Social Work
Henry Barnard Hall

Dr. Tim Scott is a clinical social worker whose experience spans many areas of practice, including: in-patient and out-patient treatment; adolescent residential treatment; community health & medical social work; substance use/addiction; harm reduction education; school counseling; threat assessment; disaster relief; Critical Incident Stress Management with first responders and community crisis response. Much of this work involved acute stress and trauma-specific interventions (PTSD, developmental and complex trauma, moral injury, survivor guilt, transition stress), and advocacy that was responsive to health disparities and social determinants of health rooted in structures of oppression.

Complimentary to his MSW degree, Tim has a doctorate in social justice education from UMass Amherst, with a focus on political economy and ethnic studies. Tim also has extensive experience as an organizer and activist in a range of social and economic justice campaigns and liberation movements. Since 2016, he has worked closely with frontline Lakota land and water protectors and veterans in resistance struggles for sovereignty, environmental & climate justice and land back.

Tim's clinical practice is informed by humanistic, existential, intersubjectivity, social constructivist, eco-systemic, psychodynamic, family systems perspectives. As a social work educator, he is committed to engaged pedagogy, anti-oppressive curriculum and liberatory practices informed by cultural studies, critical race theory, ethnic studies, political economy, colonial, decolonial, and postcolonial thought. 

Tim is a first-generation college graduate from Utah who enlisted in the U.S. Army Infantry at the age of seventeen.