Juan David Coronado, Ph.D., is a fronterizo from the Río Grande Valley of South Texas. He is associate professor of Latino and Public History and Coordinator of Latino & Puerto Rican Studies. A social and oral historian, Dr. Coronado’s research and teaching interests include the Latino military experience, Chicana/o/x history, oral history, sports history, and Latina/o/x history with an emphasis on class and gender. In his award-winning book, "I'm Not Gonna Die in this Damn Place”: Manliness, Identity, and Survival of the Mexican American Vietnam Prisoner of War (2018), Coronado shares the oral histories of Mexican American POWs. From 2015-2019, he was a post-doctoral scholar at the Julian Samora Research Institute at Michigan State University. Juan David previously served as Co-President of the Southwest Oral History Association. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University and University of Texas-Pan American.
Mexican American History
Borderlands History
Military History
Oral History
Latin America
Select Publications
"I'm Not Gonna Die in this Damn Place”: Manliness, Identity, and Survival of the Mexican American Vietnam Prisoners of War, Michigan State University Press, 2018.
Coronado, Juan, co-coauthored with Gregory Garrett, Jorge Iber, Richard Santillán, and Roberto Zamora. Mexican American Baseball in South Texas, Arcadia Press, 2016.
Book Chapters
“Pawns in their Wars: The Peace Committee of Southeast Asia and the Tumultuous Vietnam POW Experiences,” Marginalized Veterans in American History, Co-ed John Kinder and Jason Higgins, University of Massachusetts Press, 2022.
“A Divided Community United on the Diamond: The 1962 Hidalgo County Colt League Baseball World Series Champions,” Ed. Jorge Iber in More than Just Peloteros: Volume 2, Texas Tech University Press, 2020.
* 2019 International Latino Book Award, Honorable Mention in “Best Latino Focused Nonfiction Book”
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc. Faculty Fellows Program, 2021-22
LTN 110 Intro to Latino Studies
HIST 416 Vietnam Wars at Home and Abroad
HIST 301 Historiography
HIST 405/505 Local History and Community Development