Professor Farhat completed a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of New Orleans, MSc in Economics from the University of Jordan, and a BS in Commerce from the Zagazig University. He joined Central Connecticut State University as an Assistant Professor of Finance in 2006. Before joining Central, his previous work experience included roles as an Assistant Professor of Finance at Southern Connecticut State University, Investment Consultant for the Social Security Investment Commission in Jordan, Assistant Professor at the Hashemite University, Adjunct Professor of Financial Economics at the University of Jordan; and Academic Computing Statistical Consultant for the University of New Orleans. Professor Farhat  served as a Trustee on the Board of Trustees of the American University of Madaba
Professor Farhat successfully led Central’s School of Business as a Dean during the most challenging times for the School and the University (2019-2022). During his deanship (2019-2022), he secured the school’s reaccreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and led several curriculum revisions, developed innovative programs, established a state-of-the-art Business Analytics and Research Lab, Banking & Finance and a Forensic Analytics technology rooms, and implemented policy changes that are focused on improving student success and increasing access to degree pathways, as well as Central Accelerated programs.
Professor Farhat is an external reviewer of research and scholarship for the promotion and tenure committees at national and international universities, an external program evaluator for Business / Finance programs, and a NECHE peer review team member. Professor Farhat is a Quality Matters Certified Peer Reviewer and Quality Matters Online Teaching Certified.Â
During his service at Central, he chaired many committees, including the university planning and budget committee, the university online learning committee, the Board of Regents’ research awards committee, the Board of Regents’ teaching awards committee, and the university promotion and tenure committee. He also was a member of other committees, including the university curriculum committee, the NEASC self-study committee, the distinguished service award committee, the advisory committee for CSU professorship, the faculty senate steering committee, the integrated planning council, department evaluation committee, the information technology committee, the grant foundations advisory committee, and more. Professor Farhat’s research interests are corporate finance, data analytics, and quantitative finance. His research papers have been published in many renowned academic journals. Since 2006, he has successfully published 23 peer-reviewed articles, two book chapters, and one book. He has also delivered more than 40 peer-reviewed presentations at national and international academic conferences. Professor Farhat is the Founder and Editor of the Banking and Finance Review (BFR), an annual, peer-reviewed international research journal that provides a publication outlet for theoretical and empirical issues in the fields of banking and finance.
Financial Management, Higher Education Accreditation, Financial Modeling and Analytics, Budget and Planning, Promotion and Tenure Reviews, Online Learning, Foreign Income Taxes & Compliance.
2024-      Member, The CCSU Advisory Committee for the CSU ProfessorshipÂ
2023-Â Â Â Â Â Â Member, Board of Regents Teaching Awards Committee
2023-Â Â Â Â Â Â CCSU Foundation Board of Directors
2022-Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, The University Planning and Budget Committee
2022-Â Â Â Â Â Â NECHE External reviewerÂ
2022-2023Â Â Board of Trustees Member, American University of Madaba
2022-2023Â Â Â Member, Faculty SenateÂ
2019-2022Â Â Board Member, Junior Achievement of Southwest New England
2019-2021Â Â Â Committee Member, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Dissertation Committee
2019Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Advisor, Honors Thesis
2019Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Chair, The University Planning and Budget Committee
2018-2019Â Â Â Member, Electronic Student Opinion Survey (CoursEval) Task ForceÂ
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Instructional Coordinator IDTRC- Search CommitteeÂ
2018-2019Â Â Â Chair, Faculty Search Committee.
2018-2019Â Â Â Council Member, UPBC Representative (AAUP) - Integrated Planning Council
2018-2019Â Â Â Vice Chair, The University Planning and Budget Committee
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Senate Steering Committee
2018-2019Â Â Â Representative - Department of Finance, TAP Pathway Work Group
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Board of Regents LMS Exploratory/Evaluation Committee
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, The University Planning and Budget Committee
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Advisory Committee for CSU Professorship
2018-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Distinguished Service Award Committee
2018Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, Controller Search Committee
2018-2019   Member, Screening Committee - President’s Citation
2018-2019Â Â Â External program evaluator for Business / Finance programs
2017-2019   Senator, Faculty Senate -School   of Business Department   Chairs’ Representative
2017-2019Â Â Â Board of Advisors Member, The Center for Teaching and Faculty Development
2017-2019Â Â Â Chair, Online Learning Committee
2017-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Online Learning Committee - Curriculum Committee's Representative
2017-2018Â Â Â Member, Integrated Budget Model Initiative- Provost's Representative
2017-2018Â Â Â Chair, Board of Regents Research Awards Committee
2017-2019Â Â Â Chair, Board of Regents Teaching Awards Committee
2017-Â Â Â Â Â Â External reviewer of promotion and tenure at national and international Universities
2017Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, Provost Search Committee
2016-2017Â Â Â Co-Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee
2016-2019Â Â Â Member, The Council of Academic Chairpersons
2016-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, ODE Affirmative Action Employee Advisory Committee (AAEAC)
2016-2018Â Â Â Committee Member, NEASC self-study Committee.
2016-2018Â Â Â Committee Member, University Curriculum Committee
2016-2018Â Â Â Committee Member, Curriculum Committee - Business Subcommittee
2016-2017Â Â Â Committee Member, Online Learning Committee
2016-2017Â Â Â Chair, Board of Regents Research Awards Committee
2015-2017Â Â Â Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee
2015-2016Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
2015-2017   Committee Member, The FYE Redesign Task   Force Steering Committee
2015-2017Â Â Â Chair, Financial Literacy Subcommittee of the FYE Redesign Task Force
2014-2018Â Â Â Chair, Department Evaluation Committee
2014-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Board of Regents Research Award Committee
2014-2019Â Â Â Committee Member, Board of Regents Teaching Awards Committee
2014Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Search Committee Member, Dean of School of Business - Search Committee
2014Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, Board of Regents Teaching Awards Committee (System-wide)
2014-2015Â Â Â Committee Member, Advisory Committee for CSU Professorship
2014-2017Â Â Â Chair, Board of Regents Teaching Awards Committee
2012-2017Â Â Â Member, Faculty Hearing Board
2012-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
2012-2015Â Â Â Committee Member, The Grant Foundations Advisory Committee.
2012-2014Â Â Â Board of Advisors Member, The Center for Teaching and Faculty Development.
2012-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, University Curriculum Committee
2012-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, Curriculum Committee - Business Subcommittee
2011-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Senate - Steering Committee.
2011-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, Information Technology Committee.
2011-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, Information Technology Advisory Committee.
2012Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, The 2012 ConnSCU Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Conference.
2011-2012Â Â Â Committee Member, The Advisory Committee for CSU Professorship.
2011Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Search Committee Member, The Chief Financial Officer Search Committee.
2011Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, The Learning Management System (LMS) RFP Sub-Committee.
2011Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Vice Chair, Information Technology Committee.
2011Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Conference Committee Member, The 2011 CSUS Faculty Research Conference.
2011-2012Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
2011-2012Â Â Â Committee Member, Department Evaluation Committee.
2010-2013Â Â Â Senator, Faculty Senate.
2010-2019Â Â Â Coordinator - The School of Business - Stock Trading Competition.
2010-2019Â Â Â Administrator - The School of Business - STOCK TRAK Trading system.
2010Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, The Advisory Committee on Academic Advising.
2010Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Committee Member, The Central Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Textbook Committee.
2010Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Conference Committee Member, The 2010 CSUS Faculty Research Conference.
2009-2010Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
2008-2013Â Â Â Committee Member, CSU- AAUP Investment Advisory Committee.
2008-2009Â Â Â Conference Committee Member, The 2009 CSUS Faculty Research Conference.
2008-2010Â Â Â Committee Member, University Curriculum Committee.
2008-2010   Committee Member, Curriculum Committee   - Business Subcommittee.
2008-2010   Committee Secretary, Curriculum   Committee - Business Subcommittee Secretary.
2008-2009Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
2007-2008Â Â Â Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J. "Thinking about starting a franchise business? Think again" The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, forthcoming
- Casey, C., Bates, T., Farhat, J., Linkages between regional characteristics and small businesses viability. Small Business Economics, 2023Â
- Farhat, J., Bates, T., Casey, C. The Economic Development Potential of Minority-Owned Small Businesses. Economic Development Quarterly, 2022
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Khurana, I. The Impact of Policy Uncertainty on the M&A Exit of Startup Firms. Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021
- Farhat, J., Khurana, I. The Role of resources in Timing of Diversification and Survival of Startup firms. Industry and Innovation, 2021
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J. "The M&A Exit Outcome of High-Tech Startups" Multinational Finance Journal, 2020
- Farhat, J., Mijid N., "Do Women Lag Behind Men? A Matched-Sample Analysis of the Dynamics of Gender Gaps" Journal of Economics and Finance, October 2018.
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J. “The Mergers and Acquisitions Exit Outcomes of New, Young Businesses” Small Business Economics, Volume 50, Issue 3, March 2018.
- Farhat, J., Robb, A. “Analyzing Complex Survey Data: The Kauffman Firm Survey.” Small Business Economics, Volume 50, Issue 3, March 2018.
- Farhat, J., Matusik, S., Robb, A., Robinson, D. T. “New Directions in Entrepreneurship Research. “ Small Business Economics, Volume 50, Issue 3, March 2018.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., "The Leasing Decisions of Startup Firms.” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 20, Issue 04, December 2017.
- Casey, C., Farhat J., Cartwright G., Community Reinvestment Act, and Local Governance Contexts: Advancing the  Future of  Community Reinvestment? Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 2017
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “The Evolution of Financing Structure in U.S. Startups," The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 2017.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “The Debt-Equity Financing Decisions of U.S. Startup Firms,” Journal of Economics and Finance, 2016.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., " Resource-Based View of New Firm Survival: New Perspectives on the Role of Industry and Exit Route," Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 2013.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Informational Externalities of Initial Public Offerings: Does Venture Capital Backing Matter?”, Journal of Economics and Finance, 2013.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Does the Legal System Affect the Information Content of Earnings Surprises? Evidence from the International Equity Markets,” Financial Decisions, 2013.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Miranda M., “The Information Asymmetry and Earnings Surprises: Evidence from the US Insurance Industry,” Journal of Insurance Issues, 2012.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “An Application of the Two-Stage Bivariate Probit-Tobit Sample Selection Model to Corporate Financing Decisions,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp 363-380, October 2011
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “Testing Trade-off and Pecking Order Theories: Does the Legal System Matter?”, Managerial Finance, Vol. 37 Iss: 8, pp.715 - 735, August 2011
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “Market Efficiency in Emerging Markets: Does the Legal System Matter?”, Global Journal of Finance and Economics, Volume 6, Number 2, September 2009: 145-160.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “The Trade-Off Theory and the Pecking Order Theory: Are They Mutually Exclusive?”, North American Journal of Finance and Banking Research, 3 (3) pp 1-16, August 2009.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Testing capital structure theories: Are the models' assumptions correctly specified?”, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences (11) pp. 22-30, September 2008.
- D'Mello R., Farhat J., “A Comparative Analysis of Proxies for an Optimal Leverage Ratio,” Review of Financial Economics, 17 (3) pp. 213-227, August 2008.
- Daal E., Farhat J., Wei P., “Does futures exhibit maturity effect? New evidence from an extensive set of US and foreign futures contracts”, Review of Financial Economics, 15 (2) pp. 113-128., June 2006.
- Mukherjee T., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Factors Explaining the Results of Job Search By the 2002 FMA Job Applicants- A Survey”, Journal of Financial Education, 32 pp. 1- 22, Spring 2006.
- Farhat J., Hassan M., Zu'bi B., “Dividend Signaling Hypothesis and Short-term Asset Concentration in Interest-Free Banking”, Islamic Economic Studies, 11 (1) pp. 1-25, September 2003.
Book / Book Chapter
- Farhat, J., Robb, A. Chapter: Event history analysis using the Kauffman Firm Survey. Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. 2015
- Applied Survey Data Analysis using Stata: The Kauffman Firm Survey Data. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation 2014.
- Capital Structure and Corporate Financing Decisions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011, Chapter 6: Worldwide Patterns in Capital Structure.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “How do investors react to ESG-oriented M&As?” The Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting (February 2023)
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “The Impact of Governance Environment on SMEs Financing Strategies in the Developing World” The National Business and Economics Society Annual Meeting  (March 2022)
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “'The financing strategies of SMEs in the developing world: Evidence from the Enterprise Surveys” The Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting (February 2020)
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Thinking About Starting a Franchise Business? Think Again” The 2019 Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics Annual Meeting. (September 2019).
- Farhat, J., 6th Winter Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, “Professional Development Workshop: The Kauffman Firm Survey Database " (January 2019).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., 6th Winter Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, “Analysis of Survival and M&A Exit Outcomes Among Franchise and Independent Startups " (January 2019).
- Farhat, J., Academy of Management Annual Meeting PDW, "Applied Survey Data Analysis: The Kauffman Firm Survey," Kauffman Foundation. (August 2018)
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., 25th Annual Multinational Finance Society Conference, “The M&A Exit Outcome of New, High-tech Ventures" (June 2018).
- Farhat, J., Academy of Management Annual Meeting PDW, "Applied Survey Data Analysis: The Kauffman Firm Survey," Kauffman Foundation. (August 2017).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, “The Evolution of the Financing Structure of Entrepreneurial Firms." (April 2017).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Midwest Finance Annual Meeting, “The Dynamics of Capital Structure in Newly Formed Business." (March 2017).
- Farhat, J., Robb, A., Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Applied Survey Data Analysis: The Kauffman Firm Survey," Kauffman Foundation. (August 2016).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Kauffman Firm Survey Conference II, "Becoming M&A Targets: Evidence from Small, Privately Held Firms," University of Colorado. (June 2016).
- Farhat, J., Mijid, N., Kauffman Firm Survey Conference II, "Do Women Lag Behind Men? A Matched-Sample Analysis of the Dynamics of Gender Gaps," University of Colorado. (June 2016).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, "The M&A decisions of startup businesses: Evidence from the U.S. market." (April 2016).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Kauffman Firm Survey Conference I, "Becoming M&A Targets: Evidence from Small, Privately Held Firms," Duke University- Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative. (December 2015).
- Farhat, J., Mijid, N., Kauffman Firm Survey Conference I, "Do Women Lag Behind Men? A Matched-Sample Analysis of the Dynamics of Gender Gaps," Duke University- Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative. (December 2015).
- Cotei, C., Farhat, J., Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, "The Leasing Decisions of U.S. Start-up Firms." (April 2015).
- Farhat, J., Cotei, C., The 2015 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, "Factors Explaining the Leasing Decisions of Newly Established Firms," Midwest Finance Association. (March 2015).
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Determinants of Startup Financing Decisions”, The 2014 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. (March 2014)
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J. “The Debt-Equity Choice of U.S. Privately Held Firms”, The 2013 Eastern Finance Association Meeting.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “A Resource-Based View of New Firm Survival: New Perspectives on the Role of Industry and Exit Route”, The 2012 Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Miranda M., “The Information Asymmetry and Earnings Surprises: Evidence from the US Insurance Industry”, The 2012 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Factors Affecting Survival, Closure and M&A Exit for Small Businesses”, The 2012 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Determinants of New Firm Survival and Exit through M&A: Evidence from the 2004-2008 Kauffman Firm”, The 2011 Financial Management Association Meeting.
- Coleman S., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Small Firm Survival and Exit Through M&A: A Duration Analysis”, The 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Theories of Capital Structure: Internal versus External Financing Choice”, The 2010 Eastern Finance Association Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., “Factors Affecting the Corporate Financing Decisions”, The 2010 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “Market Efficiency in the Emerging Markets: Does the Legal System Matter? ”, The 2009 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “The Pecking Order Hypothesis vs. the Static Trade- off Theory under Different Institutional Environments”, The 2008 Financial Management Association Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “Market Efficiency in the Emerging Markets: Evidence form Thirty-five Countries”, The 2007 Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- D'Mello R., Farhat J., “A Comparative Analysis of Proxies for Target Capital Structure”, The 2007 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “The Pecking Order Hypothesis vs. the Static Trade- off Theory under Different Institutional Environments”, The 2007 Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “The Pecking Order Hypothesis vs. the Static Trade- off Theory under Different Institutional Environments”, The 2007 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “The Pecking Order Hypothesis vs. the Static Trade- off Theory under Different Institutional Environments”, The 2007 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Abugri B., “The Pecking Order Hypothesis vs. the Static Trade- off Theory under Different Institutional Environments “, The 2006 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.
- D'Mello R., Farhat J., “A Comparative Analysis of Proxies for Target Capital Structure”, The 2006 Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Mukherjee T., Farhat J., Cotei C., “Factors Explaining the Results of Job Search By the 2002 FMA Job Applicants- A Survey”, The 2005 Allied Business Education Association Annual Conference.
- Mukherjee T., Cotei C., Farhat J., “Informational Externalities of Going Public Decisions”, The 2005 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
- Mukherjee T., Farhat J., Cotei C., “Factors Explaining the Results of Job Search By the 2002 FMA Job Applicants- A Survey”, The 2004 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.
- Cotei C., Farhat J., Mukherjee T., “Informational Externalities of Going Public Decisions”, The 2004 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.
- D'Mello R., Farhat J., “A Comparative Analysis of Proxies for Target Capital Structure “, The 2003 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.
- Hassan M., Farhat J., Al-Zu'bi B., “Dividend Signaling Hypothesis and Short-term Asset Concentration in Interest-Free Banking”, The 2002 Economic Research Forum Annual Conference.
- Farhat J., “Essays on the Dynamics of Capital Structure”, The 2002 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting-FMA Doctoral Consortium.
2018Â Â Â Â Small Business Economics Best Paper Award, $10K Prize sponsored by Kauffman Foundation &
Duke University.
2017Â Â Â Â The 2015-2016 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2016Â Â Â Â The 2014-2015 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2015Â Â Â Â The 2013-2014 Excellence in Teaching Award
2013Â Â Â Â The 2013-2014 Excellence in Teaching Award, (Semifinalist).
2013Â Â Â Â The 2013-2014 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2012Â Â Â Â The 2012-2013 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2011 Â Â Â The 2011 Connecticut State University System Trustees Teaching Award.
2011 Â Â Â The KFS Promising Paper Award.
2010 Â Â Â The 2010-2011 Excellence in Teaching Award, (Finalist).
2010 Â Â Â The 2010-2011 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2009 Â Â Â The 2009-2010 Excellence in Teaching Award, (Finalist).
2009 Â Â Â The 2009-2010 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2008 Â Â Â The 2008-2009 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll.
2006 Â Â Â The 2006 Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting, "Best Paper in Corporate Finance".
2002 Â Â Â The Toussaint Hocevar Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award, University of New Orleans, LA.