PhD - STEM (Mathematics) Education, The Ohio State University, 2018
MAT - Mathematics, Miami University (Ohio), 2002
BS - Mathematics, Cedarville University, 2001
Refereed Publications
Frazee, L. M. & Scharfenberger, A. R. (2023). Building procedures from concepts: Like terms. The Mathematics Teacher Learning and Teaching in PK-12, 116(12), 931-936.Â
Frazee, L. M., Cardetti, F., Cavanna, J., & Staples, M. (2023). Opportunities for learning: Thin slicing using variation. In T. Lamberg, & D. Moss (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. I). University of Nevada, Reno.
Frazee, L. M. (2021). Envisioning the Role of Mathematics in K-12 STEM Teacher Education. AMTE Connections, 30(4). www.amte.net/connections/summer-2021.
Frazee, L. M., & Scharfenberger, A. R. (2021). Elementary patterning problems: Visual and numerical structuring. In D. Olanoff, K. Johnson, & S. M. Spitzer (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-third annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 254-363. Philadelphia, PA.
Scharfenberger, A. R., & Frazee, L. M. (2020). Elementary algebraic thinking with patterns in two variables. In Sacristán, A. I., Cortés-Zavala, J. C. & Ruiz-Arias, P. M. (Eds.), Mathematics education across cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 383-384. Mexico, Cinvestav.
Battista, M. T., & Frazee, L. M. (2018). Middle school students’ use of property knowledge and spatial visualization in reasoning about 2D rotations. In P. Herbst, U. Cheah, P. Richard, & K. Jones (Eds.), International perspectives on the teaching and learning of geometry in secondary schools ICME 13 monographs, 231-263. Springer.
Battista, M. T., Winer, M. L., & Frazee, L. M. (2017). How spatial reasoning and numerical reasoning are related in geometric measurement. In E. Galindo & J. Newton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 355-362. Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier.
Book Chapters
Battista, M.T., Frazee, L. M., & Winer, M. L. (2018). Analyzing the relation between spatial and geometric reasoning in elementary and middle school students. In K. Mix & M. T. Battista (Eds.), Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought (pp. 195-228). Research in Mathematics Education Series. Springer.
Battista, M.T., Frazee, L. M., & Winer, M. L. (2018). Deepening the analysis of students’ reasoning about length. In K. Mix & M. T. Battista (Eds.), Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought (pp. 151-163). Research in Mathematics Education Series. Springer.
Presented Papers
Frazee, L. M., & Battista, M. T. (2021). Characterizing visualization and spatial analytic reasoning for solving isometry problems. Paper presented at The 14th International Congress for Mathematical Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China (virtual due to CoVid-19 Pandemic).
Battista, M.T., Frazee, L. M., & Winer, M. L. (2017). Adolescents’ understanding of isometries in a dynamic geometry curriculum. Paper presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Battista, M. T., Frazee, L. M., Joswick, C., & Clayton, E. (2016). Students’ use of property knowledge and spatial visualization in reasoning about 2D rotations. Paper presented at The 13th International Congress for Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg, Germany.
Frazee, L. M. (2002). Divisibility of generalized Fibonacci sequences by 2n-1. Paper presented at the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Chapter Spring Meeting, Xavier University, OH.
Conference Presentations
Frazee, L. M., Cardetti, F., Cavanna, J., & Staples, M. (2024). Mathematics teacher educators learning to promote Building Thinking Classrooms thin slicing. 2023 Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference. Orlando, FL.
Cavanna, J., Staples, M., Cardetti, F., & Frazee, L. (2024). Implementing a new model for student engagement: Veteran math teachers’ pedagogical problem posing and solving. 2023 Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference. Orlando, FL.
Frazee, L. M., Cardetti, F., Cavanna, J., & Staples, M. (2023). Opportunities for learning: Thin slicing using variation. The forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). Reno, NV.
Frazee, L.M. (2023). Task designs that work! Association of Mathematics Teachers in New England (ATMNE) Fall Conference Celebrate Mathematics: We Work Better Together! Portland, Maine.
Rankin, J., Staples, M., & Frazee, L. (2023). Building Thinking Classrooms: Designing effective thin slicing tasks. Association of Mathematics Teachers in New England (ATMNE) Fall Conference Celebrate Mathematics: We Work Better Together! Portland, Maine.
Frazee, L.M. (2023). Challenges students face locating isometry images on a grid. Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Frazee, L.M., & Miller, K. (2022). Supporting preservice teachers’ understanding of building procedural fluency from conceptual understanding through curricular noticing. 2022 Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Henderson, Nevada.
Frazee, L. M. (2021). Conceptualizing a Mathematics Course for K-12 STEM Teachers. 2021 Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Orlando, FL (virtual due to CoVid-19 Pandemic).
Frazee, L. M. (2019). Teaching definitions for reasoning and sense making. Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC) Annual Meeting and Conference. Cromwell, CT.
Miller, K., & Frazee, L. M. (2019). Designing learning experiences for secondary preservice teachers: A new working group. 2019 Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Orlando, FL.
Frazee, L. M. (2018). Developing students’ spatial and geometric reasoning: Rotation and reflection tasks. NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition. Hartford, CT.
CCSU Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll, 2020, 2021, 2022
MAA Tensor SUMMA Grant, 2023, (co-recipient)
CSU-AAUP Curriculum Development Grants, 2019, 2021 (co-recipient)
CSU-AAUP Research Grants, 2019, 2022
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators of Connecticut (AMTEC)
Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC)
Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society (KME)
Undergraduate Courses
MATH 102 Applied Algebra
MATH 152 Calculus I
MATH 211 Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education I
MATH 411 Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education III
MATH 213 Structure of Mathematics II: Probability & Geometry
MATH 305 Structure of Mathematics III: Number & Patterns
MATH 306 Structure of Mathematics IV: Development of Geometric Ideas
MATH 327 Curriculum & Technology in Secondary Mathematics I
MATH 328 Curriculum & Technology in Secondary Mathematics II
MATH 413 Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School
MATH 414 Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School
MATH 415 Teaching Mathematics in the High School
MATH 426 Student Teaching Seminar
EDSC 435 Secondary Education Student Teaching Supervisor
HON 441 Writing & Research Honors III
Graduate Courses
MATH 507/537 Teaching Geometry in Elementary and Middle Grades
MATH 502 Modeling with Mathematics in K-12 STEM Education
MATH 544 Secondary School Geometry with Technology from an Advanced Viewpoint
MATH 599 Thesis
EDSC 582 Supervision of Secondary Teaching