Dr. Kim is an associate professor of Communication at Central Connecticut State University. Before coming to Central, she graduated with her PhD from the University of Alabama. She grew up in South Korea, where she attended Korea University in Seoul and graduated with her BAs and MA.
Her primary research focuses on emerging media and strategic communication, examining how organizations and the public interact in digital media environments to establish and maintain relationships. As of 2023, Dr. Kim has authored 21 articles in esteemed journals such as Communication Research, International Journal of Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, and Computers in Human Behavior, all indexed on the SSCI. Additionally, she has contributed to 3 book chapters and presented 39 articles at regional, national, and international conferences. Her research has garnered significant recognition, including 14 research awards and grants from both internal and external sources.
Since joining Central, she has become more interested in cultural diversity research and practice, and is trying to think about how to incorporate cultural diversity in her research, classes, and services.
She lives a busy life as a professor, wife, mother, and member of society, but when she has free time, she likes to chat with friends over delicious food and coffee.
Emerging media and strategic communication
COMM 216 Introduction to Intercultural Communication
COMM 234 Introduction to Public Relations
COMM 253 Introduction to Organizational Communication
COMM 343 Communication and Social Influence
COMM 406 Case Study in Public Relations
COMM 423 Crisis Communication
COMM 439 Social Media Research
COMM 490 Internship
COMM 485 Social Media and Korean Popular Culture
COMM 493 Seminar in Communication
COMM 506 Advanced Case Study in Public Relations
COMM 511 Social Media Research and Analytics
COMM 523 Advanced Crisis Communication
COMM 590 Independent Study
COMM 597 Special Project
IS 462 Topics in East Asian Studies
IS 475 The Senior Project