Cinema Studies Minor
Emma Hart Willard Hall
12:45 pm - 2:45 pm
12:45 pm - 2:45 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Or by appointment

Dr. Karen A. Ritzenhoff is a Professor of Communication at Central Connecticut State University. She is also affiliated with the  Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program (WGSS) as well as Cinema Studies and the Honors Program. Ritzenhoff recently co-edited two volumes on Contemporary Asian Popular Culture with Dr. Yeojin "Julie" Kim (Communication), Dr. Dharshani Lakmali Jayasinghe (English) and Dr. Hiba Aleem (English, Emmanuel College). The anthologies have been published by Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Group) in January 2025.

Her co-edited anthology on "Gender, Power, and Identity in the Films of Stanley Kubrick" with Dijana Metlic and Jeremi Szaniawski (Routledge, 2023) was released in paperback in 2024.

Further publications: "Afrofuturism in Black Panther: Gender, Identity, and the Re-Making of Blackness" with Renee T. White (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021).

"Mediated Terrorism in the 21st Century" with Elena Caoduro and Karen Randell (Palgrave, 2021).





Film Studies, Communication, Comparative Literature
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Film Studies and Communication
University of Minnesota
Communication, Journalism, Film Studies
University of Minnesota
Romance Languages, Political Science, American Studies
University of Tuebingen, Germany
Romance Languages, Political Science, American Studies
Siegen University, Germany
Areas of Expertise

Study Abroad courses to France, Italy, the UK, and Spain/Portugal

Film Studies

Gender Studies

Television and mass media

TV Documentary

Global Visual Communication

Women and Film

American Cinema 

Stanley Kubrick

Publications, Research & Presentations

*Exploitation and Violence: Precarious Labor in Squid Game." In Yeojin Kim, Dharshani Lakmali Jayasinghe, Hiba Aleem and Karen A. Ritzenhoff (eds.), Contemporary Asian Popular Culture Volume 1. New York: Palgrave, 2025: 175-196. 

*"Sue Lyon and the Consequences of the 'Lolita Look'". Co-authored with Dijana Metlic. In Karen A. Ritzenhoff, Dijana Metlic and Jeremi Szaniawski (eds.). Gender, Power, and Identity in the Films of Stanley Kubrick. London: Routledge, 2023: 32-50.

*"‘If You Men Only Knew’: Stanley Kubrick’s Failed Attempt to Explore Female Sexuality in Eyes Wide Shut." Co-authored with Catriona M. McAvoy. In Nathan Abrams and Georgina Orgill (eds.), Eyes Wide Shut: Behind Stanley Kubrick's Masterpiece. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023. 

* “A Clockwork Orange and its Representations of Sexual Violence as Torture: Stanley Kubrick and Francis Bacon.” In Matt Melia and Georgina Orgill (eds.). Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange. New York: Palgrave, 2023: 265-284. 

• “A Maverick on the Streets: Bill Cunningham and the Documentary Process.” In Elena Caoduro and Boel Ulfsdotter (eds.). Documenting Fashion. Edinburgh University Press, 2023: 102-121.

• “Terrorism and Gender in Eye in the Sky and Zero Dark Thirty: Women and Girls on the War Front in Contemporary Cinema.” In Elena Caoduro, Karen Randell and Karen A. Ritzenhoff (eds.). Mediated Terrorism in the 21st Century, Chapter 11. New York: Palgrave, 2021: 243-269.

• “Feminism and Kubrick.” In: Nathan Abrams and Ian Hunter (eds). The Bloomsbury Companion to Stanley Kubrick. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021: 169-178. 

*Ritzenhoff, Karen A. and Hannah D’Orso. “The New Wave in the New Millenium: Joker, Taxi Driver, Nostalgia, and Trumpian Politics.” In Gregory Frame and Nathan Abrams (eds.) New Wave, New Hollywood. Bloomsbury Press, 2021: 179-200.

Awards & Grants

Finalist for the Excellent In Teaching Award at Central in 2020 and 2013

Memberships & Affiliations

Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)

Courses Taught

Comm 220 History of Film

Comm 255 Visual Communication

Comm 380 Women and Film

Comm 382 American Cinema

Comm 455 Global Visual Communication

Comm 487 TV Documentary

Comm 485 Topics in Media and Culture: Life in Prison in Film and TV (fall 2020)

Comm 496 Field Studies in Communication

Comm 490 Internship Program

Hon 210 Western Culture: Trauma and Identity in Literature and Film

Hon 230 Post 9/11 Literature and Film