Dr. Tan Leng Goh is an Associate Professor and program coordinator for the Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program at Central Connecticut State University, Department Physical Education and Human Performance. She taught physical education in K-12 schools for six years before attaining her master’s degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology from California State University, Long Beach. She has been teaching in PETE programs in higher education since achieving her doctoral degree in Sport Pedagogy from the University of Utah.
Dr. Goh's primary research focuses on children and youth physical activity interventions in preK-12 schools and community settings. The goal of her research is to implement school-based physical activity programs to increase children and youth physical activity using the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) model by SHAPE (Society of Health, and Physical Educators) America and the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) as her research framework. Her research focus on the effects of school-based physical activity programs on children and youth’s physical activity levels, on-task behavior, and social and emotional learning (SEL), as well as teachers’ perceptions on school-based physical activity programs. Her research expertise is in both quantitative (i.e., systematic observation and physical activity measurement tools such as pedometers, accelerometers, and heart rate monitors) and qualitative methodology (i.e., semi-structured interviews and focused group discussions).
Goh, T. L., Leong, H. H., Fede, M., & Ciotto, C. (2022). Before-school physical activity program’s impact on social and emotional learning. Journal of School Health, 92(7),674-680.
Goh, T. L. (2022). School physical activity programming-past, present, and future, Quest, 74(2), 155-164. (Invited Paper)
Gagnon, A., Martin, M. R., & Goh, T. L. (2022). Fit to teach: Uncovering the hiring process. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(8), 34-40.
Webster, C. A., Hoke, A., Cornett, K., Goh, T. L., & Pulling Kuhn, A. (2022). CSPAP: Staff involvement and family and community engagement [Special issue]. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 93(5), 27-34.
Goh, T.L., Egan, C. A., & Merica, C. B. (2022) WSCC: Social and emotional climate and physical Environment. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(2), 28-34.
Goh, T. L., Bishop, J., & Saccuzzo, M. (2022). Community building: A golf and fitness university-school partnership. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(3), 13-18.
Martin, M. R., & Goh, T. L. (2022). Adaptive sport participation: A winning formula for parents and their children. Palestra, 36(2), 30-35.
Goh, T. L., Bishop, J., & Ciotto, C. (2021). edTPA during student teaching: PETE teacher candidates’ experiences and future support. The Physical Educator, 78(5), 481-502.
Goh, T. L. (2021). Closing the gap: Teaching physical education post-pandemic. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92(7), 3-4.
Marttinen, R., Johnson, I., Richards, K. A. R., Goh, T. L., & Ramsey, V. (2021). Recruiting for our future: Your help is needed. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92(1), 3-5.
Goh, T. L., Moosbrugger, M, & Mello, D. (2020). Experiences of preservice and in-service teachers in a CSPAP infusion curriculum. Education Sciences, 10(10), 290.
Goh, T. L., & Connolly, M. (2020). Efficacy of school-based SEL programs: Aligning with health and physical education standards. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 91(5), 16-19.
Goh, T. L., & Scrabis-Fletcher, K. (2020). Community of practice: Preparing preservice teachers to lead movement integration in a school-university partnered program. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 40(1), 21-29.
Goh, T. L., Leong, C. H., Brusseau, T., & Hannon, J. (2019). Children’s physical activity levels following participation in a classroom-based physical activity curriculum. Children, 6, 76.
Goh, T. L., Webster, C., Brusseau, T., & Hannon, J. (2019). Infusing physical activity leadership training in PETE programs through university-school partnership: Principals’ and graduate students’ experiences. The Physical Educator, 76, 238-257.
Goh, T. L., Fu, Y., Brusseau, T., & Hannon, J. (2018). On-task behavior of elementary students during movement integration. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 18(1), 103-106.
Goh, T. L., Hannon, J. C., Webster, C. A., & Podlog, L. (2017). Classroom teachers’ experiences implementing a movement integration program: Barriers, facilitators, and continuance. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 88-95.
Goh, T. L. (2017). Children’s physical activity and on-task behavior following active academic lessons. Quest, 69(2), 177-186. (Invited Paper)
Goh, T. L., Hannon, J. C., Webster, C. A., Podlog, L., & Newton, M. (2016). Effects of a TAKE 10!® Classroom-Based Physical Activity Intervention on 3rd to 5th Grades Children’s On-task Behavior. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13, 712-718.
Webster, C.A., Russ, L., Vazou, S., Goh, T.L., & Erwin, H. (2015). Integrating movement in academic classrooms: Understanding, applying, and advancing the knowledge base. Obesity Reviews,16, 691-701.
Goh, T.L., Hannon, J., Webster, C., Podlog, L., Brusseau, B., & Newton, M. (2014). Effects of a classroom-based physical activity program on children’s physical activity levels. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 558-572.
Ball, T.J., Joy, E.A., Goh, T.L., Hannon, J.C., & Shaw, J.M. (2013). Validity of two brief primary care physical activity questionnaires with accelerometry in clinic staff. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 1-9.
Goh, T.L., Hannon, J., Newton, M., Webster, C., Pillow, W., & Podlog, L. (2013). “I’ll squeeze it in”: Transforming preservice classroom teachers’ perceptions toward movement integration in schools. Action in Teacher Education, 35(4), 286-300.
Goh, T.L., & Hannon, J. (2012). Noble triad or devil’s triangle?: An autoethnography of a neophyte university supervisor. Graduate Journal of Sport, Exercise & Physical Education Research, 1,65-80.
Goh, T.L., Ball, T., Shaw, J., & Hannon, J. (2012). Physical activity and dietary behaviors of health clinic workers trying to lose weight. Health Journal, 4(8), 493-499.
Goh, T.L., & Kauer, K. (2011). (SWET)ing for the summit: A feminist cultural-studies analysis of Singapore’s first women’s Mount Everest team. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 20(1), 53-65.
NAKHE Leadership Mentor Program (2022)
Excellence in Teaching, Honor Roll, Central (2022)
56th Amy Morris Homans Lecture, NAKHE (2022)
CCSU URCAD Undergraduate Research Prize awarded to Jordan Swilling (advised by Tan Leng Goh) (2020)
Research Fellow of SHAPE America, Research Council (2020)
Helen M. Heitmann Young Scholar Award, SHAPE America (2019)
Margaret Paulding Lecture Recipient, SHAPE America (2019)
Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award, NAKHE (2017)
Thom L. McKenzie Graduate Student Research Award, Southwest District AAHPERD (2014)
Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) (2013)
Society for Health and Physical Education (SHAPE) America
Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CTAHPERD)
National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE)
National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy (NAHPL), Eastern Seaboard Region
PE 144 Fitness/Wellness Ventures
PE 274 Lifetime Activities I
PE 281 Individual Sports/Activities
PE 305 Assessment in PE and Health Education
PE 404 Methods of Teaching School Health Education
PE 422 Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition
EDSC 417/419 Student Teaching Supervision (Elementary & Secondary)
PE 599 Thesis Supervision