Public History, Historic Preservation, American West, 20th Century US, Energy , Sustainability
w/ Philip Levy, eds. Branching Out: The Public History of Trees. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press (Public History in Historical Perspective series), under contract.
Interpreting Energy at Museums and Historic Sites. Lanham, MD: American Association of State and Local History (AASLH)/ Rowman and Littlefield (Interpreting History series), 2023.
The History, Values, and Visions of Carollo Engineers. Walnut Creek, CA: Carollo Engineers, 2003.
Book Chapter
“When a Tree Falls…: Listening to and Managing Connecticut’s Historic Landscape,” in Branching Out: The Public History of Trees. University of Massachusetts Press (Public History in Historical Perspective series), under contract.
“ ‘An Absolute Paragon of Paradoxes:’ Native American Power and the Electrification of Arizona’s Reservations,” in Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, eds. Indians and Energy: Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest. Santa Fe, NM: School of Advanced Research Press, 2010.
Edited Journal
Articles in Academic Journals
“Let’s Sustain This!” The Public Historian 36:3 (August 2014), 130-144.
“Nice Towers, eh? Evaluating a Transmission Line in Arizona,” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 20:14, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (1997): 23-24.
“Finding your Place: Teaching the History of People of Color in Connecticut through Place-Based Learning,” Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education, Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2023-24. $60,000.
Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll, Central Connecticut State University,
2008-9, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.
National Endowment for the Humanities/ American Library Association Grant, Host on-campus screenings of PBS’ Latino Americans (awarded with Heather Rodriguez (Sociology) for Latino Studies). Recruited and booked up guest speakers. Involved students through class projects (see load credit), 2015-16. $10,000
Campuses for Environmental Stewardship Grant, (awarded with Dr. Charles Button, et. al.). 2019. $7000
State of Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education,
Connecticut State University System-Wide Norton Mezvinsky Research Award, 2012.
State of Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education,
Central Connecticut State University-Level Norton Mezvinsky Research Award, 2012.
CCSU Community Engagement Grant, Central, “Local History and Community Development: Homelessness and Affordable Housing in New Britain,” 2011-2012. $1000
CCSU Community Engagement Grant, Central, “Sustainability Education Programs for the CCSU Community and Beyond,” 2010-2011. $1000
Dean’s Research Initiative Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Central Connecticut State University, 2008. $900.
Connecticut State Historic Preservation Council; Connecticut Preservation Action
National Council on Public History; Western History Association, Western Historians in the Northeast Region; American Society of Environmental History, American Association of State and Local History
HIST 511: Historic Resource Preservation and Planning
HIST 510: Seminar in Public History
HIST 502: Historiography: American West
HIST 405/505/LTN 470: Local History and Community Development
HIST 492: Public History Intern Experience
HIST 302: Introduction to Public History
HIST/LTN/AAPI 316: History of the American West to 1890
HIST/LTN/AAPI 317: History of the American West from 1890
HIST 305: Connecticut and the Nation
HIST 301: The Historical Imagination
HIST 162: History of American Life II
HIST 100 US Environmental History