Eds.), The ethics of cultural competence in higher education (pp.141-157). New Jersey: Apple Academic Press.Â
Kennedy, J. A., Neifeld Wheeler, W., & Bennett, S. (2014). An exploratory study of classroom diversity and cultural competency. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 6(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.7729/62.1099Â
Orlova, I. A. & Kennedy, J. A. (2009). Developing a college English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. Multicultural Learning and Teaching. 4(1), 78-89Â
Neifeld Wheeler, W. & Kennedy, J. A. (2009). Using parents in a defined role in alcohol education: Parents as prevention specialists. NASPA Journal. 46(1), 30-49Â
Kennedy, J. A. & Voegtle, K. (2000). Merging friendship with ideology: Becoming an ally. Initiatives, 59(4).Â
Kennedy, J. A. & Evans, K. M. (Spring 1998) Dual career lesbian couples: The forgotten clients. The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 13(1), 41-51.Â
Kennedy, J. A. (1995) Nonsexual dual relationships in counseling. Arizona Counseling Journal, 20, 23-27.Â
American Counseling Association (ACA).Â
Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES).Â
North Atlantic Region Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (NARACES)
NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
Courses taught at Central:
CNSL 503 Practicum SDHE (Group Supervision of Students)Â
CNSL 521 Career Counseling and DevelopmentÂ
CNSL 525 Multicultural CounselingÂ
CNSL 530 Student Development TheoriesÂ
CNSL 531 Student ServicesÂ
CNSL 592 Internship SDHE (Group Supervision of Students)Â
CNSL 580 Special Topics: Case Studies in Higher EducationÂ
Other courses: CSL 500 Counseling Theories and Practice, CSL 528 Clinical Counseling Skills, CSL/CSS 535 Consultation, Training & Organizational Change, CSL 540 Social and Cultural Foundations (Multicultural Counseling), CSL/CSS 550 United States College Students and the Campus, CSL/CSS 551 Roles and Responsibilities of Student Affairs Staff, CSL/CSS 552 Student Development Theories, CSL 553 Dynamics of Group Counseling, CSL 554 Career Development Theory, CSL 555 Critical Issues in College Counseling, CSS 561 Case Studies in Higher Education, CSL/CSS Special Topics: Human Sexuality Institute; Gender and Sexuality in Counseling; Complementary and Contemplative programs in human services, CSL 590 Master’s Practicum in Counseling, Supervised Interns: School, Mental Health, College Counseling & Student ServicesÂ