Dr. Natsuko Takemae is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education and Interventions at Central Connecticut State University. She works with pre-service and in-service teachers as well as school professionals across PK-12 settings. In the public schools, she worked with students from diverse backgrounds including students with and without identified disabilities and students who are English Language Learners and English as a Second Language speakers in a secondary general education classroom. She also works with local, state, and international community agencies to strengthen school-community partnerships and building inclusive educational communities with UDL, collaboration, and technology application.
Dr. Takemae holds a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with an emphasis in teacher preparations for UDL applications, inclusive education, and interdisciplinary collaboration and collegiality in special education and general education. She also holds an M.Ed. and B.S. in Special Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro as well as a B.A. in English from J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Technology applications across educational settings
Inclusive and equitable education
Culturally responsible and sustainable practices
Animal-assisted therapy
The 2021 Online Teaching Award Recipient for the 2020-21 Academic Year, Central Connecticut State University
The 2021 Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll Award for the 2020-21 Academic Year, Central Connecticut State University
The 2015 School of Education Graduate Research Scholar Award, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro