Matt Warshauer is a professor of history at Central Connecticut State University, where he received his bachelors in American Studies. Fascinated by what he calls “the American paradox,” the ever-challenging conundrum between the nation’s founding document and the difficulties of pursuing essential ideas of freedom, Warshauer pursued an MA and Ph.D. at Saint Louis University. He has spent the last 30 years exploring the great American experiment in self-government. The author of five books and countless articles and reviews, Warshauer has written extensively on Andrew Jackson, slavery and the Civil War, and, most recently, 9/11 and how the most important and devastating event of the 21st century has impacted the world in which we live. Creating and Failing the 9/11 Generation: The Real Story of September 11 was just released from Routledge Press. With a unique ability to draw in his audience, Warshauer guides listeners through the complexities of American political and constitutional history so that we can all think more clearly and gain a better of understanding of our role as citizens.
American political, constitutional, and presidential history with a special focus on the rise and demise of party systems, the Declaration of Independence, War of 1812, Civil War and slavery, martial law and civil liberties, 9/11 and the War on Terror, conceptions of patriotism and nationalism.
Andrew Jackson and the Politics of Martial Law (University of TN Press, 2006)
Andrew Jackson in Context (NOVA Science Publishers, 2009)
Connecticut in the American Civil War: Slavery, Sacrifice and Survival (Wesleyan University Press, 2011)
Inside Connecticut and the Civil War: Essays on One State's Struggles (Wesleyan University Press, 2014)
We Are Central: From College to University (Moonlight Publishing, 2024)
Creating and Failing the 9/11 Generation: The Real Story of September 11 (Routledge, 2024)
Interviews/Podcast on 9/11
The Colin McEnroe Show - WNPR -
Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen
Lean to the Left with Bob Gatty
Breaking Bias with Heather Payeur
One More Thing Before You Go with Michael Herst
Who What Why with Jeff Schnectman
Coup Save America with Sean St. Heart
The Listening Tube with Bob Woodley
KEEN On with Andrew Keen
2024 – Bruce Fraser Friend of the Social Studies Award, Connecticut Council for the Social
2023 – Distinguished Alumni Award – Central Connecticut State University Alumni
2023 – Who’s Who in America.
2022 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching Award. Selected as semi-finalist, then finalist among
three other full-time faculty members, and, finally, awarded as the winner of the 2022
award. Some 400 faculty nominated. Only one winner per year.
2019 – Connecticut Council for the Social Studies (CCSS). Department award for service to
the social studies in Connecticut. Dr. John Tully and I are the key members of the
History Department who work with CCSS.
2018 – Central Connecticut State University Distinguished Service Award. The
University’s highest honor. Recognition for exemplary service to the University,
exceptional performance in my discipline, dedicated service to students, the community
and my professional field.
2016 – Champion of Open Government Award, Connecticut Council on Freedom of
Information, for extensive work within the CT General Assembly to release historic
records that have been closed by the government.
2016 – Excellence in Teaching Award, Semi-Finalist, CCSU. First year in 12 years that I
followed through with the nomination process. Nominated yearly to the Honor Roll.
2015 – Connecticut Gubernatorial Award of Recognition for work on behalf of the state in
chairing the Connecticut Civil War Commemoration Commission, 2015.
2015 – Connecticut General Assembly Award of Recognition for work on behalf of the state in
chairing the Connecticut Civil War Commemoration Commission.
2015 – Preservation Trust Award for conserving and placing the Forlorn Soldier Statue in the
Connecticut State Capitol Building.
2012 – Bruce Fraser Award in Public History, Association for the Study of Connecticut
History (the first time the award has ever been given).
2011 – Kidger Award for Innovative Publishing and Teaching, New England History Teachers’
2006 – Connecticut State University System Research Award. First system-wide research
award winner. For publication of Andrew Jackson and the Politics of Martial Law:
Nationalism, Civil Liberties, and Partisanship.
2006 – CCSU Research Award. For publication of Andrew Jackson and the Politics of Martial
Law: Nationalism, Civil Liberties, and Partisanship.