2012 - Present: Full Professor, Department of Engineering, Central Connecticut State University.
2007- 2012: Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Central Connecticut State University.
2001-2007: Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
1996 – 2001: Full Professor and Head, Department of Engines, Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Power Engineering, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KNRTU (former Kazan Aviation  Institute - KAI), Russia (2001-2007) - long term business trip to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA).Â
1994-1999: Dean of the College of Aircraft and Rocket Engines, KNRTU, Russia.
1993 – 1995: Associate Professor, Department of Rocket Engines, KNRTU, Russia.
1990- 1993: Doctor of science student, Department of Rocket Engines, Kazan Aviation  Institute (KAI), Russia.
1989 – 1990: Associate Professor, Department of Rocket Engines, KAI, Russia.
1982 – 1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Rocket Engines, KAI, Russia.
1981 – 1982: Senior Researcher, Department of Rocket Engines, KAI, Russia.Â
- Aerothermodynamics
- Chemical Kinetics
- Combustion Analysis
- Numerical Simulation of Combustion and Flow
- Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows
- Rocket and Aircraft Propulsion
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Combustion of Non-Conventional Fuels
- Thermo-Fluid Transport and Chemical Non-Equilibrium in Reacting Boundary Layers
- Microgravity Fluid Flow and Phase Change Heat TransferÂ
Research Monographs
1.     V. Naoumov, V. Kriukov, A. Demin, A. Abdullin. Chemical Kinetics in Combustion and Reactive Flows: Modeling Tools and Applications. Cambridge University Press, 2019, 421p.
2.      Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Demin A.V., Abdullin A.L., Trinos T.V. Combustion Â
and Flow in Propulsion and Power Generation Systems: Modeling, Energy, Ecology. Moscow, 1997, 304 p.
3.          Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Mathematical Modeling of High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants. Nauka, Moscow, 1989, 256 p.
4.          Dregalin A.F., Zenukov I.A., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Simulation of High-Temperature Processes in Power Generation Systems. Kazan State University, 1985, 263 p.
Miscellaneous Publications
-     Viatcheslav Naoumov. Article "The Old Graduation Album”. The article in the book "Valentin Alexandrovich Kosterin in The Memoirs of Contemporaries and Photographs" (In Russian), Kazan, Russia, 2017
2. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Viatcheslav Naoumov. Article "Unique Scientist and Extraordinary Personality" The article in the book "Anatoly Fiodorovitch Dregalin - Scientist and Teacher" (In Russian), Kazan, Russia, 2016.
3.             Naoumov V. “Study of Rocket Science is Taking Off Among Engineering Students”. New Britain Herald, Monday, April 4, 2011.
4.             Naoumov V.I. “Fly Higher and Longer than Others”. Article in the Newspaper “Tatarstan Republic” # 105 (23882), Tuesday, May 25, 1999, (In Russian), Kazan, Russia.
Referred publications, research contractor reports and patents
1.    Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Andrew Santopietro, Jaime Torres-Latorre, Nicholas Combs, Pierre Villegas, Kevin Borkowski, Victor Cheung, Michael Dorsey, Justin Braun, Hasan Aburumi, and Patrick Brown. “Long-Term Research Project for Mechanical and Aerospace Students: New Accomplishments in the Study of Combustion of Bio-Derived Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine”. AIAA SciTech 60-th Aerospace Science Meeting, 8-12 January 2024, Orlando, FL, 18p.Â
2.         V. Naoumov, N. Al-Masoud, M. Mahjoob. “Senior Capstone Design Research Project: Study of the Combustion of Paraffine-Based Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine”. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2022-95172 Paper, 2022, 10p.Â
3.        V.I. Naoumov, V.G Krioukov, A.L. Abdullin, and V.V. Gasilin. “The Reduction of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms in High-Temperature Heterogeneous Flows in a Nozzle” AIAA Paper 10.2514/6.2021-1246. AIAA SciTech 59-th Aerospace Science Meeting, 11-22 January 2021, Nashville, TN, 12 p.
4.        Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Jalal Butt, Calvin Correa, David Parmelee, Michael Couillard, Hoang Nguyen, Jeffrey Ampofo, and Keval Patel. "Student-Faculty Research on the Combustion of Non-Conventional Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine in a Wide Range of Oxidizer-to-Fuel Ratios". AIAA SciTech 58-th Aerospace Science Meeting, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, FL, 9p.
5.        Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Tristian Sudac, Reza Ghodsi. "Experience of the Incorporation of NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge Program in the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2019)/AIAA SciTech 57-th Aerospace Science Meeting, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, 11p.
6.        Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud. Senior Capstone Design Research Project on Combustion of Bio-Derived Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine. AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2018)/AIAA SciTech 56th Aerospace Science Meeting, 7 - 12 January 2018, Kissimmee, FL. 13 p.
7.        Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Kristine Sherman, Matthew Doolittle, Matthew Ziegler, and Daniel Thorne. Study of the Combustion of Pure Bio-Derived Fuels and Bio-Derived Fuels with Additives in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine. AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2017)/AIAA SciTech 55th Aerospace Science Meeting, 9 - 13 January 2017, Grapevine, TX. 17 p.
8.        Airat L. Abdullin, Viatcheslav I. Naoumov, Victor G. Krioukov. Evaluation of Eigenvalues for the Analysis of Combustion and Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flows, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2017)/AIAA SciTech 55th Aerospace Science Meeting, 9 - 13, January 2017, Grapevine, TX. 12 p.
9.        Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Huy Nguyen, Elvira del Carre Patallo, Adam Mocarski. Senior Capstone Design Project for Preparing Undergraduate Students for Work in a Research and Engineering Environment. AIAA Paper 2016-1801. AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 4-9, 2016, San Diego, CA. 15p. 128.     Â
10.       Viatcheslav Naoumov, Huy Nguyen, Beatriz Alcalde.  Study of the Combustion of Beeswax and Beeswax with Aluminum Powder in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine. AIAA Paper 2016-2145. AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 4-9, 2016, San Diego, CA. 18p.Â
11.       V.G. Kriukov, A.L. Abdullin, A.V. Diomin, V.I. Naoumov. Simulation of Chemical Non-Equilibrium Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Engines at the Department of Rocket Engines. Proceedings of the Russian Federal Conference "Rocket Engines and Propulsion and Power Generation Systems", May 2015, pp. 234-242. In Russian.
12.       Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Piotr Skomin, Patryk Deptula. Undergraduate Research on Peculiarities of the Combustion of Ecologically Clean Paraffin Wax Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engines, AIAA SciTech, 53d Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2015-1513. January 5-9, 2015, Kissimmee, Florida. 13p.
13.       Viatcheslav Naoumov, Piotr Skomin , Patryk Deptula. Combustion of Bio-derived Fuels with Additives and Research on the Losses of Unburned Fuel in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engines. AIAA SciTech, 53d Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2015-0923. January 5-9, 2015, Kissimmee, Florida.16p.
14.       Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nidal Al-Masoud, Peggy Sansevero, Lucian Guadagnoli, Anne Marie Moni, and David Loukides. Design Project for Aerospace Specialization and Student Research on the Combustion of Bio-Derived Rocket Fuels. AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13-17 January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland. 15p.
15.       Viatcheslav Naoumov, Nicole Knochenhauer, Peggy Sansevero, Adam Goldreich, Corey Freeto, Tyler Kimiecik6 and Oaty Frye. Research on the Combustion of Bio-Derived Fuels in Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine. AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13-17 January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland. 16p.
16.       Al-Masoud, N., Naoumov, V., Kirstukas, S. J., (2013) “Embedding Lifelong Learning in Engineering Courses,” Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23–26, 2013, 14 pages, https://peer.asee.org/19493.
17.       V. Naoumov, N. Al-Masoud, A. Haralambous, A. Goldreich, E. Monsy. Senior Capstone Design Project for Aerospace Specialization and Student-Faculty Research on Propulsion. AIAA Paper, 2013-0658, 51th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Dallas/Ft. Worth Region, TX, January 7-10, 2013, 13p.Â
18.       V. Naoumov, A. Haralambous, A. Goldreich, E. Monsy. Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engine Test Fixture and Research on the Combustion of Non-Conventional Fuels. AIAA Paper, 2013-0450, 51st Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Dallas/Ft.Worth Region, TX, January 7-10, 2013, 15p.
19.       Naoumov V. Al-Masoud N., “CCSU Moonbuggy-3 Senior Capstone Design Project: Design, Competition and Project Assessment”. AIAA Paper 2012-0435, 50th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Nashville, TN, January 9-12, 2012, 10p.
20.       Naoumov V., Haralampous A., Boyton T., Koc M., Goldreich A “Student – Faculty Research on the Combustion in Hybrid-Propellant Rocket Engine for Aerospace Specialization in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”. AIAA Paper 2012-0436, 50th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Nashville, TN, January 9-12, 2012, 21p. Â
21.       Dischino M, Al-Masoud N, Baumann PF, Naoumov V, Kremens Z. “Go For Aerospace! Recruiting the Next Generation of Engineers”. International Association of Journals and Conferences – ASEE (IAJC-ASEE), (Abstract), Joint International Conference, Hartford, CT, April 15-16, 2011.
22.       Dischino M, Al-Masoud N, Baumann PF, Naoumov V, Kremens Z. “Go For Aerospace! Recruiting the Next Generation of Engineers”. Technology Interface International Journal, Volume 11, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2011, pp. 42-51.Â
23.       Naoumov V. Al-Masoud N., Cloutier J. CCSU Moonbuggy-2 Senior Capstone Design Project, as a Road Map to the Successful Engineering Career and Effective Assessment. AIAA Paper # 2011-276, 49th  Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Orlando, FL, January 4-7, 2011, 11p.
24.       Dischino M, Al-Masoud N, Baumann PF, Naoumov V, Kremens Z. (2010). Go For Aerospace! High School Recruitment Program: Preliminary Outcomes, Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Transactions of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, 2010, 16 p.
25.       Naoumov V. Al-Masoud N., Prusak Z. Moonbuggy Senior Design Project as an Assessment Tool and Potential Career Path in Aerospace. Transactions of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual 2010 Conference, Louisville, KY, 2010, 12 p.Â
26.       Naoumov V. Al-Masoud N. CCSU Moonbuggy Vehicle Design, Building and Competition. AIAA Paper 2010-1208, 48th  Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Orlando, FL, January 4-7, 2010, pp. 1-9.Â
27.       Dischino M, Al-Masoud N, Baumann PF, Naoumov V, Kremens Z. Go For Aerospace! Recruiting and Mentoring the Next Generation of Aerospace Engineers. Transactions of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX, 2009.
28.       Naoumov V., Al-Masoud N. NASA Project in ME Senior Capstone Design Class: Experience and Pedagogical Issues. AIAA Paper 2009-1600, 47th  Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Orlando, FL, January 5-8, 2009, pp. 1-8. Â
29.       Naoumov V. Simulation of High-Temperature Pressurization of the Liquid-Propellant Rocket Tanks. AIAA Paper 2009-10600, 47th  Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Orlando, FL, January 5-8, 2009, pp. 1-7.Â
30.       Naoumov V., Irick D., Demin A. Chemical Non-Equilibrium Engineering Model of Advanced Combustion Regimes in a Direct Injected Diesel Engine. SAE 2008 – 01-0842 Paper pp 1-14.
31.       Naoumov V., Parang M., Bowen A. Liquid Droplet Entrainment in Reduced and Normal Gravity Two-Phase Flows. AIAA – 2008-0822 Paper, Reno Nevada, 46th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 2008, pp. 1-14.Â
32.       Naoumov V., Parang M. Fostering Research in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Curricula. ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Louisville, KY, April 1-3, 2007, pp. 1-10.
33.       Parang M., Naoumov V., Taylor L. Challenging Projects in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Senior Capstone Design Experience. AIAA Paper 2007-697, 45th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2007, pp. 1-8.Â
34.       Naoumov V., Kriukov V., Abdullin A. Engineering Model of Chemical Non-Equilibrium Combustion and Emission in Gas Turbine Combustor. AIAA Paper 2007-652, 45th  Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2007, pp. 1-10.Â
35.       Naoumov V.I., Parang M, Shough C., Tipton J. Droplet Entrainment in Two-Phase Flow Under Reduced Gravity. AIAA Paper 2007-743, 45th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2007, pp. 1-10.Â
36.       Naoumov V.I., Irick D.K., Taylor L.A., Parang M. Senior Capstone Design Experience at the University of Tennessee: NASA and DOE Student Programs. Paper ASEE2006083. 2006 ASEE Southeast Section Conference, April 2-4, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2006.
37.       Irick D.; Nguyen K.; Naoumov V. et. al. Energy Efficient Thermal Management for Natural Gas Engine Aftertreatment via Active Flow Control; DOE Grant Report. Part 2. April 2006.
38.       Irick D.; Nguyen K.; Naoumov V. et. al. Energy Efficient Thermal Management for Natural Gas Engine Aftertreatment via Active Flow Control; DOE Grant Report. Part 1. April 2005.
39.       Naoumov V., Kriukov V., Abdullin A., Demin A., Iskhakova R. Chemical Non-Equilibrium Model for Simulation of Combustion and Flow in Propulsion and Power Generation Systems. Paper # IMECE2005-81033. 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, November 5-11, Orlando, FL, 2005.Â
40.       Parang M., Naoumov V., Taylor L. NASA Student Programs and Senior Capstone Design Experience. Paper # IMECE2005-81402. 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, November 5-11, Orlando, FL, 2005.Â
41.       Lyne J., Naoumov V., Shcoles J., Dodge M., Elton B., Wozniak P., Austin D., Combs C. First Steps in the Development and Testing of  Nontoxic, Bio-derived Fuels for   Hybrid    Rocket Motors. AIAA Paper. 43d  Aerospace  Science Meeting  and  Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 10- 13, 2005.Â
42.       Naoumov V.I., Kotov V.Yu. Micro-scale  Investigation of  None-Equilibrium   Thermo-Fluid Transport  During  Droplet  Evaporation  and Combustion. Paper # AIAA-  2005- 1431. 43rd  Aerospace Science Meeting  and Exhibit.  Reno, Nevada, January  10-13, 2005.Â
43.       Naoumov V, Parang M., Edwards S., Jean L., Mueller E.  Forced  Flow Condensation  Simulation and Investigation in Microgravity Saturated Air/Liquid Flow. Paper # AIAA-    2005- 1145.  43d Aerospace    Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 2005.
44.       Parang M, Naoumov V. I., Heat  Exchange, and Condensation in  Reduced Gravity. Proceedings of IMECE’04 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress     Anaheim, California, November 13-19, 2004.Â
45.       Naoumov V. I., Demin A.V., Sokolov A. Three – Zone Model of Combustion and Chemical Non- Equilibrium Ionization in the SI Engine. SAE Paper # 2004- 01-0622. Detroit, Michigan, USA, 8-11 March 2004, pp. 1-10.Â
46.       Naoumov V.I., Parang M. Garth D., Babis B.  Boiling and  Condensation   Simulation and  Investigation in Microgravity  Two-Phase Flow.  42nd Aerospace Science Meeting  and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper # 2004-0967. American    Institute of     Aeronautics and  Astronautics, pp 1-11.Â
47.       Naoumov V.I, Demin A.V., Sokolov A. Modeling of  Combustion  and Non-    equilibrium Ionization in Spark Ignition Engines. SAE 2002 Transactions. Journal of    Engines, Section 3., pp. 300-307.Â
48.       Naoumov V. I., Demin A.V., Sokolov A. Numerical   Study   and Analysis  of   Pollutant  Production and  Emission Control Using Ion Current Prediction in the SI Engine. SAE  Paper # 2003-01-0724.  Detroit, Michigan, USA, 3-6 March 2003 pp.1-11.Â
49.       Naoumov V.I., Kriukov V.G., Abdullin A.L., Demin A.V. Modeling of Combustion and  Flow in    the Combustors of Rocket Gas Generators. 41st Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, USA, 6-9 Jan. 2003.  AIAA Paper # 2003-126. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. pp1-11.Â
50.       Naoumov V.I., Kriukov V.G., Abdullin A.L. Chemical Kinetics Software System for Propulsion and Power Engineering. 41st Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada, 6-9 Jan 2003. AIAA Paper # 2003-854. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. pp1-11.Â
51.       Alemasov V.E., Sergievskaya M.L., Naoumov V.I., Kotov V.Yu. Investigation of Processes in Boundary Layers with Droplet Evaporation and Combustion in Chemically Non-equilibrium Conditions. International Symposium on Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution, July 8-11, 2003. St. Petersburg, Russia. P. 252-256.
52.       Naoumov V.I., Demin A.V., Anderson, I., Sokolov A. Modeling of combustion and non-equilibrium ionization in Spark Ignition Engines. SAE Paper # 2002-01-0009. Proceedings of the SAE 2002 World Congress. Session "Modeling of SI Engines and Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling.". Published by Society of Automotive Engineers Inc. March 2002, USA pp.97-104.
53.       Naoumov V.I, Niva M., Kriukov V.G. Mathematical Modeling, and  Analysis  of  Liquid Propulsion Systems Propellant Tank Pressurization. Selected Publications: “Brazilian Progress in Aerospace Engineering – 1999”. A Selection of Best Papers from the  Symposium on Aerospace Engineering  Aguas de Lindoia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 22-26, 1999. Support of ABCM and FAPESP. Published in 2001. pp. 85-94.
54.       Kotov V.Yu., Naoumov V.I., Naoumov A.V. Investigation of the Processes in the Boundary Layer During the Unstable Fuel Vaporization. Proceedings of the Annual All-Russia’s Conference “Combustion Processes in Power Generation Installations: Acoustics, Diagnostics, Ecology” May 15-17, Kazan, 2001, pp.79-81.
55.       Naoumov V.I., Kotov V. Yu. Simulation and Investigation of the Processes in the Boundary Layers Under the Condition of Liquid Propellant Vaporization. Reports of Russian Academy of Science. Energetica # 3, 2001, 92-98.
56.       Degtiarev G.L., Naoumov V. I. Restructure of the System of Technical Education in Russian Technical Universities. Proceedings of the 10th International Annual Conference of Alliance of Universities for Democracy. Vol. 9. Perspectives in Higher Educational Reform. University of Tennessee, USA, October 2000, pp. 140-143.Â
57.       Naoumov V.I. “The System of US Space Centers and Popularization of  Astronautics  in USA”. The Proceedings of  the  Annual All – Russian Conference "The Combustion Processes in The Power Generation Installations: Acoustics, Diagnostics, Ecology.” May  27-29, Kazan, 2000, pp.9-10.Â
58.       Degtiarev G.L.  Naoumov V.I.,  Scobeltcin V.G.,  Agishev O.A. Experience of Preparing of Automotive Engineers on a Base of Automotive Center of Kazan State Technical University, Proceedings of the All-Russia’s Conference “Problems of Continued Education in Russia” Moscow, December 2000, p.47.
59.       Degtiarev G.L., Naoumov V.I. First Results of Humanization of Education in Russian Technical University. Proceedings of 9th International Annual Conference of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy, Vol.8, Perspectives in Higher Educational Reform, October 1999, pp.26-30.
60.       Naoumov V.I., Kriukov V.G. Methods of Calculation of Operating Processes in Thermal Engines. Proceedings of Scientific Conference “Perspectives of Development of Automotive Technique in the republic of Tatarstan”, N. Chelni, OAO KAMAZ, December 8-9, 1999, p. 61-64.
61.       Demin A.V., Naoumov V.I., Shaikhiev F.G., Kondrashova L.V., Mathematical Modeling of   Combustion in Internal Combustion Engine with Spark Ignition, Proceedings of All-Russia’s  Conference “Thermal Engines in the 21st Century. Fundamental Issues in Theory and Technology”, Kazan, Russia, May 27 - 29, 1999.
62.       Naoumov V.I., Tikhonov O.A. Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Processes  in Aircraft and Rocket Engines. Proceedings of All-Russia’s Conference “Thermal Engines in the 21st Century. Fundamental Issues in Theory and Technology”, Kazan, Russia, May 27 - 29, 1999, p.24.
63.       Naoumov V.I. Thermal Engines in the 21st Century. Fundamental Problems in Theory and Technology. Journal “Current Problems of Aviation and Aerospace Systems: Processes, Models, Experiments”, Kazan (Russia) & Daytona Beach (USA), N 1 (7), 1999, p.92.
64.       Naoumov V.I. Perspectives in Cooperation with European Universities in the Framework of Activities of International  Alliance of Universities for Democracy. Proceedings of International Conference “European Research: Goals and Perspectives of Development”, Mari-EL, Ioshkar-Ola, April 9-11, 1998, pp.71-75.
65.       Naoumov V.I., Demin A.V., Abdullin A.L., Kriukov V.G.,  Shaykhiev F.G. Multi-Purpose  Simulation of Chemical Non-Equilibrium Composition and Numerical Analysis of High- Temperature  Processes  in  Power Generation  Systems. Proceedings of  the  2nd International   Symposium   on  Energy, Environment and Economics, Kazan, Russia, September 7-11, Volume 1, 1998, pp.97-100.Â
66.       Naoumov V.I., Tikhonov O.A. Numerical Investigation of Extinguishing  and Joint Afterburning of Fuel and Cover in Combustion Chambers of Engines. Proceedings of the Conference “Current Issues of Research in System of Higher and Professional Education”, March 19-20, 1997, Kazan, p 110.
67.       Naoumov V.I. Problems of Democratization and Humanization of Technical Education Based on Experience of American Universities. Proceedings of the First Russian American Regional Conference “Russian-American Collaboration: Education and Perspectives of Development”, Mari-EL, Iskar-Ola, October 9-11, 1997, p.52 – 53.
68.       Naoumov V.I., Sokolov B.I., Trinos T.V. Application of Numerical Methods to the Power Machine-building, Manual, 1996, Kazan, 66 p.
69.       Naoumov V.I., Kriukov V.G., Demin A.V., Abdullin A.L. Modeling and Numerical Analysis of High-Temperature Chemical Non-Equilibrium Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Units”, Proceedings of Symposium “Modeling, Analysis and Simulation”, Cesa’96 IMACS Multi-conference. Volume 1, 1996, France, pp.196-201.Â
70.       Naoumov V.I., Tikhonov O. A., Modeling of the Process of Simultaneous Fuel and Coating Burn out in Aircraft Engine Combustion Chambers. Journal: “Russian  Aeronautics” (Izvestiya VUZ: Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika) Allerton Press, INC. New York.VOL. 39, No 2, 1996, pp.72-76. Â
71.       Naoumov V.I., Tikhonov O.A. Modeling of the Process of the Joint Burning of Propellant and Cover in Combustion Chambers of Rocket Engines, Journal: “Aviation Technology”, 1996, V2, Kazan, pp.75-79.
72.       Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Demin A.V., Abdullin A.L. Experience of Simulation and Numerical Investigation of High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants, Proceedings of the conference “Current Problems of Simulation and Automated Design in Machine-building”, 1995, Kazan, p.26.
73.       Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Kotov V.Y. Simulation of Dispersed Liquid Component Evaporation in Chemically Active Gas Stream, Journal: “Aviation Technology”, 1994, V1, Kazan, pp.39-42.
74.       Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., and Kotov Yu. Simulation of Dispersed Liquid Component Evaporation in Chemically Active Gas Stream. Journal: “Russian Aeronautics” (Izvestiya VUZ: Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika). Allerton Press, INC. New York. Vol.37, No 1, 1994, pp. 40-43.
75.       Naoumov V.I., Trinos T.V. Problems of Teaching Methodology of Mathematical Modeling for Mechanical Engineers”, Proceedings of the conference “Planning of the Processes of University Education”, 1994, Kazan, pp.32-33.
76.       Naoumov V.I., Tikhonov O.A. Modeling of the Thrust Cut Off for Solid Propellant Rocket Engines in the Condition of Joint Combustion of Propellant and Cover, Proceedings of Annual Scientific Seminar “High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants. Jet Acoustics. Diagnostics”, 1993, Kazan, pp. 26-27.
77.       Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Simulation of High-Temperature Processes. Creation of Mathematical Models and Algorithms, Manual, 1991, Kazan, 52 p.
78.       Naoumov V.I., Valeev R.Z., Mathematical Modeling of Reacting Mixture Flows in Aircraft Engines and Power Plants” Journal: “Soviet Aeronautics” (Izvestiya VUZ. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika), 1991, Vol. 34, No. 2. Pp. 29-31.Â
79.       Naoumov V.I., Valeev R.Z. Mathematical Modeling of the Flow in Reacting Mixture Flows in Aircraft Engines and Power Plants, Journal: “Aviation Technology”, 1991, V2, Kazan.pp.25-29.
80.       Kriukov V.G., Kotov V.Y., Naoumov V.I., Developing of Inter-Reactor Connections in the System of Unsteady Reactors of Ideal Mixing, Journal: “Modeling of the Processes in Engines and Power Generation Systems”, 1990, Kazan, pp. 8-14.
81.       Naoumov V.I., Makarova O.G., Sergievskaia M.L. “Database and Support Subsystems of Computer- Aided System for Modeling High-Temperature Processes in Power Generation Installations”, Journal: “Modeling of Processes in Engines and Power Generation Systems”, 1990, Kazan, pp. 35-41.
82.       Naoumov V.I. Developing of Methods of Fast Mathematical Modeling of High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants, Proceedings of the conference “Simulation in Machine Building”, 1990, Kuybishev, p.43.
83.       Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Computer-Aided system for Modeling High-Temperature Processes. Structure and Software. Journal: “Soviet Aeronautics”. (Izvestia VUZ. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika), Vol. 32, No 1. 1989, Allerton Press INC. New York. pp.111-115.Â
84.       Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. System of Automated Modeling of High-Temperature Processes: Structure and Software, Journal: “Aviation Technology”, 1989, V1, Kazan, pp. 86-90.
85.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1988, 34p.
86.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1988, 36p.Â
87.       Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Simulation of the Processes in Liquid Rocket Propellant Tanks and Fuel Tanks of Propulsion and Power Generation Systems, Manual, 1988, Kazan. 64 p.
88.       Naoumov V.I., Ermolaev V.M., Naydishev I.Y., Minin P.V., Inclined Jet in the Conditions of Presence of Archimedean Forces, Journal: “Thermal Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1988, Kazan, pp.32-35.
89.       Kotov V.Y., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Multi-reactor Mathematical Model of the Processes in Propellant Tanks, Journal: “Thermal Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1988, Kazan, pp.24-31.
90.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1987, 70p.Â
91.       Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., V.Y., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I., Automated Modeling of High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants, Proceedings of the conference “Directions of Creation and Improvement of Automatic Projecting”, 1987, Kazan, pp.94-96.
92.       Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Simulation of High-Temperature Processes in Power Plants, Proceedings of the conference “Problems of Dynamics and Strength in Rocket Technology”, 1987, Chelyabinsk, p.51.
93.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1986, 197p.Â
94.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1986, 79p.
95.       Naoumov V.I., Kriukov V.G., Ermolaev V.M. Audio-Visual Media and Computers in Teaching of Mechanical Engineering Students, Proceedings of the Conference “Progress of Science and Technology and Enhancement of Preparation of Engineers”, 1986, Kazan, p. 66.
96.       Alemasov V.Y., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Mathematical Models and Software Developing for Systems of Automatic Design of Propulsion and Power Generation Systems”, Proceedings of the conference “Systems of Automatic Projecting in Machine-building”, 1986, Kishinev, pp.6-7.
97.       Kuznetsov I.A., Mukhametzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I., Ibragimov R.G. Simulation of Extinguishing of Condensed Systems Combustion in Partially Closed Volume. Journal: “Working Medium and Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1986, Kazan, pp.18-24.
98.       Iskhakova R.L., Naoumov V.I., Naydishev I.Y., Sagitova D.D. Software for the Prediction of Parameters in Liquid Rocket Propellant Tanks. Journal: “Working Medium and Processes in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1986, Kazan, pp.24-28.
99.       Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1985, 30p.
100.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1985, 219p.Â
101.     Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Methodical Aspects of Teaching Classes on Automatic Design of Rocket and Aircraft Engines, Proceedings of the conference “Directions of Improving Practical Preparation of Specialists”, 1985, Kazan, pp.6-7.
102.     Mukhametzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I., Zaleshina T.A. Formation of Liquid Film During the Dump of Volume with Liquid. Journal: “Thermal Processes in Propulsion and Power Generation Systems”, 1985, Kazan, pp.23-30.
103.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1984, 104p.Â
104.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1984, 191p.Â
105.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1984, 35p.Â
106.     Kriukov V.G., Mukhametzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I. Experience of Creating of the System of Automatic Design of Aircraft and Rocket Engines by Faculty, Staff and Students, Proceedings of the conference “Current Problems of Preparing of Specialists in Aviation and Rocket Technology”, 1984, Moscow, p70.
107.     Ermolaev V.M., Naoumov V.I. Simulation and Investigation of Non-Equilibrium Processes in the Systems of Unsteady Reactors of Ideal Mixing, Proceedings of the symposium “Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Gas Dynamics”, 1984, Chernogolovka, pp.120-121.
108.     Naoumov V.I., Dregalin A.F., Naydishev I.Y., Simulation of Gas Dynamic Processes in Liquid Propellant Rocket Tanks, Proceedings of Annual Scientific Seminar, 1984, Saratov, p.94.
109.     Naoumov V.I., Naydishev I.Y., Baturov V.A., Calculation of Parameters of the Plane Jet in the Condition of the Presence of Archimedean Force, Journal: “Thermal Processes in Propulsion and Power Generation Systems”, 1984, Kazan, pp.18-25.
110.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1983, 59p.Â
111.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1983, 39p.Â
112.     Naoumov V.I., The Mathematical Investigation of the Processes in Propellant - Supply Systems, Proceedings of the conference “Problems of Airspace Energetics”, 1983, Kuybishev. 4p.
113.     Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Calculation and Investigation of Vertical Non-Isothermal Jet in Conditions of Presence of Archimedean Force, Journal: “Aviation Technology”, 1983, V1, Kazan, pp.29-33.
114.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1982, 54p.Â
115.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1982, 169p.Â
116.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1982, 46p.Â
117.     Mukhametzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I. Method of Calculation of Liquid Vaporization from the Plane Surface in the Closed Volume. Journal: “Thermal Processes and Properties of Working Medium in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1982, Kazan, pp.73-77.
118.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1981, 54p.Â
119.     Naoumov V.I., Pressurization of the tanks. Patent. 1981.
120.     Kriukov V.G., Mukhametzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I. Simulation of Unsteady Heat and Mass Transfer and Investigation of the Properties of Gas Mixture and Liquid Propellant in Liquid Rocket Tanks, Proceedings of the conference “Advanced Problems of Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1981, Moscow, p.76.
121.     Dregalin A.F., Ermolaev V.M., Naoumov V.I. Method of Calculation of Parameters of Gas Mixture in Stratified Gas Volume”, Proceedings of the conference. in proceedings of the conference “Advanced Problems of Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1981, Moscow, p.66.
122.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1980, 40p.Â
123.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1980, 61p.Â
124.     Alemasov V.Y., Dregalin A.F., Naoumov V.I. Application of the Model of Homogeneous Zone of Combustion for the Simulation of the Processes in Rocket Engines, Proceedings of the conference “Investigations in Liquid Rocket Engines”, 1980, Leningrad.
125.     Naoumov V.I., Calculation of Parameters of Stratified Gas Mixture in the Cylindrical Volume, Journal: “Thermal processes and properties of working medium in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1980, V3, Kazan, pp.56-62.
126.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1979, 84p.Â
127.     Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Naoumov V.I. Method of Calculation of Parameters of Gas Jet in the Field of Mass Forces, Proceedings of the conference “Heat and mass transfer and simulation in power plants”, 1979, Tula, pp. 249-250.
128.     Kriukov V.G., Mukhamedzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I. Simulation of Unsteady  Heat and Mass Transfer and Investigation of Parameters of Gas Mixture in Liquid Propellant Tanks, Proceedings of 6th annual scientific conference “Investigations in Rocket Engines”, 1979, Kazan, p.66.
129.     Dregalin A.F., Kriukov V.G., Mukhamedzianov R.A., Naoumov V.I. Calculation of Parameters of Vertical Non-Isothermal Jet in the Field of Mass Forces, Journal: “Heat and Mass Transfer in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”, 1979, V2, Kazan, pp. 24-29.
130.      Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1978, 25p.Â
131.      Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1978, 47p.Â
132.     Glebov G.A., Dregalin A.F., Naoumov V.I. Calculation of Parameters of Liquid Propellant Tanks Pressurization, Journal “Thermal Processes and Properties of Working Medium in Rocket and Aircraft Engines”. 1978, V2., Kazan, pp. 50-56.
133.     Naoumov V.I., Research contractor report for Russian Space Agency - Rosaviakosmos, 1977, 57p.     Â
134.     Sokolov B.I., Naoumov V.I. Calculation of the Quantity of Liquid Coolant for the Termination of Combustion in Solid Rocket Motor in the Conditions of Frozen Composition of Combustion Products. VIMI, # VM DO 2585, Moscow, 1976, 18 p.
135.     Sokolov B.I., Naoumov V.I. Termination of Combustion of Solid Propellant by the Injection of Liquid Coolant in the Conditions of Frozen Composition of Combustion Products. VIMI, # VM DO1961, Moscow, 1975, 12 p.
Awards and Recognitions
•          Honor Roll: 2021-2022 CCSU Excellence-in-Teaching Award.
•          2021 CCSU School of Engineering, Science and Technology (SEST) Best Research Award.
•          Honor Roll: 2019-2020 CCSU Excellence-in-Teaching Award.
•          2018. In recognition of recent distinguished work was invited President Zulma Toro to the dinner  at President’s house.
•          2018 CCSU SES&T Best Research Award.
•          2017 ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), “The State of Connecticut Engineer of the Year” Award.
•          Recognition of Achievements in the Connecticut Space Grant Program (2013)      Â
•           2012-2013 CCSU Excellence-in-Teaching Award (Semi-Finalist).
•             Recognition of the Achievements in the Connecticut Space Grant Program. Awarded by Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (2008).Â
•             Recognition of Achievements and Contribution, Diesel and SI Combustion Session, SAE 2008 World   Congress (2008).Â
•             Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, Russia (1999).Â
•           Honorary title “Soros Associate Professor” awarded by Jorge Soros Foundation (1995). Â
•             Outstanding Research Award, USSR State Committee for Public Education and Central Committee of Trade Unions of Education and Science (1988).
Funded Research and Development Grants and Projects
65 Grants and research grants/projects (USA, France, Sweden, Russia) during 1976-2024
including 44 internal and external grants during the affiliation with CCSU (2007-2024):
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - Senior Member
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Member
- Member of the Alumni Society of Kazan State Technical University, Russia
- Propulsion SystemsÂ
- Rocket Propulsion
- Aircraft PropulsionÂ
- Combustion
- Thermodynamics
- Chemical KineticsÂ
- Heat Transfer
- Fluid Mechanics
- Aerodynamics
- Thermodynamics of Internal Combustion Engines
- Propellants and Lubricants for Automotive Technique
- Mathematical Methods in Engineering Analysis
- Instrumentation
- Aerospace Systems Design
- Senior Capstone Design Projects
- Introduction to Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringÂ