Applied Innovation Hub
Snow 512 @ CT State Middlesex
Or by appointment

Experienced engineer across many different industries :  mobile application development, interactive digital television, passive sonar, condition monitoring for heavy industry, remote services, access control / intrusion detection, and automated optical inspection.

Responsible for the planning, design, development, and execution of complex engineering projects within startups and large corporate environments.  Created product road maps by working with customers, senior management, and market analysts. Performed voice-of-the-customer activities to uncover and validate assumptions about product worth.

Process-oriented and experienced in setting up, monitoring, and modifying engineering processes for the successful delivery of products.  Worked with ISO-9000, UTC's ACE, and CMMI process systems. Taught academic and commercial courses in why processes are important, and when they are not.

Works as a consultant on intellectual property litigation performing source code review, documentation assessment, and preparation of testifying expert reports.

Joined  CT State Community College at Middlesex campus in 2022 teaching computer science and engineering courses.

Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
Electrical Engineering
University of Queensland
Systems Engineering
Australian National University
System Design & Management
Areas of Expertise

Signal processing research: I have published more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing.

Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery.

Quality processes worked with:IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence)

Publications, Research & Presentations
  1. S. Clode, P.J. Kootsookos, F. Rottensteiner, "Accurate Building Outlines from ALS Data", in preparation for Spatial Science Queensland, the magazine of the Spatial Science Institute of Queensland.
  2. P.J. Kootsookos and I.V.L. Clarkson, "Australian Communications Theory Workshop 2004," Monitor, vol. 29(1), p7. 
  3. P.J. Kootsookos, “FIR(q) Filter Designs Using H-infinity Techniques,” Ph.D. thesis, Australian National University. 
  4. P.J. Kootsookos, “A Critical Examination of Time-Frequency Filtering,” M.Eng.Sc. thesis, University of Queensland. 
  5. J. Mahon, S. O'Neill, P.J. Conlon, P.J. Kootsookos, “System for measuring solder bumps,” Patent No. EP0935135A1 [eprint]
  6. D. J. Broderick and P.J. Kootsookos, “Circuit Analysis,” Online: Published: December 2023.
  7. P.J. Kootsookos and R.R. Bitmead, “The Nehari Shuffle and Minimax FIR Filter Design,” Control and Dynamic Systems series, Volume 64 (Part 1), Advances in Theory and Applications edited by Prof. C.T. Leondes, Academic Press, pp. 239-298.
  8. E. Jacobson and P.J. Kootsookos, "Fast, Accurate Frequency Estimators," in Streamlining Digital Signal Processing: A Tricks of the Trade Guidebook (Paperback), Richard G. Lyons (Editor), Wiley-IEEE Press, pp. 107-116.
  9. P. J. Kootsookos, “DASP'06 - Defense Applications of Signal Processing,” Digital Signal Processing, Volume 19, Issue 6, pages 903-998.
  10. E. Jacobsen, P. J. Kootsookos, "Fast, Accurate Frequency Estimators," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 24(3), pp.123-125.
  11. Simon Clode, Franz Rottensteiner, Peter Kootsookos, Emanuel Zelniker "Detection and Vectorisation of Roads from LIDAR Data," Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, pp. 517-526.[1]
  12. J. Homer, P.J. Kootsookos, V. Selvaraju, “Enhanced NLMS Adaptive Array Via DOA Detection,” IET Communications, vol. 1, Issue. 1, pp. 19-26.
  13. Stefan Lehmann, Andrew P. Bradley, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson, John Williams, Peter J. Kootsookos, "Correspondence-Free Determination of the Affine Fundamental Matrix," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 82-97.
  14. P.J. Kootsookos, D.B. Ward, R.C. Williamson, “Imposing Pattern Nulls on Broadband Array Responses,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 105 (6), pp. 3390-3398. [eprint] 
  15. Y.-F. Wang and P.J. Kootsookos, “Modelling of Low Shaft Speed Bearing Faults for Condition Monitoring,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 1998, pp. 415-426. [eprint] 
  16. P.J. Kootsookos and J.M. Spanjaard, “An Extended Kalman Filter for Demodulating Polynomial Phase Signals,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5(3), pp. 69-70. [eprint] 
  17. B.G. Quinn, V. Clarkson, P.J. Kootsookos, “Comments on ‘On the performance of the weighted linear predictor frequency estimator’,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46(2), pp. 526-527. [eprint] 
  18. P.J. Kootsookos and R.C. Williamson, “FIR Approximation of Fractional Sample Delay Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 43(3), pp. 269-271. [eprint] 
  19. B.G. Quinn and P.J. Kootsookos, “Threshold Behaviour of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, pp. 3291-3294. [eprint]
  20. V. Clarkson, P.J. Kootsookos and B.G. Quinn, “Analysis of the variance of Kay's Weighted Linear Predictor Frequency Estimator,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, pp. 2370-2379. [eprint] 
  21. R.C. Williamson, B. James, B.D.O. Anderson and P.J. Kootsookos, “Threshold Effects in Multiharmonic Maximum Likelihood Frequency Estimation,” Signal Processing Vol. 37, pp. 309-331. [eprint] 
  22. B.G. Quinn, R.F. Barrett, P.J. Kootsookos and S.J. Searle, “The Estimation of the Shape of an Array Using a Hidden Markov Model,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 557-564. [eprint] 
  23. P.J. Kootsookos, B.C. Lovell and B. Boashash, “A Unified Approach to the STFT, TFDs and Instantaneous Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 1971-1982. [eprint] 
  24. P.J. Kootsookos, R.R. Bitmead and M. Green, “The Nehari Shuffle: FIR(q) Filter Design with Guaranteed Error Bounds,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 40, pp. 1876-1883. [eprint]
  25. P.J. Kootsookos, "Target Estimation Using Binary Sensors," 5th Workshop on Defence Applications of Signal Processing, Fraser Island, Australia.
  26. Payman Sadegh, Julio Concha, Slaven Stricevic, Adrian Thompson, and Peter J. Kootsookos, "A Framework for Unified Design of Fault Detection & Isolation and Optimal Maintenance Policies," Submitted to: American Control Conference, Special Session on PHM. [eprint]
  27. J. Homer, P.J. Kootsookos, V. Selvaraju, “DOA-Detection Guided NLMS Adaptive Array,” EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey. [eprint]
  28. S. Clode, F. Rottensteiner, and Peter J. Kootsookos, "Improving City Model Determination By Using Road Detection From Lidar Data," Joint Workshop of ISPRS and the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), 'Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation', Vienna, Austria. [eprint
  29. Stefan Lehmann, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson, Andrew P. Bradley, John Williams, and Peter J. Kootsookos, "Robust Fundamental Matrix Determination without Correspondences,” APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing, Brisbane. [eprint]
  30. Stefan Lehmann, Vaughan Clarkson, and Peter Kootsookos, "An Integral Projection Approach to 3D Rigid Body Transformations," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. [eprint]
  31. Nianjun Liu, Brian C. Lovell, Peter J. Kootsookos and Richard I.A. Davis. "Model Structure Selection & Training Algorithms for a HMM Gesture Recogniser," the 9th IAPR International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR-9)}, Tokyo, Japan. [eprint]
  32. Nianjun Liu, Brian C. Lovell, Peter J. Kootsookos and Richard I.A. Davis, " Understanding HMM Training for Video Gesture Recognition," IEEE TENCON, Chang Mai, Thailand. [eprint].
  33. Simon Clode, Peter Kootsookos, Franz Rottensteiner, "Accurate Building Outlines from ALS Data," 12th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. [eprint]
  34. S. Clode, E. E. Zelniker, P.J. Kootsookos, I.V.L. Clarkson, “A Phase-Coded Kernel Approach to Vectorisation of Thick Lines,” EUSIPCO, Vienna.   [eprint]
  35. Simon Clode, Peter Kootsookos, Franz Rottensteiner, “The Automatic Extraction of Roads from LIDAR data,” ISPRS, 12 - 23, Istanbul, Turkey.  [eprint]
  36. N. Liu, R.I.A. Davis, B.C. Lovell, P.J. Kootsookos, “Effect of Initial HMM Choices in Multiple Sequence Training for Gesture Recognition,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology 2004, Las Vegas, pp608-613. [eprint]
  37. J. Homer, V. Selvaraju, P.J. Kootsookos, “Enhanced adaptive array performance via DOA detection” Proceedings of the 5th Australian Communications Theory Workshop, Newcastle, pp. 28-32 [eprint]. 
  38. N. Liu,    B.C. Lovell, and P.J. Kootsookos, “Evaluation of HMM Training Algorithms for Letter Hand Gesture Recognition,” Proceedings of IEEE ISSPIT, Darmstadt, Germany. [eprint]
  39. C. Walder, B.C. Lovell, P.J. Kootsookos, “Algebraic Curve Fitting Support Vector Machines,” Proceedings of  DICTA, Volume II, Sydney, pp693-792 [eprint]. 
  40. C. Walder, P.J. Kootsookos and B.C. Lovell, “Towards a Maximum Entropy Method for Estimating HMM Parameters” APRS Workshop on Digital Image Computing,  Brisbane pp. 45-50. [eprint]
  41. B.C. Lovell, P.J. Kootsookos and I.D. Longstaff, “On the Open-Ended Classifier Problem in the Context of Human Face Recognition and Tracking in Cluttered Visual Environments,” Proceedings of DICTA, pp. 201-205 [eprint]. 
  42. Y.-F. Wang and P.J. Kootsookos, “Frequency Estimation in the Fault Detection of Rolling Element Bearing,” ICSV5, Adelaide [eprint]. 
  43. Y.-F. Wang and P.J. Kootsookos, “Simulation of Low Shaft Speed Bearing Faults under a Heavy Load,” ICSV5, Adelaide [eprint]. 
  44. A.J. Connolly, B.F. La Scala, P.J. Kootsookos, “Closed-loop Frequency Tracking and Rejection” IFAC Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France. [eprint]
  45. A. J. Connolly, M. Green, B. F. La Scala and P. J. Kootsookos. “Robust Controller Design for Sinusoidal Disturbance Rejection,” DSTO Workshop on Applications of Robust Control and Filtering in Defence, Adelaide Australia [NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE]. 
  46. P.J. Kootsookos, D.B. Ward and R.C. Williamson, “Frequency Invariant Broadband Beamforming with Exact Null Placement” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Corfu [eprint]. 
  47. B.G. Quinn, R.F. Barrett, P.J. Kootsookos and S.J. Searle, “Array Shape Estimation Using a Hidden Markov Model,” Proceedings of the Technical Cooperation Program (GTP1 and GTP9)[2][eprint]. 
  48. P.J. Kootsookos, A.C. Tsoi and B.C. Lovell, “Speech Enhancement for Robust Speaker Verification,” Proceedings of the Speech, Science and Technology conference, pp.521-526 [eprint]. 
  49. P.J. Kootsookos, R.R. Bitmead and M. Green, “FIR(q) Filter Design Without the Linear Phase Constraint,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal, pp.1989-1992 [eprint]. 
  50. B.C. Lovell, P.J. Kootsookos and R.C. Williamson, “The Circular Nature of Discrete-Time Frequency Estimates,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp.3369-3372 [eprint]. 
  51. B.C. Lovell, P.J. Kootsookos and R.C. Williamson, “Efficient Frequency Estimation and Time-Frequency Representations,” International Symposium of Signal Processing and its Applications, pp.170-173 [eprint]. 
  52. P.J. Kootsookos, “A Critical Examination of Time-Frequency Filtering,” International Symposium of Signal Processing and its Applications, pp.174-177 [eprint][3].  
  53. B. Boashash, B.C. Lovell and P.J. Kootsookos, “Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Instantaneous Frequency Estimation,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.1237-1242 [eprint]. 
  54. P.J. Kootsookos and B. Boashash, “Signal Synthesis in a Time-Frequency Domain Using the Wigner-Ville Distribution,” Proceedings of IREECON, pp.845-848 [eprint]. 


[1] This paper won an Honorable Mention for the 2008 Talbert Abrams award.

[2] The Technical Cooperation Program is a joint technical program between the defense/defence departments of Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and the UK.

[3] This paper won best poster presentation by a full-time student at the symposium.

Awards & Grants

2023-24 Merit Award CT State, Middlesex: Received $1500 for one or more nominations for unusual service, superior performance, exceptional duty, and excellence in teaching.

2023-24 NASA CT Space Grant Consortium: As faculty advisor for a team of five students for the Quadcopter Challenge, I am receiving $2000.

2023 Connecticut Open Educational Resources Grant Program: David Broderick (CCSU) and I received $11,600 for producing Circuit Analysis an online open educational resource covering introductory material in circuit analysis.

2022-23 NASA CT Space Grant Consortium: Kevin Huang (Trinity College), David Broderick (CCSU), and I received $2000 for “CT Public Library Robotics Workshops” to provide robotics instruction for grades 4 to 8 in various Connecticut public libraries.

2019/2020 CCSU Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll: Nominated by (anonymous) students for excellence in teaching.

2019/2020 Faculty-Student CCSU Foundation Grant: In collaboration with Dr. L. Amaya, and students S. Maynard, S. Santillan, and A. Robles: Motorized Head Shield for Cars.

2019/2020 CCCU Curriculum Development Grant: In collaboration with Dr. D. J. Broderick, Aligning Computer Engineering Technology and Electrical Engineering Curricula with the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam in Connecticut.

2008 UTC Fire & Security President's Award for Product Innovation Part of a team that delivered the Modular Video Platform to market. 

2008 Talbert Abrams Award (second runner-upThis award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the field of aerial photography and mapping for the paper "Detection and Vectorization of Roads from Lidar Data," PE&RS 73, (5), 517-535.

2004 IEEE Outstanding Chapter Award Prof. Ljubo Vlacic, the receiver of this award, asked me to accept the 2005 Outstanding Chapter Award on his behalf for the Queensland Sections Joint Chapter on Robotics & Automation / Automatic Control at the IEEE's Control & Decision Conference in the Bahamas.  Prof. Vlacic and I worked closely together through both Engineers Australia and IEEE to facilitate the meetings and workshops that this award recognizes.

2002 APA(I) with AAM Geoscan Kurt Kubik and colleagues from QUT applied for an APA(I) with AAM Geoscan. I took over running this project with AAM.  The scholarship supported Simon Clode in his PhD work.

2000 Venture Capital Funding for eMuse As VP Software Engineering for eMuse, I was responsible for the technical side of the company’s operations. eMuse, through a great business model and an innovative technical implementation gained USD 8m in venture capital.

1999/2000 IDA Grant eMuse applied for an IDA (Irish Development Authority) grant for R&D. We obtained approximately IEP250k for this grant.

1987-1991 Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award for postgraduate study in Australian universities (later called Australian Postgraduate Research Award).

ISSPA'90 Best Poster Presentation of a Paper by a Full-time Student International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications prize for paper entitled A Critical Examination of Time-Frequency Filtering.

1986 University of Queensland Maude Walker Scholarship for a recent Electrical Engineering graduate continuing to postgraduate study in Electrical Engineering most able to do so (awarded March 6, 1987).

Memberships & Affiliations

I am a Senior Member of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). I am currently Chair of the Connecticut Section of IEEE.

I am a Member of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).

I am a Program Evaluator with ABET for computer science (Computing Accreditation Commission / CAC) and software engineering (Engineering Accreditation Commission / EAC).