Dr. Samir Hamada
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
P: 860-832-2718
Maria Stanford Hall -303
Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, USA
MS, Computer Science, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, USA
BS, Accounting, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
In fall 2022, Dr. Hamada joined Central Connecticut State University's Computer Science Department. From September 2017 to September 2022, he was an Assistant Professor in Farmingdale State College's Computer Systems Department. Dr. Hamada was an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bridgeport, CT before joining Farmingdale.
Dr. Hamada's research interests include Adaptive Learning, Mobile Learning, and the Semantic Web.
Dr. Hamada has years of industry experience in web development.
Journal Papers
- Shousha AA, Hamada Samir, Hamada Salwa, Alshibli M (2020) Processing of Semantic Ambiguity Based on Words Ontology. Trends Computer Sci Inf Technol 5(1): 070-076. DOI: 10.17352/tcsit.000027
- Salwa Hamada and Samir E. Hamada, An Approach for Automatic Detection of Quran Quotation (DQQ) in Arabic Texts, 2019 6th International Conference on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems (ACCS) & 2019 5th International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics & Information Technology (PEIT), (04832) 2019, 8.
- Alshalabi, Ibrahim Alkore, Samir Hamada, and Khaled Elleithy, "Research Learning Theories that Entail m-learning Education Related to Computer Science and Engineering Courses." International Journal of Engineering 2.3 (2013): 88-95.
- Muhammad Uddin, Jeongkyu Lee, Syed Rizvi, Samir Hamada, Proposing Enhanced Feature Engineering and a Selection Model for Machine Learning Processes, Applied Sciences Journal MDPI, 8(4) 2018.
- Ibrahim Alkore Alshalabi, Samir Hamada, et al, “Automated Adaptive Mobile Learning system using Shortest Path Algorithm and Learning Style.”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 12(5) 2018.
- Samir Hamada et al., Updating Student Profiles in Adaptive Mobile Learning, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 11(3) 2017.
Conference Papers
- Alshalabi, Ibrahim Alkore, Samir Hamada, and Khaled Elleithy, "Automated Adaptive Learning Using Smart Shortest Path Algorithm for Course Units." in Systems, Applications, and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2015 IEEE Long Island, vol., no., pp.1-5, 1-1 May 2015.
- Samir Hamada, Alshalabi, Ibrahim Alkore, and Khaled Elleithy, Ioana A. Badara, " Automated Adaptive Mobile Learning System using the Semantic WEB." in Systems, Applications, and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2016 IEEE Long Island April 2016.
- Tyler Wilson, Eman Abdelfattah, Samir Hamada, “Evaluation of Routing Protocols with FTP and P2P.” Paper presented to the Long Island Systems, Applications, and Technology (LISAT) Conference 2018, May 4, 2018
- Poster Presentation at Celebration of Scholarship on December 10, 2020. Taxonomy Application Enhancement.
- Poster Presentation at Celebration of Scholarship on November 5, 2019. Analyzing Learning Objectives Using Innovative Bloom's Taxonomy Software.
- Poster Presentation at Celebration of Scholarship on October 30, 2018. Processing Of Semantic Ambiguity Based on Words Ontology.
- Poster Presentation at Celebration of Scholarship on November 7, 2017. Automated Adaptive Mobile Learning System using the Semantic WEB.
Association for Computing Machinery ACM
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- Foundations Computer Prog I
- JAVA Programming
- Data Structures
- Computer Concepts & Appl
- Introduction to Database Sys
- Website Development I
- Database Development
- JavaScript and jQuery
- Website Development II
- Database Concepts
- Computing and Communications Technology
- Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
- Mobile Communication
- OOP With Design Patterns
- Intro to the Semantic Web
- Web-Based Application Development
- Algorithms