Dr. Shelly M. Jones is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Central Connecticut State University. She teaches undergraduate mathematics content and methods courses for pre-service teachers as well as graduate level mathematics content, curriculum and STEM courses for in-service teachers. Before joining the Central faculty, Dr. Jones was a middle school Mathematics Teacher and a K-12 Mathematics Administrator. She provides mathematics professional development nationally and internationally. She has been an educator for 30 years.
Dr. Jones serves her community by working with various professional and community organizations. You can see her Central TEDx talk on YouTube where she talks about culturally relevant mathematics. She is a contributing author for the book entitled, The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward a New Discourse, author of Women Who Count: Honoring African American Women Mathematicians, and co-author of Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks: Fostering Hope.
Elementary Mathematics Education
Culturally Relevant Teaching in Mathematics
Benjamin Banneker Association
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
NCSM: Mathematics Education Leadership
MATH 412: Math Methods
MATH 344: Math in Diverse Cultures
MATH 547: Reflective Practices in Mathematics Education
MATH 598: Research in Mathematics Education